Those eyes. Those avid, wonderful, deep pools of liquid darkness. What lies behind those eyes? An impulsive, observant mind, astride a wild determination and the fiercest of passion. Pausing to twinkle mischievously at you, shining enthusiastically when a brilliant new plan has been concocted, or quickly devising a daring escape from a problematic situation, those eyes are never dull or languid. Spirit and warmth dance through them, granting their liveliness. Although vibrant as they may be, those eyes can also be stoic, passionless, burning with flickering black flames of contempt; dark and unfeeling as the oldest of stone. The perceptive intelligence revealed within their depths is only overshadowed by an audacious recklessness, the brash courage of a hardened and experienced man. However, for occasional rare, fleeting moments, his eyes are disloyal to him; betraying traces of the true emotion and innermost sensitivity that he guards so delicately. It is during those moments that one realizes: the eyes truly are the windows to the soul.