-1Full Summary: Sequel to "Wedding Sniper," set six years after. Calleigh is in a car accident caused by a high speed chase during a storm. She is stuck in a coma, and Ryan is slowly falling apart as he cares for their four year old daughter. To make things worse, there is a serial killer out who is murdering young children. Can the team solve the case, and will Calleigh wake up before Ryan is too far gone?

Disclaimer: I do not own CSI: Miami. I only own Kara and Tyson Stravinsky.

Hope you guys like it! I like reviews!

Good Morning

Lighting lit up the sky, making it seem like daylight. Thunder roared, shaking the house slightly. Wind ripped through the trees and blew leaves all over the place. Rain fell loud and hard, slapping and streaming down the windows.

Calleigh awoke with a start when she felt something tugging at her sleeve. She sat up in bed and looked around the dark room. "Who's there?"

"Mommy?" a small voice asked.

Calleigh looked down and smiled. Her small daughter stood beside the bed, looking quite terrified. "Kara, sweetie, what's wrong?"

The four year old looked up at Calleigh. "Da funder and light," she whimpered. She pointed at the window, and Calleigh knew she meant the storm.

Calleigh reached down and lifted the small girl into her lap. "Do you want to stay in here with me and Daddy?" She looked at the clock, realizing it was only 1:30 AM.

The little girl nodded, whips of light brown hair falling over her blue eyes. "I scared."

Calleigh hugged little Kara and smiled. "You can sleep in between me and Daddy."

Kara climbed over Calleigh and snuggled up to Ryan, causing him to wake up.

Ryan looked down at Kara as she burrowed under the covers and pushed up against him. "What's wrong, hunny?"

Kara looked up at Ryan. She was about to answer when a bolt of lighting lit up the sky and thunder cracked loudly, causing her to jump. She whimpered and hid her face in Ryan's shirt.

Ryan smiled a little, understanding. He put his arm around Kara and rubbed her back. "It's ok, sweetie, it's only noise." He looked over at Calleigh and smiled. "Hey."

Calleigh smiled in return. "Hey." She lay back down and stared at Ryan and Kara. She and Ryan had been thrilled when Kara was born. They could finally have a family. She remembered that she and Ryan had been married five years now. It would be nearly six years since she nearly lost him. She shook her head to get rid of the memory. Reaching over, she took Ryan's hand in her own. She smiled as he squeezed it in his sleep. She clung to it as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


Calleigh awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. she looked over to find that Ryan and Kara were missing from the other side of the bed. She figured Ryan was making breakfast. She was surprised that the power was still on, due to the intensity of the storm. She turned on the lamp next to the bed, it was dark in the room. The storm was still raging outside. She got up and changed for work. She knew it was Ryan's day off, and he would be staying home with Kara.

In the kitchen, Ryan put scrambled eggs and toast on Kara's plate. "Do you want juice, sweetie?"

Kara looked up at Ryan and smiled. "Apple juice, pwease."

Ryan smiled as he filled her cup with juice. He went back over to the stove to fix more eggs. he jumped a little when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. He heard Kara and Calleigh giggle. He turned to face Calleigh, taking her in his arms. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Calleigh said, reaching up and kissing him. She snuggled into his chest and inhaled his scent. She smiled when he nuzzled her cheek with his and held her closer.

Ryan smiled down at her. "Do you want eggs?" After she stepped away and sat down, he fixed her plate and brought it to her. "For the pretty lady," he said, kissing her cheek when he set it down in front of her.

Calleigh smiled as Ryan fixed his own plate and sat down as well. "So, what are you two doing today?"

Ryan looked at Kara and sighed. "Well, we were going to go to the park, but the weather is no good." He looked outside at the rain rushing down the window. "We'll have to stay indoors." He looked back at Kara and smiled. "We could go to the museum and see the dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs!" Kara exclaimed, getting so excited she nearly fell out of her seat.

"Be careful, Kara," Calleigh said, giggling slightly. She looked at Ryan. "I guess you're going to see the dinosaurs."


Ok, so it might not seem like much right now, but I've got a ton of ideas flying around in my mind right now…probably should write those down. Anyway, hope you like it so far. Review, please!