I'm bored.
Random Generic Disclaimer!
The Pregnant ABC's
By Chibi Shino
A is for the agony that I'm going to be put through for the next 9 months.
B is for bitch. Sakura is a bitch when she's pregnant.
C is for the clan that I'm going to start again.
D is for death that I am going to see early.
E is for the extreme measures I'm going to be put through.
F is for me telling Sakura how she is very fa-OW! WHAT THE HELL, SAKURA?!
G is for the gross cravings (Peanut butter and ramen, WTF?).
H is for hell. Nine Months of HELL.
I is for insanity. I fear I'm going to suffer from it.
J is for juice. I wish I could take a break and have some juice...
K is for KO. I pretend to be this to get away.
L is for the light...that bright, bright light...
M is for mangos, Sakura's weapon of choice.
N is for no more. I WILL HAVE NO MORE BABIES...until next year...
O is for orange. I actually need the orange ninja for help.
P is for knowing this will payoff eventually.
Q is for quack. I didn't know I could make this noise until Sakura nailed in in my manhood.
R is for the minor regret I have of making Sakura pregnant (MINOR).
S is for Sasuke Jr. That will be his name.
T is for my unshed tears as Sakura has another craving.
U is for the unstoppable danger that is Sakura Uchiha (You didn't think I knocked her up when we were dating, did you?)
V is for vicious. Let's hope the baby isn't this god damn vicious.
W is for my will power. I'm living off of my will power.
X is what my eyes look like. X.X
Y is for yes! It's almost over.
Z is for-Zzzzzzzz...
Sorry for the complete and utter suckiness...
R&R please!
-Chibi Shino