Heyy People. Thanks for the great reviews! Keep them coming!! So I hope that you all liked the last chapter...this chapter is very interesting too, Zanessa's babies might make an appearance!! So sit back and enjoy!!


(Stella's POV)

2 weeks and 3 days since Christopher was born, although I loved him immensely I really needed a break. Balancing school and motherhood was a lot harder then I thought it would be. It was only 7:00 AM and everyone in the house was asleep with the exception of Little Chris and I. Not knowing exactly what to do I decided to take him for a nice walk on this sunny August 3rd day. Going on walks with him was one of my favorite times of the day, if the paparazzi left us alone, today was no different.

As soon as we walked out the door and onto the sidewalk people began taking photos of us. They could barely see Chris under his stroller canopy but that did not stop them. After about 5 minutes of torture I decided to head back inside.

(Vanessa's POV)

I heard the door to our house open and I felt as though that was extremely odd, today was Sunday and Zac had off and to my knowledge everyone was in bed. I lifted the covers off of my expanding stomach and cautiously walked down the hallway to our entrance. I rounded the corner only to find my little sister and nephew coming in from an early, early morning walk.

"Hey You scarred me." I said.

Stella looked at me, "Scarred you, come on V, you're 23."

My hormones began to kick in, "Well excuse me little Missie, but I don't normally hear people coming into my house this early in the morning on a Sunday."

Stella pushed her way past me, "Ok, fine. Sorry then."

"That's better." I told her.

As Stella left the room Kayleigh came into sight with her Teddy-Bear in her hand, "Morning Mommy."

I looked in awe at my baby girl, who was soon to be a big sister, "Morning sweet girl, how did you sleep?"

"Good." Then she came over and reached up high to touch my stomach, "Mommy, when babies comin?"

I ruffled her hair and said ,"Very soon Kayleigh. When they come are you going to help Mommy and Daddy just like you help Aunt Stella with Christopher?"

Kay nodded and then asked, "But Mommy, when the babies come are you going to luv them more then me?"

"Of course not cupcake." Zac said as he came up from behind Kayleigh and lifted her up, "Baby, we are going to love you all the same, and you know what?"

"What?" Kayleigh asked.

"No matter how many kids me and mommy have, you will always hold a special place in my heart because you were my first little girl." Kayleigh giggled and then kissed Zac on the cheek.

Changing the subject Zac said, "Who wants some breakfast?"

Kay screamed Yes, but I really was not in the mood for breakfast. I don't know what it was I was not feeling so good.

"No breakfast for you V? Come on hun, you know you have to eat, if your hungry or not."

"I don't feel so good Zac, I wouldn't be able to eat anything."

Zac thought about it for a second, "Your not...No..it's way too early."

I whispered, "I don't know babe, I'm already 8 months."

Just then it happened, my water broke. Shit I thought to myself, as Zac raced around getting everything I needed for the hospital. 5 minutes later he came back to me and said, "Are you ready Ness?" I nodded and we drove to the hospital followed by My day, Stella, Kayleigh and Chris.

(Zac's POV)

Oh My God, I am not ready for this. If I'm not ready then V must not be ready. I looked over at her sitting in the passenger seat as I sped down the highway to the hospital. I had made this trip far too many time in the last 3 months. When we got there I went in and got a wheelchair because by this time V was in a fair amount of pain with her contractions beginning.

We wheeled her up to the 4th floor once again. Within a half hour she was all situated and hooked up to her IV, and all the other stuff they put on her. She also had 3 devices on her stomach to monitor each of the babies heartbeats, all of them seemed to be doing well. The doctors estimate that together they all weigh around 16 pounds, which is great for triplets.

Vanessa insisted on seeing Kayleigh before the triplets where born so I took Kay into see her.

Kayleigh ran across then floor to Vanessa's bed and placed her head on V's arm. Although it probably hurt V top have Kayleigh lying on IV needle, Vanessa didn't say anything.

"Hi sweetie." Nessa said.

"Mommy are the babies coming?"

Vanessa took a deep breath as she made her way through another contraction, "Yeah sweets, the babies are coming. Do you want sisters or brothers?"

Kay though about it, "Swisters, cause I can play dress up with them and go shopping!!" Just what I needed 3 more girls to inherit the Hudgens shopping gene. I honestly don't care what the sexes are but I am hoping for a boy someplace in there to carry on the Efron name.

After talking for a little bit Kayleigh said Good-Bye to Vanessa because V and I had to prepare for the birth. Most triplets are not born naturally because of certain complications but given by what the doctor said, we should be set for a Natural Birth, No C-Section. I prayed that Vanessa and the babies would be alright.

The time finally came for the birth of our triplets, by this time it was already 8:30 at night. The doctor came in accompanied by several nurses in case anything went wrong.

So then V began pushing.

"Push 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..." The Doctor would say followed by, "Very good Vanessa." This pattern went on for an hour before the first baby made it's entrance into the world.

"Congratulations, it's a Little Boy!!" The doctor said as I cut the umbilical Cord.

30 minutes later. "Congratulations, it's a little Girl!!" The doctor said as I once again cut the cord.

We had to wait another 45 minutes before the last baby made his or her apperance, "Congrats, it's a little Girl!!" I was overjoyed. I had three more kids, and there on the hospital bed covered in sweat sat my beautiful fiance, the mother of my children.

After everything calmed down V and I had time to talk about what we where going to name our kids and this is what we came up with:

Baby Number 1, a Little Boy-

Connor Lucas

Baby Number 2, a Little Girl-

Madison McKenzzie

Baby Numebr 3, a Little Girl-

Chloe Amber

I was overwhelmed when they brought our kids into see us for the first time. As I held each one of them I was taken back by their beautiful features.

Connor looked like me a lot when I was a baby. He had bright blue eyes, barely any hair and what he had was a sandy blonde. But he had Vanessa's nose.

I could already tell that Madison was going to be a Mommy's Girl. Each time I tried to hold her she would scream. She looked like a good mix of both V and I. With jet black hair and bright blue eyes.

Chloe is my little angel, my baby. She looks like a clone of Vanessa. Black hair, brown eyes and a stunning face.

I had the family I had always dreamed of...and it was finally complete.


That story was so much fun to write and you guys have been awesome!! I will be sure to post the Trailer to the Story that follows up on this one...about 3 years in the Future. Let me know if you would like me to do that or if I should just start a new story all together. Thanks a lot for all the reviews! Review and let me know if you want a story to follow up...I will post the trailer today.