A/N This is my first fanficiton. Me and my friends were talking about twilight in geography the other day, and my friend Danielle brought up High School Musical. Like usual. But what came out of her mouth was acutally a brilliant idea.
"Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Cullens played baseball against the HSM people? It would be like, Cullens versus the Wildcats." Then we all started laughing and got really excited. What if we did write it? So today, Danielle decided she's going to write it. Except she can't write. So, since I sit beside her, she enlisted my help. She would provide me with the HSM info (I loath HSM so I know very little about it) and I would convert it into a beautiful, hilarious story. So that's what I did. And here it is. Enjoy!

Dedicated to Danielle, Jade, Cassandra and Deanna.

Chapter One : The New Kids

They had never known a hell such as this. And they were eternally damned.

The Cullen siblings stood in the front foyer of their new school, East High. What appeared to be the entire student body and faculty had just finished welcoming them. Through song and dance.

The five of them stood flabbergasted. After striking a final pose, the school got up and went about their business as if nothing had happened.

"Please tell me that I hallucinated what just happened." Emmett said. His siblings turned to him and shook their heads. He squeezed his eyes shut, in a futile attempt to erase the past few minutes from his memory. Rosalie grabbed his hand and pulled him into the school. Alice, Jasper and Edward followed. Alice couldn't believe she hadn't seen this. Though, it wasn't so surprising. She wasn't looking into the future for any spontaneous song and dance. At least, not before now. The siblings were about to go their separate ways when Alice stopped and the rest turned to watch her. When her vision was over, she smirked.

"Have fun in English Edward." She said menacingly. He groaned.

At lunch, Edward was the last to approach the solitary cafeteria table his siblings chose.

"Whoa, Edward you look like you've been forced to eat your own foot!" Emmett exclaimed. Rosalie stared at him for his choice of words. Edward sat down.

" I wish." He said. Emmett chuckled and Rosalie smirked. Alice and Jasper were off in their own little world. "This is honestly the worst place I've ever been." Edward said.
Just then, the cafeteria doors were flung open and group of people, led by a bronzed boy with a manically happy expression on his face, came dancing in. Edward threw his head into his hands and his siblings looked on, disgusted. They wanted to look away, but it was like a horrible, horrible traffic accident. You just couldn't look away.

The entire cafeteria, save the Cullens, got up and joined in with the musical massacre on their ears and eyes. To the Cullens horror, the bronzed boy started moving the group to their table. He started to indicate, through interpretive dance, that the Cullens were supposed to join them. The Cullens glared. A few dancers got scared and lost step but they bronzed boy kept going, getting visibly frustrated. Eventually, he gave up and ended the song. The rest of the students went back to their seats, but he stayed.

"So, you're the new kids. Welcome to East High. I'm Troy." He said, flashing a blindingly bleached smile. Rosalie looked disgusted and squinted, feigning blindness. When no one answered him, he looked a little flustered.

"So, you don't like to dance?" he asked. Rosalie snorted.

"Well spotted." She snarled sarcastically. His eyes widened and he looked genuinely frightened. He quickly regained his cool.

"Well, that's how we roll at East High. If you guys got a little stage fright, me and my sports posse can help you out." He said. His cheeriness made Edward want to gag. Emmett did gag.

"We won't be doing any dancing or singing." Rosalie said.

"I suggest you leave." Edward growled. Troy narrowed his eyes slightly and stalked away.

"This isn't over." Alice said, not to Troy, but to her siblings. Their expressions got darker, making them look more intimidating than usual.

"I hate it here!" Rosalie steamed. "Three people asked me out!" Emmett growled. "That's not the worst part; one of them SANG it to me, and the other two danced up to me, rather ungraciously might I add." She fumed. Emmett had a mixed expression of amusement and anger on his face. Edward chuckled darkly. Alice stopped walking and got a far out look on her face that was all too familiar. She groaned and put her face in her hands.

"Brace yourselves." She mumbled. She turned and her siblings followed her example. Troy was walking towards them with a group of flamboyantly dressed boys a step behind him. They weren't so much dancing as they were strutting. The Cullens were terrified they would break into a dance number. Again.

"Hey! New kids!" Troy called. The male Cullens crossed their arms, Alice put her hands on her hips and Rosalie balled her fists up in rage. "What's your deal? " he asked. "Was Hate Mart giving away free samples or what?" Edward's jaw dropped at that one. How could one person be so cheesy? "You guys think you're too good for us?" he glared at the Cullens in what was supposed to be an intimidating fashion. Emmett was struggling to hold back laughter. His amusement was getting Jasper amused which got the rest of them biting their cheeks in an attempt to stay serious.

" We don't think anything. Well, actually, we do think you're ridiculous" Rosalie said. Troy narrowed his eyes and the boys standing behind him gasped. One of them, a blonde boy with a pink sweater vest and a sequined hat to match , said, "Oh no she didn't!"

That was the last straw. Emmett let out a boom of laughter and that was all it took to have them rolling on the ground, laughing hysterically. Troy rolled his eyes and waited for them to compose themselves so he could get to the point. When several minutes had passed and they were still on the ground he had enough.

"Just watch your backs." He said, before him and his friends stalked off. His comment only made them laugh harder.

A while later, when they had held back their laughter enough to get up and drive away, Alice had another vision. She giggled when it was over.

"Oh boy, I can't wait for school." She said. She had a wicked smile on. The rest of the family was worried.

"Alice stop blocking your though." Edward said. She shook her head.

"It will be so much better if it's a surprise." She said. Edward growled. She smiled wider.

"Well, if Alice is excited, it can't be that bad. Can it?" Emmett said. The silence that met him was all the answer he needed.

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