Chapter One

Deep in the forest where the sound ninja's called home stood, Orochimaru's laugh could be heard. The long black haired man with snake eyes stood in his chamber patiently waiting. Kabuto, a medical ninja, also Orochimaru's doctor stood beside him.

"Who is this person we are waiting for Lord Orochimaru?" Asked Kabuto.

"It's simple Kabuto; someone that I hope will be the perfect ally to my cause. Someone Tsunade made just for me nineteen years ago today." He replied calmly with an evil grin.

The chamber doors opened and revealed a nineteen year old girl with long black hair, blue eyes, and a calm look on her face as she came in. she stood about five feet six inches wearing a short sleeveless dress with net like shorts down to her knees and with a pouch around her waist and a headband around her forehead. She stopped a few feet from Orochimaru as many ninja's eyed her. "Worthless ninja's." She thought.

"Welcome back Yuko." He greeted with a fake smile. "How is your older brother?"

She looked at him calmly without speaking. Her expression was calm as she had her arms crossed as if waiting for something to happen.

"How dare you not answer lord Orochimaru's question!" Shouted Kabuto.

She gave Kabuto a deep glare filled with anger and hate. She walked towards him but was stopped as Orochimaru stood up from his throne. She looked at him and backed up. (A/N: Yuko is somewhat scared of Orochimaru but wants to kill Kabuto. Makes you wonder whose side she's on.)

"Yuko, same coldness to me? To your own father?" Said Orochimaru calmly.

She brushed her hair back with her hand. "It's nice to see you again father of mine. I hope all things are well since Yinjo isn't doing much now."

Kabuto grew tense. "Father?"

"This is Yuko, she is Tsunade's daughter and mine as well. I drugged Tsunade and she bared me this child nineteen years ago." He replied. "I had someone bare me another child as well. Two women, two children, all born the same day but two minutes apart. Yuko is the younger of the two; she carries much power inside her well figured body."

She looked at Kabuto with a deep glare. "Kabuto, medical ninja of Konoha, ANBU of the village as well but spying for Orochimaru. You know the body well and you cared for Kimimaro for a time before his death."

"How do you know so much?" Kabuto was now mad, how could a nineteen year old know so much just by looking at him like that? He wanted to know.

She smiled calmly. "I can see it in your face." Her calm look made Kabuto worry and feel uneasy. She looked at Orochimaru and pulled out a kunai knife. "Today is the day I flee."

"Flee?" Orochimaru walked over to her quickly and grabbed her hands and held them behind her back. "Where to Yuko?"

She tried to get free. "Unhand me at once, let go of me." She kicked back and caused the evil monster to move back. She gazed at him for a moment and realized the most obvious. "You're not him, who are you!"

He pulled his mast off and revealed a man with blue hair. "You're brother."

She backed up with fear and pain in her eyes. The man who stood in front of her was the single most horrid person she has ever seen and met. She hated this person with all her body. She moved her hand back and tried to find her weapon.

He pulled out a scythe. "Looking for this Yuko?"

Her eyes grew wide. "My weapon . . ."

He charged at her. "Take this."

Yuko sat up quickly and found herself in her room. She had had a dream and didn't realize it. Now she was panting for the frightening experience. "I thought I was done for." Yuko was always a free spirited person, she spoke her mind and she loved to do as she felt. But what no one knows was that she was madly in love with the enemy. Yuko looked around her room calmly as she was panting from the dream. "I was having a nightmare of the past . . ." She got out of the bed and walked over to the window. She was limping a bit but it didn't seem to bother her. "Why does that memory haunt me so much? What did they have in stored for me?"

The door began to knock and Kabuto came inside. "Morning Yuko."

She glared at him. "What? No breakfast for Sasuke Uchiha?" with a small smile she turned back to the window and watched the sky. "He's gone right? He left to the village to be with that boy . . . Uzumaki Naruto."

"How do you know such things?" He asked. "You've been spying on him."

"I wasn't going to bare his children like the two of you wanted, I refuse to let my father have children born from force." Yuko like always never likes Sasuke in that way. She likes him only as a friend; after all, her true love was someone close to him. She walked to the closet and changed into a long open dress with shorts down to her knees. She wore a strapless black shirt under the dress so that nothing could show. She closed the dress down to her stomach and walked passed Kabuto. "Spy on me again Kabuto and I'll kill you myself." Her calm words sent a chill down his spine. She made her way outside and to a lake miles from the sound temple. She sat by the shore and watched the sky.

Mean while, miles away, someone was making their way to see Yuko for something important.

"Such a wonderful day . . ." Orochimaru walked to Yuko and put a hand on her head. "Why doesn't it surprise me that you're here?"

Her body grew tense with his touch. "Lord Orochimaru."

"That's right, you still fear me . . . after all, I did break your arm and leg a few months ago for doing that small attack."

Yuko, being as scared as she was, was never going to tell Orochimaru that she wanted to leave and be free. She wanted to live on her own with her love, with the man she loves so much. "I already begged for forgiveness."

"I have a mission for you; bring back the orb from the village ahead before dawn tomorrow. Do that and I might give you more freedom." He lied.

Without a choice, she stood up and walked towards the direction of the village.

She had tears ramming down her eyes as she did as she was told. "I will be free; one day . . . I'll die before giving in to Orochimaru and his stupidity." She cleaned her tears and ran to the village but suddenly found herself against someone tall with dark hair and red eyes, sharingan eyes.

"Where to in a rush?" The man looked down to her with a small almost visible smile.

She stared at him for a moment as if she were dreaming. Her eyes were shining brightly as she looked at him. "Itachi Uchiha."

"Just Itachi? What happened to the smiles and laughter?" He asked calmly.

She began to cry slowly, with a quick turn, she blocked him from seeing her in that state. Her eyes were already red with the excessive crying she has done before, so now she could care less. "Itachi, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed to see each other in a few days when Orochimaru would move."

Without a single word, he turned her around and cleaned her tear with his hand. He saw a slap mark on her face and a bruise on her neck. "To let a worthless monster like Orochimaru to hurt something that is mine and mine alone. I should have his head right here and now."

Her smile came for no where. It was bright and filled with happiness and joy from him. Her eyes met his as she spoke. "Itachi Uchiha should be less tempted from someone like my father."

Just with her voice, it made him go crazy little by little. In his sight stood his woman, the woman he had no yet made love to or even touched except when kissing her soft lips that seem to remind him of marshmallows. He was indeed in love with the daughter of his enemy and he wanted to set her free. But how? Was it even possible?


I hope you like it, i have a long way to go but i know it will be good. This is in fact a sasunaru fic but also a itayuko fic.