Chapter 2

Lost in a Nightmare

Moze gathered her luggage and shoved it onto the rack above her seat. Her row was completely empty. Which in her eyes was a good thing, this meant she had all the more room to stretch out. She plopped down into the window seat, and glanced out the window taking one last look at the ground surrounding the plane. This would be the last time she would see that ground in a very long time. She couldn't bear any more sadness. She already missed Ned so much and it had only been a couple of minutes since their departure. She closed her eyes and leaned back into her seat trying to take her mind off of the things she would miss the most.

"Heya Moze!" Came a trill from a familiar voice.

"Ahhh!!" Moze screeched. A shush came from a near by flight attendant. "Cookie, what are you doing here?!"

"I'm your Voice of Reason!" Cookie told her happily.

"I think you finally lost it." Moze looked around. No one seemed to notice Cookie was here but her. "How did you get on the plane?"

"That's irrelevant." Cookie stated. Moze gave him a weird look.

"It's bad enough I had to just say goodbye to Ned, but now you're here to make me cry too?" Moze whined. She whipped at her eye.

"Great! You brought Ned up! Now I don't have too." Cookie said.


"Do you Love Ned?"

"Well, I think I do." Moze said. "Yes, I do."

"Then why are you here?"

"I have to go to the best architecture college, which is in New York."

"Why don't you stay here if you love Ned?"

"I want to, but an education is important to me."

Cookie nodded, but didn't say anything in response.

"Is this twenty questions or something because you sure have been asking me a lot of questions." She said annoyed.

"Well I want to make sure you are happy with your decision!" He told her matter-of-factly.

"But I'm not happy so what is this going to prove?" She asked exasperated.

"You may not of realized it but by saying that you have proved something."

Moze just looked at him crazily. "What are you talking about?"

"Its simple." He stated. "Who's the one person you miss insanely at this very moment, and don't even dare say your parents."

Moze took this into consideration but only one person came to mind. "Ned," she said simply.

"Ahhaha! Don't you realize that the only one who can fulfill your Ned need is Ned?!"

Moze's heart ached at the sound of his name. Cookie was right or should she say 'her voice of reason' was right.

"Darlin' get off this plane and go to him!"

Moze smiled and got up. "Miss, I need to get off of this plane!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you off."

"You don't understand." Moze yelled. The lady looked taken aback. "I NEED to get off of this plane!" Moze stomped her foot.

"I'm sorry, Jennifer, but you can't get off this flight. It's too late."

"How do you know my name?" Moze questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I know your name? We are on this flight together…" The woman said creepily. Moze nodded and slowly sat back down again.

"That was weird." Moze said to Cookie. "Did you hear that woman?"

"I know! She wouldn't let you off of the plane!!" Cookie said in disgust.

Moze looked out the window. "We are kinda high up."

"There are still ways to get you back down to your Neddy-poo"

"Do I wanna know?" She asked.

"Sure ya do! There's always other options. You could skydive your way off the plane."

"Skydive? Are you insane! I don't even have a parachute!" She responded confused beyond belief.

"Parachute schmarachute! Just land on your feet, cats do it all the time."

"I think I'll pass," Moze said panic streaking her normally pleasant features.

She finally just couldn't take it any more. "LET ME OFF THIS PLANE!!" She screamed. Pounding her fists up and down. "PLEASE! LET ME OFF THIS PLANE!!"

"Ow ow, Moze stop!" Came Ned's voice from out of no where. Moze looked around.

"Ned? Ned! Where are you?" Moze called out to him.

"What are you talking about, Moze? I'm right here!" Ned's voice came again.

"Ned?! No, I can't see you!"

"Try opening your eyes." Ned's voice came.

"Open my eyes?" She asked confused. She did as told and there he was.

She looked around the room and was instantly swept with a wave of relief. "I'm home!" She cried out.

"No you're at my house," he said looking at her as if she had lost her mind, At that moment Moze noticed that her fists were clenched and she was on top of Ned in one of the most awkward positions possible. It was then she realized it must have been a dream. She was so happy that she had escaped her nightmare that she gave him a gigantic hug. Just as tears began to flow heavily down her face.

"I thought I would never see you again," She confessed.

Ned looked at her puzzled. "Never see me again?"

"It's a long story, but it has a happy ending!" She said smiling now. She moved her head a little to the left and planted a kiss right on his lips. She ruffled his hair a bit and smiled to herself this is how it should be.

"Here's looking at you kid," She told him.



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Much Loves...

Country Gurlie & Freak-a-Zoid