(A/N)-this is a short story to make up for my writer's block.
Disclaimer- I do not and will never own anything from twilight, except the copies of the book.
Fire and Ice.
Jacob's P.O.V.
I hate him. I absolutely hate him. He is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, no smelled. He's a vampire. I can't stand him. I can't even be in the same room as him without being on the verge of changing.
So why if I hate a guy that much why would I agree to spend a entire day with him? Simple.
She asked me to and I just couldn't say no when she looked at me with that pleading look, her lip trembling, and those eyes so wide they looked as if they were on the verge of crying.
She had me whipped.
And what's worse.
She knew it.
My only comfort was that the bloodsucker had agreed too, so he was just as whipped as I was. Or just plain pathetic. I like the later.
Bella had told me that Edward and I were to meet at the front entrance of forks high school, and after that we can decide what we want to do.
That was how I found myself driving past the boundary line and towards forks high. While I was driving I was contemplating different way's to HURT Edward. Bella said we couldn't kill each other she said nothing about HURTING each other.
I was about to turn the corner and pull into the parking lot of forks high school, when I got a whiff of the most delicious smell. I was tempted to just forget Edward and just go find the source of the smell. But the smell was leading me towards forks high school.
I turned the corner and that's when I saw him. But this time when I saw him it was different.
He was leaning causally against his silver Volvo, his hands in his pockets, his bronze hair was disheveled as if he had been running his fingers through it.
His jeans were snug and his plain black shirt fit him like a glove. His face was fierce, as if he was deep in thought, but in a peaceful way.
It took mere seconds to completely ruin my life.
Because in that moment I realized just why I couldn't for the life of me take my eye's off of Edward.
I had imprinted on Edward.
I had imprinted on my sole enemy. My soul mate was the person I hated most in the world-Edward.
In that moment I also realized I had run into a pole because I wasn't looking at where I was going. Edward was there in a flash. But I didn't care. The car wasn't hurt badly, I could fix it. With that thought I backed up and sped home not looking back at Edward.
The only thought going through my head was, " I can NOT tell Bella".
(A/N)- obviously this is not a one-shot but I will try and update this story as much as my other's. I'm just having writer's block and making these random stories to get my creative juices flowing.
I would really appreciate it if you review!