Summary: "I didn't learn how to walk til age 5, didn't learn my ABC's til age 6, didn't learn how to wipe my own ass til age 7, didn't learn how to dream til age 14. I didn't know how to live, til I met you." He smirked, and I swore to rip him a new one. SephOC

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Oh, well except for my OC.

Song of the chapter : Sum 41- Look at Me

Ne Me Mori Facias

Chapter One: Look at Me

Wutai is evil.

They deserve to die.

They're nothing but monsters.

Kill them all.

Shinra seems to be spitting out these shameless slogans like lame infomercials do cheesy catchphrases but hey, I'm hooked. Hooked around slimy, nail bitten, sausage-like fingers to the point where I can't discern my ass from my face. Hm. Well I guess they don't look very different anyway.

The only thing that keeps me from picking up a pitchfork and screaming bloody murder like a fourteen year old coke addict is my brother, Valin. The guy is probably scarier than any other metal armored, chinky-eyed Wutain soldier. After all, Valin isn't the type of angsty teenager to listen. Hell, he is so bad at it that sometimes I wondered if a baby chocobo shit in his ear—it certainly looks like it. I swear, that guy does not know the definition of hygiene. Besides being filthy though, he's brutal, closed-minded, and violent—as dangerous as they come. But I love him anyway, him and the irony.

I wish I could say the same for the other brother.

Oh, Yuan. My dear, dear little brother Yuan who is four feet ten inches and ninety seven pounds of Wutain meat—I can just eat. Him. Up.

Yuan is the only Wutain kid in Banora Village. He's the only one with those dark brown, slanted eyes, and with all the anti-Wutai propaganda festering, those eyes are going to be gouged out sometime soon. Maybe I'm going to be the one to do it. But then again…No. I probably won't be, since I am a coward. I'll just leave it to the vultures. It would be a dreadful shame to dirty my hands with his blood; after all I'm a germophobe. And yes, yes that is a joke. Revel in my comedic genius. Muahaha.

To be honest, it's not that I despise Wutains or Wutai at all, for that matter. I just love Valin too much. And Valin, Valin loves Yuan too much. This whole melodramatic fiasco of blood, death, desperation, and betrayal is only a product of love. Who could believe such a wretched farce? God, the Planet sure is one ironic bitch. If I were any more sadistic, I would find it funny.

Unfortunately, I 'm not. So when Yuan plasters his body to my side, I just smile and pet his head. I need my personal space, but the six year old is a slow thinker in the complex area of common sense. I want to spit on his head.

I chuckle to myself at the thought, it would be hilarious. Hell, I would have done it too but Valin struts in with all his glory of unzipped pants and uncombed hair. Ah, sophisticated.

"Hey." He flicks off the television screen that shows cartoon chocobo pecking each other. "It's time to go. Now, get your butts off the couch and get to school before I dropkick you there."

I roll my eyes. Valin's always acting so high and mighty, like he owns the world. He's so arrogant sometimes I wonder if he he's ventured somewhere and get laid. But that would never happen, because Valin hates every single breathing organism in Banora, male and female alike. Besides, he doesn't have much to work with, anyway. I'd know, I did take baths with him as a kid. Once that size, there is no more hope. The poor thing.

Lazily, I drag myself out of the living room with Yuan's sock muffled footsteps behind me. I forcibly shove my feet into my sneakers, feeling much too apathetic to go through the trouble of untying and retying the shoelaces. If things went my way, I would wear the cheesy ones with the Velcro straps to save me the trouble but Valin said I was being stupid.

I had thrown a shoe at him.

He threw one back harder.

Then, all of a sudden, a huge, fat chocobo God soared through the sky. We knew it was a Chocobo god, cuz well, you know, Chocobos don't actually fly. It landed right on top of the shoe store and took a massive dump on every single Velcro strap shoe and when it finally finished, it squawked one last beautiful squawk before it keeled over. Immediately, all the villagers climbed out of their holes and attacked the dead body for some yummay fried chicken.

That was the legend of how Yameru got shoe-laced sneakers. The End. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here until Thursday, folks!

I silently applaud myself and jump to my feet, suddenly feeling energetic. Standing Ovation! Snickering, I lean against the doorframe and wait for Yuan to put his shoes on. Wait, and wait, and wait.

A sigh escapes me as I watch the brat fumble uselessly with his shoe laces. I quietly pat myself on the back because I'm only slightly irritated. Good job, Yameru! Oh, sweety, how you've grown. Mwah! Kyah kyah, oh how I make myself giggle.

Soon though, slightly irritated grows into dramatic punch-the-wall annoyance and leaving him behind while shutting the door in his face seems ridiculously tempting. Alas, I'm a better actress than that.

So I bend down grudgingly and sloppily knot the strings together. It should end at there, but instead he holds my hand and gives me a smile that hooks at his ears and wrinkles his eyes. How that is achievable is a complete mystery to me. I'm sure it's a super, special, ultra rare technique that only Wutains could possibly achieve. Oh, the powers of being a chink.

"Thank you," he squeaks out.

Beloved puberty, I snivel quietly, when will thoust cometh? I look down slyly at my pathetically flat chest and cry mournfully. Damn it! When will you come? Oh, how I sob!

As my soul weeps piteously for my pre-pubescence, we soon catch up with Valin's half-hearted strides. The moment we do those invading fingers are suddenly gone. Yuan is now clinging to the eldest with that idiotic grin still stretching across his face and it makes him look like he has just taken a dump after five years of constipation.

I'm happy he finally stopped gripping me like a carnivorous amoeba but nevertheless…my palms are still sticky with sweat and jealousy has begun its cynical trudge into my heart as I watch them walk further and further away.

Soon enough, I stand alone on the dusty one way road.


Truthfully, I don't despise Yuan, only his existence—if that makes it any better.

He's a cute kid, really. He's quiet, smart, nice, and way more mature than any snot-nosed devil his age. Hell, he's probably more mature than I am, though that doesn't count for much.

If he wasn't the bastard son of a hormone-crazed father and a Wutain wench, I wouldn't mind him so much. If he wasn't the apple of my Valin's eye, I'd forgive him. If he wasn't so damn Wutain, so damn different, so damn innocent and pure, if he actually deserved those spitballs, and those bloody noses, and those name callings, I'd love him.

If only. If only. If only.

If only, he didn't scare me.

I heave, and blow my bangs messily out of my eyes, frustration and disappointment mingling together into a heap of teenage melodrama. Somebody, please remind me why we go to school. Why?

"What did ya' get?"

I pout, lips pushing out excessively and eyes squinting dramatically.

"Stop it." He slaps my arm. "You look like a diuretic cow."

"Shut up, I bet you don't even know what diuretic means." I grumble and slide the packet of papers across the table, the bold flaring red B- visible for the world to see.

Valin ignores my last comment and begins to limply flip through the packet filled with random, sophisticated-sounding words that I don't understand but sound smart. "Hey." He mutters halfheartedly. "That's pretty good."

I shrug and grab the packet back before stuffing it unceremoniously into my backpack. "For an all-nighter and three trips to the library, it's not."

My brother snorts and begins to draw what looks like mutilated moogles into the table with the metal tip of his pen. Ohoho, is this the emergence of an artistic genius I see? Oh my, Valin is definitely going to be the next Fogo Figasso (1). I applaud myself for my brilliant joke. God, Yameru, you never know how to turn off your funny button, do you? You silly goose, you.

"Mhm, Yameru," he drawls, knocking me out of my self-praising session. "Three trips to read comic books and an all-nighter spent watching pirated films online. Goodness, you are so incredibly hardworking." He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly and if it isn't for my angelic kindness, I would have thrown a pen at him.

Instead I choose to preoccupy myself with scratching in my own wobbly legged, freakishly wide eyed chocobo into the abused desk. "Touché." I mutter, deeply concentrating on the wing. "Where's yours? Did you get it back yet?"

"Nah, didn't turn one in."

Crud, I'm messing up on the beak, and now it looks like it can murder a behemoth. Exasperated for more than one reason, I turn to Valin, who starts to write 'Kupo!' all over the table's surface. "You didn't turn one in? Idiot. Don't tell me this is a part of your whole," I wave my hands frantically in the air mockingly, "'I'm going to leave this place and never come back! I don't need School 'cuz it's stupid' plan. Cactuars above, you can be so stupid sometimes."

"Right back at you!" He finally looks up at me. "And yeah, damn straight it's a part of that plan. I'm going to get the heck out of this Shinra brainwashed hellhole and never turn back."

I sigh, and give him a disappointed frown. A bit irked, I hiss through gritted teeth, "Don't you think you're being selfish? What about us? You think you can just up and leave and that'll be the end of everything, like your life will be filled with sugar, flashy rainbows, and gay men prancing around in tight pink tutus?"

He stares at me. I stare back. He turns away.

"Yeah." He mutters. "I do."

I feel disappointment settle itself comfortably between jealousy and loneliness as I watch him stand up and walk away.

"Yo, teacher, I need to take a whizz."

"Huh? Hey, wait, Valin! I didn't say you cou—"

A door shuts painfully loud.

"Bastard." I mumble as I pick up my pen again and start drawing messy little stick figures in a box. A small box—a devastatingly small box.

At the top of the box, in messy chicken-scratch writing, I scribble:

"Welcome, to Banora Village."


Banora Village is a small, quaint town in the middle of the dusty boondocks, just miles off from the other country bumpkin settlement that is Mideel. Being in the middle of nowhere, business is bleak and the future, even bleaker. In this peaceful, rural place there's nowhere to go and nowhere to put dreams and hopes.

All we have are our apples. Literally.

The village is poor and the poverty rate would have hit rock bottom if we didn't have our dumbapples, they're our source of life. Dumbapples are only found in Banora. Those unique apples are the only reason why Shinra even bothers with us, which, at this point, and with the way Valin puts it, I'm not so sure is a good thing.

Living in the boondocks means no one wants to travel here, merchants and tourists alike. The only one willing is Shinra because they have the damn money to do so, and because of that filthy money, we, the civilians of Banora, fall right into their greasy hands. So really, Valin's right, Banora Village is nothing but a cage of Shinra's brainwashed slaves who cling to every piece of their propaganda like shit to a baby's ass.

But I love it here. Actually, no, I don't love it here, I am satisfied here.

I don't like change, it's a bitch to go through and a whole lot of trouble I deem unnecessary, and moreover, unwanted. So no matter how screwed up and desolate this town is, I would never think of leaving. It's too much change, and too much trouble. I'm not a big fan of trouble.

Thus, if Valin decides to march his ass out of this place, no matter how much I love him, I would never follow. I don't have Yuan's hope or Valin's will, I just am the way I am. I believe that just taking whatever the planet throws at me next is good enough. I'm a boring person, sue me.

That dullness is probably why I can't possibly understand Valin, his headstrong determination and his loathing for both Shinra and the people here. But I want to understand.

So, when he punches another girl in the face, I stand still and watch intently. I wonder that if by seeing this, seeing him turn all his hatred into blind, raging violence, I can finally understand.


That and because I just plain love watching Valin beat the living shit out of another person. It's quite amusing. Now if only I had some chicken…

The kid Valin's currently hitting is a senior a couple years older than us and a couple levels bitchier. Which is seriously saying something. Her name is Ashley Vernold or something or other. She's one of the girls that someone can easily call a hoe. Slut. Whore. Or Hoelutore.

The fight started out something like this:

Chick: I'm a little tea pot

Valin: Shut up.

Chick: short and stout

Valin: Shut up.

Chick: here is my handle, here is my spou--

Valin: Falcon Paaawwwnch!

Please, please, no need to applaud, I know I'm an amazing storyteller—oh my! Please, don't bow, stop, you're embarrassing me you silly thing!

Okay. So…she might have insulted Yuan and might have called him a dirty, useless, piece of Wutain filth who needed to be put down like a mutt with rabies, but that's unimportant and I can't possibly care less if she said Yuan or Flying Chocobo Buttholes.

Which reminds me. When I was nine, my class went to a local chocobo farm as a field trip and it was incredibly awkward because there was this one molting chocobo hanging around. Nearly all of its feathers were gone and the poor lil' thing looked extremely naked. So naked we could see its not-so-cute-but-rather-disturbing butthole.

Valin and I threw rocks at it.

Valin and I got banned from the farm.

Ahem. Anyhow…

At first, Valin ignored Ashley what's her face, but then she started to insult Yuan's mother. At that moment I knew she was in for it. Trust me; no one gets away with insulting Yuan's mom with Valin around, not even me. He told her to shut up, she said no. He punched her. She screamed.

And we're here.

By now, Valin has his calloused hands wrapped around the girl's neck, and is slamming her head against the concrete floor. I wince when some blood starts to messily paint the floor red. Valin's not actually the type to go easy on girls.

The chorus of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" is getting louder as students start to crowd around in a cultic circle. Part of me wants to join the fist pumping and blood howling but I keep my hands strictly in my pockets and continued to watch intently the range of Valin's hatred.

Besides, things are getting good. Oh my, I think I just pissed myself in excitement a little there.

He lets out a feral growl and gropes at the chick's pretty blond hair before proceeding to drag her across the dirty floor. Pushing other blood thirsty student out of my way, I follow behind, happily noting the thin trail of crimson smearing across the ground.

Valin's heading to the bathroom and I feel my strides get faster as excitement begins to bubble up sadistically in my chest. I have a feeling this is going to be more than just good—Valin's restroom-incorporating violence is always top notch, a Five Star Show guarantee.

He kicks open the restroom door with a resounding bang, stomps towards one of the open stalls and throws the girl's limp body in.

Ignoring the blatant 'Men's' sign, I skip in and lean against the wall, getting myself comfortable for the upcoming show. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

Ashley's black mascara is now dripping down her cheeks in bold streaks, her blue eye shadow is wiped across her forehead messily, and her cherry lip stick has mixed in with the crimson of her blood. It's a chaotic muddle of sticky pandemonium. I think she looks prettier this way.

The blonde stands shakily on thin legs and tries to make a run for it. Ohohoho, I muse, bad move. Valin hates a runner.

Before she can even take a step out of the stall, Valin grabs the back of her hair and slams Ashley's make up caked face against the grimy wall. Blood erupts and stains her lips a prettier shade of red than any lipstick could ever do.

"Where do you think you're going, dog." He rubs her face into the tile like he's wiping off dust with a napkin, and I can no longer suppress the grin pulling at my lips. "Are you ready for your bath, you little mutt?"

There was no reply. I chuckle softly. Mhm, she's in for it now.

"I said," he starts to scream, voice reaching a dangerous high, "are you ready, you little fucker? Are you fucking ready?"

The senior sniffles in response, shaking her head miserably. If only I had a camera to record this total picture perfect moment. Tch, what a waste.

Valin lets a mean smile curl at his lips. "Oh? Is that a yes?" And before I can even holler and cheer in excitement, he stuffs her face into the toilet. He tightens his grip on the back of her head and twists at the strands until his knuckles turned white. "Do you like it? Hm?" He kicks down the toilet lever and grinds Ashley fuckin' Vernold's face into the flushing toilet for seconds on end until finally bringing her water-stained face back up. Valin pulls her skull back to the point where it nearly touches her back and it looks like something is about to break in her frail neck. I silently pray something would. Fun.

Valin and I meet eyes and grin simultaneously as she gags, coughing desperately to get the water out of her lungs. "You like it, don't you? You little dirty dog!" Valin slams the chick's head back into the edge of the toilet repeatedly with no remorse.

I can't take it anymore.

I laugh.

I start laughing so hard that I'm gasping for breath as I watch the scene before me. My fingers cling to the dirty wall behind me for support—I'm getting dizzy from laughing so hard and my ribs are starting to ache and heave. Some blood starts to spurt out from the girl's face over the toilet and I cackle harder, nearly stumbling over in my almost violent, cacophonous squeals of delight. Shiva, could something possibly be so funny?

There's a yelp and an ear-deafening scream as he brings her face up temporarily. I let out a high pitched "Ah!" mimicking her, and giggle at my own joke. Too funny.

But before Valin could stuff the senior's face hilariously into the toilet bowl another time, there's a flurry of chaotic movement as some teachers and staff members start rushing in without warning. They rip Valin's hands away from Ashley's head. All I can distinguish through my gray eyes, blurred by laughter, is the look of horror and fury on their ugly faces.

Damn, the fun's already over. Tch, I should have locked door.

Nevertheless, I relent and wipe some tears of amusement out of my eyes with a sigh. I straighten myself, finally coming down from my cracked-up euphoria. I wipe my hands off my pockets and observe as Valin is dragged out of the small bathroom like a criminal, hands behind his back and indignation written all over his snarling face.

Someone taps my shoulder and I glance up, it's my homeroom teacher. "Yameru, they want you to come too." He speaks slowly and articulately as if wouldn't understand if he says it any other way.

I shrug nonchalantly, still a bit disappointed that the show is over so soon and follow the crowd of adults out the now blood stained room. Oh well, I guess this means I can skip after lunch classes.

Mentally, I cheer.


A few years ago, there was a big stir in Banora Village when some supposedly big, bad, and important Shinra personnel arrived for some unknown reason. We, the villagers, soon figured out that they were here to recruit some kids into SOLDIER for the ensuing war with Wutai. They took only two kids, deeming the rest as unworthy.

Genesis Rhaposodos and Angeal Hewley .

I didn't know them well since they were a whopping fourteen years older than me and seemed like a pair of those scary, burly teenagers Valin had always rambled about.

Those two were completely inseparable and I found it odd. Angeal was supposed to be this quiet, obedient son of a regular villager and Genesis was rumored to be this cocky smartass since he was the son of the richest farmer in all of Banora. It was like a prince and his servant.

Everyone in the village knew the duo fondly but after three months of being gone in Midgar or tonberries knew where, they were forgotten. No one bothered to contact them or even tried to except their own parents.

But just four days ago, they were on T.V. Apparently, they are First Class SOLDIERS now. Whoop de doo da.

Well, I don't care much for such things like Shinra and SOLDIER, or actually, I don't care much for anything—except tonberries. I need my tonberries. On the other hand, Yuan and Valin are obsessed with SOLDIER in completely different ways.

If Yuan, that little squeaky mouse, ever has a flaw, it's this: For some reason, even though Shinra is out to get his kind—murdering Wutains left and right, innocent or not—Yuan loves SOLDIER. He actually admires them. He admires the organization that is killing millions of his own people so much that he squeals in delight whenever he hears that SOLDIER has once more beat down the Wutain military. The squinty eyed brat would sing, "Yameru, Yameru! Did you hear? SOLDIER took over Fort Blah Blah yesterday. Aren't they just so cool?"

I can't understand how he could think such things, much less say them, but eh, I sort of find it amusing. It's funny how this kid could so innocently rave on about how awesome a group of mass murderers are. Sometimes I wonder if the little monster is even more sadistic than I was—that would have been interesting.

Valin, though, thinks it's disgusting. For some reason, more so than Yuan the real Wutain, Valin abhors Shinra and anything dealing with them. Every time Yuan so as much mentions the word SOLDIER, Valin goes on a venting streak. My fellow twin would start ranting and screaming at the top of his lungs about how horribly evil they are and then storm off to go and cool down somewhere quiet.

That quiet place is usually Mrs. Hewley's place, an elderly lady who live a few houses down from ours. The three of us would usually go there to hang out and eat dinner whenever our mother's too busy to cook, or be home at all for that matter. Yuan would also come over to practically interrogate Granny Hewley about SOLDIER and ask about her son, while Valin would come over to avoid contact with Mom or society in general. And me. Me, I just come over to come over. Simple.

Ever since it was revealed that Angeal Hewley, Granny Hewley's son, became a First Class SOLDIER and a huge icon of the Wutai War on Shinra's side, only two of us came over to the house. Valin is being a scornful ass and refused to come over. He says that Mrs. Hewley is conspiring with the 'enemy'.

"Man." I mutter tiredly. "He really is an idiot."

"Did something happen today?"

I turn my head in my crossed arms to look at the elderly woman. "Yeah. He beat up another student today."

"What? Again?" Mrs. Hewley frowns and sits down next to me. Reaching out a wrinkly hand, she pushes the stray bangs away from my eyes.

"Yup." I mutter, feeling awkward at the sign of affection. "The girl got it pretty bad. He did the toilet thing today."

Her wrinkled face scrunches up at the thought of it. "Didn't he use that one three months ago?"

I laugh, feeling amused by her reaction. "Yeah he did, it was a dude last time though. Today was some hoebag named Ashley and Valin ended up breaking her nose and getting a two-week suspension; a new record, by the way. It was still pretty funny this time around."

Her gentle caress turns into a hard thwack. "Yameru! Hurting others is not funny, young lady. And where is that Valin? I need to give him a piece of my mind one of these days—someone really needs to show him some discipline."

"I don't think you want to see him." I say, rubbing my throbbing head. "He's still pretty pissed over the whole First Class crap."

Granny Hewley sighs. "Still? That kid…"

"I know." I snicker. "He's troublesome isn't he?"

She nods. "You got that right, sweetie." She gives me a kind smile before looking out the dark window and reads the clock. "It's getting late; shouldn't you be heading home now?"

I shrug apathetically. "Eh. I don't exactly think right now is the best time to be home. Mom and Valin are probably at each other's throats and Yuan's probably sobbing up some gigantic boogers in his room. Not exactly something I want to be a part of right now."

"Yameru." She sighs and rubs my shoulder affectionately. "Go home, your family needs you now."

I give her a curious, skeptical 'Oh really now? And I'm an ass-kicking, transforming toothfairy. How do ya do?' look. She stares back sternly. With a heavy sigh, I surrender and hesitantly push myself off one of the wooden chairs. "Okay, I'll go. But only because I miss my stuffed tonberry, got it? Not 'cuz you told me so."

Mrs. Hewley only chuckles and nods in response. "Of course, Yameru."

"Well, as long as you know…" I slowly drag my footsteps to the front door. "See you, granny!"

"Goodnight, Yameru."


By the time I get home, all the lights are off and no one is in sight although it's only around eleven something. I sigh; this could only mean that Mom and Valin's fight was huge—it probably was bigger than the fight between Crowdo and Bitchforoph in Not so Last Dream VII from CircleRough (2). Damn, that fight was hard.

I bless whatever God is out there that I hadn't been home to witness such a fight of massive proportions. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise to stop stealing money from the church's collection box. Yup, you heard me God, I'll stop just for you, babe.

Pushing God aside, I begin to contemplate where to go. Mom's probably in her office doing paperwork, meaning my interruption wouldn't be welcome. Not to mention she'd most likely bundle me up with Valin and yell at me for not stopping him. I grimace, so not appealing. Next is Yuan. The Wutain brat has probably cried himself to sleep by this time, after all, even he knows by now that his blood is half the reason why Valin fights. Comforting an eight-year old crybaby whose guts I already want to barbecue and feed to a Behemoth? Not so great.

I opt to go straight to Valin and mine's bedroom.

So I grudgingly trudge upstairs and head toward the furthest door down the hall. I end up crawling into bed next to Valin without bothering to wash my face or brush my teeth and still in the jeans and sweater I had worn when I left the house that morning.

Settling myself under the blankets, I stare at the black lump next to me. "Hey." I whisper.

"Hey." Valin whispers back and turns messily to face me. "Where have you been?"

I smirk under the darkness of night—so he's worried, huh? "At Hewley's," I sing tauntingly.

"What? Didn't I tell you to stop going there?" I can nearly hear the glare in his voice.

I shrug, even though I know he couldn't see me through the darkness. "Eh. Since when have I listened to you?"

"Huh," he states lamely. "Right."

"Mrs. Hewley." I yawn abruptly, mouth gaping open hideously. "Aaah! Hooh…Hewley. She said you should stop being a violent, bitchy mofo and get over your incredibly lame and cliché teenage self-inflicted angst."

He mumbles childishly. "What does she know?"

"Eh, you know, they say wisdom comes with age." I pause, thinking for a moment. "And she is getting pretty old."

Valin makes this odd noise which creepily seems like a mix of a laugh and a queef. "Whatever. wisdom or not, it doesn't matter. Like I said before-," he flips over, his back now facing me, "-I'm leaving this hellhole, no matter what."

I stare at his back for a long time before I turn over myself, so now only our quiet backs speak to each other. "Right."


"Hm?" I answer quietly back; sleep finally starting to tug violently down on my eyelids.

"Happy Birthday."

I flicker open my eyes and shift my head to look at the bright neon numbers on the clock across from the bed. 12:00 a.m.

A small smile creeps its way onto my lips. "You too, brother."


Get it? Like Pablo Picasso? Hahaha—gawd. Someone needs to murder both me and my horrid sense of humor.

Crowdo-Cloud, Bitchforoph-Sephiroth, Not so last dream VII – FF7, Circlerough-Squaresoft…okay, cheeshus. Someone really needs to shoot me now.

Whooooot~ finally rewritten. Tell me your opinions, compliments, and critiques my good people! :D