Author's Note: On March 26, 2009, two days from now, it will be the one-year aniversary of when I first posted this story here on FF. For this annaversary I've read through the story and edited it, taking out typos, wrong tense, and fixing the really lame begining I had. It's now much more exciting and funny.
I got this idea when someone posted the fact that Danny was originally going to be Timmy's cousin. It takes place Pre-Phantom Planet and Pre-Fairly OddBaby, because it just has to for it to work. Danny Phantom and Fairly Odd Parents are both awesome shows created by Butch Hartman.
So, here for readers old and new, I give you A Fairy/Phantom Crossover
Meet the Obscure Relatives
I got this idea when someone posted the fact that Danny was originally going to be Timmy's cousin. It takes place Pre-Phantom Planet and Pre-Fairly OddBaby, because it just has to for it to work.
It was a normal day at the Fenton household. Meaning Danny Phantom was chasing ghosts through the house while Jack and Maddie had no idea what was going on again.
Danny threw a few blasts at the blob of a ghost that had woken him early on the first day of Spring Break.
"Come on!" Danny yelled at it, "Couldn't you have come after ten-thirty, when I'm already awake?"
The ghost just flew into the basement and looked around at the devices strewn all over the lab. When it saw a container marked: "Unstable Ectoplasmic Powder (Caution: Explosive)" it shrieked and dived right into it.
"No, don't!" Danny yelled at the blob, but it was too late.
Meanwhile, Jack and Maddie were coming down to fix breakfast for their kids.
"I don't think we should have breakfast burritos. Danny's stomach has been acting up lately, he keeps on having to run to use the bathroom at the oddest times." Maddie said to her husband.
"Nonsense!" Jack replied. "Danny, a Fenton, he's got a digestive tract of steel!"
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, there was a loud Boom and the floor of the ground level caved into the basement. The Fenton parents looked down into the hole and saw their son peek out from beneath a table in the basement.
"Then again," Jack thought out loud, "It may be a good idea to keep him off the spicy foods.
In Dimsdale, Timmy came down to the table for breakfast while his Dad was opening a letter.
"Hey!" Mr. Turner suddenly exclaimed, "It's a letter form my cousin Jack! I haven't heard from him since our wedding day" With that he leaned over and winked at Mrs. Turner. "They're basement exploded and they need a place to stay for spring break! I know, they can stay in the living room! And their daughter can stay in the guest room, and their son can stay with you Timmy!"
"What!?" Timmy did a spit-take with his cereal, "But you can't... I have stuff... But, That's where i do..."
"We have to spend spring break with OBSCURE RELATIVES!?!?" Jazz yelled back in Amity Park
"Now, now kids." Maddie lightly scolded her children "It's good to get to know your family. Jazz you can stay in the guest room." Jazz seemed a bit happier with this comment. "And Danny, they have a ten-year-old son you can stay with."
"What!?" Danny exclaimed, "But you can't... I have stuff... But, I HAVE TO STAY WITH A TEN YEAR OLD!?"
In Dimsdale, Timmy stormed up to his room.
"What's the matter Timmy?" Wanda asked her godson.
"Dad's cousin is coming to spend spring break and I have to share my room with a second cousin!" Timmy groaned. "Are there any other relatives I should know about!?!?"
"I have an Aunt who's allergic to peanut butter!" Cozmo supplied. This only got him weird looks for Timmy and Wanda.
"You have to share your room with your cousin?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, and that means you guys both have to be really careful while they're here." Timmy said, "VERY VERY CAREFUL!" He added to Cozmo, who was waving at birds from the window in much the same way he did in "The secret Origin of Denzil Corcker"
Back in Amity Park, Danny was talking to Tucker and Sam.
"This stinks." Danny complained, "We're going to spend the whole spring break with relatives we don't even know."
"Maybe you should have thought of that BEFORE you blew up your basement." Tucker said after swallowing a bite of his Nasty Burgur.
"Tucker, you're not helping." Sam reprimanded him. She turned to her other friend. "Danny, you're going to have to be careful ... about your 'secret'."
"I don't think I'll have to worry about it." Danny said, "It's somewhere on the west coast, where I'm not nearly as well known.
"All we have to worry about is nothing happening here while you're gone." Tucker said.
The next day, the Fenton Family Assault Vehicle rolled up in front of Timmy's house. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Timmy were out on the front yard to meet them. Cozmo and Wanda were squires up in a tree.
"Jack!" Mr. Turner called to his cousin, "Great to see you! It's been years!"
"Thanks for letting us spend the week." Maddie thanked Mrs. Turner, "We'd stay in the RV, But it gets crowded with all of us."
"Not to mention smelly." Danny murmured to Jazz
"I told you we needed that extension!" Jack exclaimed.
"It's no trouble at all." Mrs. Turner replied, "I'm just glad we'll have some adult friends over for a while. Let's all go inside and get acquainted."
As everyone walked inside, Danny and Timmy reached the door at the same time and crashed into each other.
"Owch!" They exclaimed at the same time, "Watch where you're going!" They noticed they said it at the same time. "Hey!"
"Oh, I hope Timmy and his cousin get along alright." Wanda said, "Otherwise it's going to be a long spring break."
"Really? Why is it longer?" Cozmo asked, "Did the school catch fire?"
Inside, everyone was getting introduced to each other.
"So, this must be Timmy." Jack said, leaning over and ruffling Timmy's hair. "Nice to meet you! These are my kids, Jazz and Danny." He said, pointing to each. Danny just stood there, Jazz gave him a small smile.
"Uh, hi... Dad can I go upstairs?" Timmy asked awkwardly.
"No-oh son!" Mr. Turner exclaimed, "We're going to have some awkward family time together." He pulled out a large crate with lawn clippers and blender attachments sticking out of it. "Jack, look what I made you! It's a ghost catching machine!"
"Great! Let's go test it right now!" Jack exclaimed.
"Good idea," Maddie agreed, "I doubt this town's had a good ghost hunt in years!"
"And while we're out, we can show you the sights and show off to the Dinkleburgs!" Mrs. Turner added.
Mr. Turner walked out the door to leave and ran straight into Vicky.
"Hi Mr. Turner!" Vicky said in her falsely sweet voice, "Do you need someone to watch the little bundle of joy while you go out with your distant relations?"
"Vicky!" Mr. Turner exclaimed, "What great timing, It's almost like you've bugged the house!"
Vicky laughed nervously, thinking of the many TV monitors and tape recorders back at her house that had picked up the need for a babysitter.
"Hey, no need to spend extra money on a babysitter," Jack said, "I'm sure Jazz will watch him."
"I Will!?" Jazz exclaimed, "Well, it beats ghost chasing." She said after thinking of the alternative.
Vicky, infuriated by losing her job, stormed off as the Turners and the Fentons left in the Turner's car.
"Yea!" Timmy cheered, "I'm not getting babysat by Vicky!"
"Ok, I'm going to set up my bed. Timmy, why don't you show Danny your room." Jazz suggested.
In Timmy's room, the door slammed open.
"Here's my room, sleep anywhere but on my bed." Timmy said quickly, "I have to go… clean my goldfish bowl."
Timmy grabbed the fishbowl so quickly that Cozmo and Wanda let out a small cry that Danny heard. He blinked twice, wondering what had made the sound. He put his pinky in his ear and felt around. After cleaning his ear, he unpacked his suitcase. At the bottom, he found the Fenton Thermos.
"That's weird," Danny thought out loud, "I thought I left this at home. I'll have to keep it somewhere safe."
So he put it under Timmy's bed.