Diclaimer: I own nothing...
Summary: Gabriella and Troy have been best friends for a while. Will they admit their feelings for eachother even though Troy has a Girlfriend? (Not a one-shot)
16 year old Gabriella sighed as she walked down the hallways of East High. she was a sophmore. She had been there for 6 months at East High so far and she loved it. She had caring friends who loved her to death one of them were Sharpay Evans. Sharpay was like another mother to Gabriella..she loved her to death also. They would go shopping and do everything normal girls would do. Not like Gabriella was normal or anything but they would just have fun. But the most important person that Gabriella really cared about was Troy. Yep. The Troy Bolton. Her and Troy have been best friends for a while now and she loved him dearly. Not just some friend love kind of thing but love.
"Hey Gabs." a female voice said as she walked up to her.
"Hey Shar." she said
"Hows life been treating you.?" she asked as the two girls walked down to their first class they had with Ms.Darbus.
"Life...its been okay. My mom just left me a note saying shes not gonna be back til Tuesday so im staying at Troy's." It was true Lucille Bolton loved Gabriella to death. Gabriella was like a second daughter. She would spend the weekends when her mom would have to go to business trips and Troy and her would have fun.
"Oh..." Sharpay's voice trailed off as they entered homeroom.
"Well..nice of you two to join us ladies did you forget to put on make-up?." Gabriella heard a smirk and assumed it was Troy. She stuck her tounge out at him and turned her focus back to Ms. Darbus.
"Sorry." she said as she walked to the back of the classroom and sat down. Ms. Darbus continued to lecture but Gabriella couldnt seem to focus. She couldnt, she was to busy watching Troy and Annabelle. Yes Annabelle is Troy's girlfriend. Shes the Golden Crown queen at East High besides Sharpay.
"Now I want--" the bell shot off before Ms. Darbus could finish her sentence. Gabriella was about to go out the door when she felt something slip into her hand. She looked down to see a note that was folded neatly. She opened it and read:
Dear Brie,
Meet me in our secret place at lunch i wanna talk to you about something.
Gabriella smiled at the note. She put it in her back pocket and walked to her Science Class.
The day came by quickly. Gabriella had almost gotten in trouble twice for not paiyng attention. She quickly stuffed her stuff in her locker and met Troy in their secret place no one knew about.
"Finally." a voice said as she climbed up the stairs to see a Troy smiling at her.
"Well...well..well...what do we have here" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat next to him.
"I have to tell you something Gabs." Gabriella could see something that was wrong but she couldnt tell cause Troy looked happy.
"Are you ok? is everyhting ok?." she asked poundering questions at him.
" Everythings fine. he said as he held her hand. " Chloe is coming back for summer break." he said as he saw Gabriella's eyes widenend
"Ohmygwash! My Chole-bear." Chloe was Troy's sister and she was like an older sister to Gabriella. They had fun as if they were related. "Thanks for telling me Troy" she said as she hugged him.
"Soo..are you still coming over.?" he asked as they walked back down to their Lunch period.
"Of course. Wait..unless your trying to kick me out cause--"
"Brie, why on earth would i try and kick you out.?" he asked as he put an arm around her shoulders.
"I dont know." she said as they walked into the Lunch room. Everyone thought that Troy and Gabriella were the most cutest couple they had ever seen. But neither of them wouldnt believe it. They were friends. Just Friends.
"Troysie!" a female voice said as she walked up to Troy.
"Hey Annabelle whats up.?" he asked turing to her leaving his position from Gabriella.
" Nothing. I missed my Boyfriend. she said as she pulled Troy into a kiss. Gabriella hated seeing them kiss. To her Annabelle was trying to make her jealous. The kiss turned out into a heated make-out session. Annabelle had pulled Troy away cause she wanted more privacy.
"So Gabs when are you gonan tell him.? asked Zeke. Zeke was very smart when it came to love.
"What are you talking about.?" she asked fidgting with her pudding.
'Gabs im not stupid. we all know you like Troy c'mon just admit it already." he said opening the pudding for her as she smiled.
"You must be really stupid if you think that. Me and Troy are just friends I mean what can happen between us.?" she said.
"Alot." Sharpay said touching her friends hand."Tell him."
" You guys are crazy. i cant cause he's with Annabelle.
"We'll help you if you say you really love him." challenged Chad. Chad was like a borther to Gabriella and he wouldnt take No for and answer.
"What are you guys gonna do.?" she asked before she repsoneded to Chads answer.
"Stuff" replied Jason.
"You know ill let you know later. But now i gotta go to the bathroom." Gabriella got up from her seat and walked to the bathroom.
Gabriella's POV
Everyone keeps saying that I love Troy which is very true. But, but what if he doesnt like me back? I'm just a friend Gabs get a hold of yourself. But I love Troy with all my heart. I remember the first day we acually talked.
Gabriella was swinging on one of the swings in the park. She loved going to the park to think since the first day of school was hell for her. She bumped in 6 people and knocked down her own Tray. There was a Blondie who helped her through all of it when she had caused all those accidents. Her name was Sharpay. She had dirty blond hair hazel eyes close to brown and a pretty face. That day was a tiny better for her when Sharpay asked to ahng out but she said she couldnt cause her mom had a suprise for her. Gabriella was in deep thought when she saw a shadow stand over her.
"Umm..can i help you.?" Gabriella said looking up to see a Sandy haired, blue eyed boy looking at her.
"Troy." he introduced as she shook his hand.
"Gabriella." she said as she happily took his hand.
"Soo i see you had a quite day at school today." he said with a laugh.
"Yeah, im more like a clutz. But im always like that so dont be suprised when i drop something on you." she said looking into his deep ocean eyes.
"Dont worry ill help you out." he said with a warm smile.
End of Flashback
From that day on Her and Troy were inseprable. Gabriella turned the corner she wished she wouldnt have seen. Annabelle was pushed against the locker and Troy had his hand on her waist. Annabelle's hand were somewhere that made Gabriella want to throw up. (A.N O.O sorry just wanted to put that in there lol and it wasnt in his pants tho.) Troy peeked open his eyes cause he felt someone watching them. He saw Gabriella run away and he felt really bad.
The day ended pretty quick. Gabriella was home ready to go to Troy's. She was packing her last belongings because it was Spring Break and she was staying at Troy's for 2 weeks."Ugh! Blondie come here girl."Gabriella called as the small white poodle came running to her. If Gabriella was lonely she would have Blondie. She was her best friend. "Did you make an accident on my floor.?" she asked starring the dog in the eye. "Rough!" barked Blondie. Gabriella put her down and continued packing when her cell rang.
"Gabs sweetie its Lucille. Are you coming?"
"Oh hey. Yeah im coming. Do you mind if I bring Blondie.?" Gabriella asked looking at her dog.
"Sure thing honey. I have the door unlocked for you when you get there okay?" she said sweetly.
"Yes. thanks." Gabriella walked out of her house making sure the door was locked. She put Blondie on a leash and started walking to the Boltons. She was nervous. She thought Troy saw her when him and annabelle were making out. Well at least he did see her when he as having the heated make-out session with Annabelle.
Troy's POV
Gabi saw me and Annabelle today. I didnt want her to see that. I love her. Woah! Troy get a hold of yourself shes Gabriella your best friend. But I do love her. I never loved AnnaBelle I loved Gabriella only. Shes my true love.
Troy was pulled from his thoughts by teh yelling of his mother calling his name. "Troy Gabriella's here!"
3 minutes earlier...
"Aw, look who it is. If it isnt Ms Gabriella waiting to see her boyfriend." Kyle said as he let Gabriella in.
"Shut up Dufus!" Gabriella said hitting his arm. Hyle was like an brother to Gabriella. He was a Junior and Gabriella was a Sohpmore.
"That hurt Bella." he said as he rubbed the sopt Gabreilla hit.
"Thats good for you." she turning the other way.
"You know you love him."
"No i dont."
"Yes you do."
No i dont"
"Okay okay okay" Gabreilla said dropping the subject.
"Hey Gabs." a sad voice said as she turned around.
"Hey Troy." she said as she turned to see him on the stair case with his head down.
Ohh...whats gonna happen?? evil laugh if i get 10 reviews i will update the next one. Luv ya Guys.
A/N: Guys sorry if this sucked its my first one!! i did it in a day so please dont leave some nasty comments i worked hard. thanks to Missefron15. Shes like a sister to me. Luv you!