
A peaceful day in Sooga village until Pucca chases Garu everywhere until he bumps into Tobe's ninjas and started fighting until Pucca pops up trying to kiss Garu when all the sudden, Garu thought a ninja was behind him and elbows Pucca on the face knocking her over, causing herself to cry. The ninjas running away, laughing at Garu until he making a confused sound until he sees Pucca whimpering in fear and runs away crying and screaming not knowing that he hit her by accident, the citizens notice Pucca running away from Garu thinking that hit attack her on purpose. Pucca enters the Go-wong restaurant and when she enters her bedroom, she starts seeing monsters and demons that looked like Garu coming from her posters, the chefs notices Pucca screaming and crying, Uncle Dumpling notices that Garu posters on Pucca's bedroom walls are ripped and crumpled up knowing that they scare Pucca. Uncle Dumpling noticed the fear on Pucca's eyes knowing she scared of Garu, meanwhile Tobe noticed on his telescope that Pucca isn't chasing Garu meaning that Garu did something bad to her and had an idea: For his ninjas to wear Garu masks to scare Pucca out of the village making Garu a sitting duck. The next day, Pucca wonders the village until one of Tobe's ninjas pops up wearing a Garu mask, scaring her as she runs away and another pops up scaring her when all the sudden in the middle of a field. Pucca was surrounded by a group of ninjas in Garu masks, making her scream in terror so loud, it causes a sonic boom, Garu notices Pucca's scream was so loud it shook his ninja house and sees that Pucca is in trouble, when Garu arrives saving her until Pucca remember that she's not afraid of him and starts kissing him rapidly. THE END