Ok, I know that I said that I was totally done with this story but this idea was stuck in my head and I had to write it down! I think it is one of my funniest ones. (You are the judge, however.)

"Alright, I've come to a conclusion." Sharpay said as she sat down at the lunch table next to her best friend's boyfriend…and her boyfriend's best friend. The two had packed their respective lunches while their significant others were eating the school 'lunch,' although the school knew that it wasn't real food.

Gabriella and Chad, however, ate that food like they were homeless people at Thanksgiving dinner. While most cheerleaders were shocked that Gabriella could eat like that, her boyfriend found it incredibly sexy. She didn't care to eat like that in front him. Other girls wouldn't eat at all but she just…ate when she was hungry.

"What's that?" Troy was hardly interested in what the blonde was saying. He was drinking water and thinking about the two weeks of detention he had for making his sex-ed teacher leave in tears.

"That anyone that is good at sex is good at 'That's what she said' jokes." Troy smirked. Sharpay always had these kinds of conclusions. She always thought about the most random things and it made him laugh. He loved her like a sister but sometimes she was such a ditz.

"Hey people." Gabriella said as she and Chad sat down in their respective seats. Troy wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and looked at Sharpay.

"Here is living proof that you are wrong." Gabriella was confused. She didn't want to be living proof. She wanted to be clued into the situation.

"Excuse me?" He knew that he was offending her but just chuckled,

"Well, Sharpay and I were talking about this conclusion that she has made. Baby, you are living proof that we are incorrect." He had a strand of her brown hair looped around her finger and was taking in her scent. He really was in love with her.

"Are you calling your girlfriend a lab rat? Gabster, for the record, I think of you as a human not a lab rat." Gabriella frowned and glanced over at her 'brother.'

"I'm still not doing your homework for you!" He muttered,

"Whatever, lab rat." Gabriella stuck her tongue out at the boy and stared the three down. Why exactly was she part of their experiment? Troy noted his girlfriend's anger and suppressed it by explaining the situation.

"We came to the realization that just because you are extremely talented at sex it doesn't mean that you are good at 'that's what she said' jokes." Gabriella stared into blue orbs,

"Please tell me that I'm bad at the jokes and not the sex…" He kissed her lips and squeezed her hand.

"Dude, you are totally good at sex. I mean you can do these things that other girls can't. Yeah, you are probably the best at it. And last night…" Chad stopped his friend by clearing his throat loudly, as the other couple felt awkward.

"Dude, we get it. We got it since you guys fuck like rabbits. Please, dear lord, get to the point." Troy glared at his friend and blushed inwardly. The couple was known to go off into their own little world and ignore the rest of society.

"But, baby, you are the worst at 'that's what she said' jokes. I mean, you say things all the time and everyone wants to yell 'that's what she said' but you wouldn't understand!" He was trying to be honest about it but not harsh. She smirked,

"I bet I could if I tried. Normally I wouldn't associate myself with such immature and IQ-lowering activities but…I'll show you that I can be good at sex and jokes." The couple always liked to challenge each other, in a friendly way.

"Alright, today during lunch, if you don't make one good joke then I win. If you do, you win. When the clock hits 1:00 and you haven't said one, you lose." Troy smiled, knowing that she was toast. Gabriela was never into immature things like that and he was sure that she would lose.

"Fine, do you want to make it more interesting?" She raised an eyebrow as she spoke. She was boasting and overconfident, knowing that it was going to lead to her downfall. He agreed quickly.

"Fine, what do you want if you win?" She shrugged,

"If I win then you have to skip your important Boys'-Night next week and take me shopping…and let me use your credit card." Chad cut in quickly,

"Gabster! No, the boys' night isn't a boys' night without Troy." Sharpay shoved her boyfriend, knowing that Gabriella would find a way to win. "Fine." Troy smiled,

"If I win, which I will, then you have to…do anything I want in private…and do Chad's homework for a month." Chad held his fist up with victory. He'd make sure Gabriella lost.

"Deal, we have to treat lunch totally normal though, like the competition isn't going on. It starts now." Sharpay smirked at Troy,

"Gabriella loves to shop. Oh and she goes in Victoria Secrets all the time and you'll have to watch her in lingerie for a half an hour without touching her. Man and it gets so hot in there." Sharpay loved messing with her male best friend. Troy groaned,

"Yeah, but it isn't going to happen because I'm going to win the bet." Gabriella looked over at Chad and saw him stuffing a whole sub-sandwich in his mouth. She looked at hers and frowned,

"How am I supposed to fit that in my mouth…it's so big!" Chad shouted with his mouth full,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella blushed and realized what she had said. Was she really that clueless to the situation? She set her mind to remembering what the bet was about.

"Anyway, Gabriella, I never finished telling you about the time I tried to outrun Troy. Yeah, I totally lost the race." Troy boasted his victory,

"Yeah, she was like twenty feet behind me." Sharpay glanced at her friend, trying to tilt the board.

"Yeah, he was just so good and fast." Troy jumped in quickly with a smirk,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella couldn't believe that she had gotten beat two times in a row. She had to be quicker on her feet. She played with the macaroni on her plate and started a conversation.

"Troy and I got two weeks of detention from Landers." Chad and Sharpay snorted. Gabriella and Troy got detentions all the time in the class. Chad rolled his eyes,

"What did you do this time?" Sharpay was expecting some funny story and Troy just frowned, taking a bite of his barbeque chips.

"Nothing, she hates us for no reason!" Gabriella removed her boyfriend's hand from her inner thigh and glared at him.

"No, there is a reason that she hates us. All we ever do is screw around." She realized that it was her final chance for victory but before she could speak Chad shouted,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella hated herself. How could she keep losing? She was trying really hard. Sharpay knew her friend needed help so she thought of more situations, to help her win the bet.

"Did I tell you about how that kid from the drama club almost messed up a new set?" Gabriella listened to her friend intently, waiting for the punch line. Chad shrugged,

"I bet he painted it the wrong color." Sharpay stared at Gabriella.

"No, he couldn't get it through the front so he had to enter from the back." Gabriella's eyes brightened, opening her mouth…when her boyfriend sneered,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella hit her head down on the table, upset that she was losing. Sure the first part of her punishment was going to be enjoyable; she wasn't looking forward to doing Chad's homework.

"God, I don't know how to beat you guys. You are so good at doing it!" Chad smiled,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella decided from that moment on she wasn't going to speak. She was just waiting for her perfect opportunity. Although there were only eleven minutes left of lunch, Gabriella was waiting to win.

"Do you remember that one time when we had to make cookies in our class and Chad forgot to add the water?" Troy shook his head and finished the story,

"We didn't even get cookies. It was just white and sticky gunk." Gabriella started to open her mouth but Chad finished,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! Dude, no homework for me! Gabster, you have nine minutes left. You are totally done." Gabriella just shook her head,

"Whatever." Troy decided to mess with her, finding humor in the situation. He smiled,

"Sharpay, do you remember the first time you broke your arm." Sharpay shrugged, not knowing where he was taking the story.

"Yeah, you fell on top of me. Remember, all I could do was yell and beg you to get off." Chad almost choked when he said,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Gabriella had officially given up. She had seven minutes and no hope left in her soul. She was going to be at her boyfriend's house obeying his sexual fantasies and then doing Chad's homework. It totally wasn't fair. Chad grinned,

"Hey Troy do you remember the first time you got in Sharpay's Jacuzzi, the one with special jets? You know you wouldn't let her turn off the jets while you were in there." Troy glanced at his pouting girlfriend.

"Yeah, I didn't want it to stop because it felt so good." Gabriella opened her mouth and shut it as Chad beat her to the punch line,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID." Gabriella laid her head on the table and felt a hand running through her hair. The whole cafeteria knew what was going on at the popular table. They could hear Troy and Chad's big mouths screaming 'THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID' every three minutes.

"Gabriella, you are killing me." Sharpay said, annoyed that her best friend was giving up. Gabriella never gave up on anything. Why had she quit now, so early in the game.

Troy whispered a dirty comment in her ear, hinting on exactly what he was planning on doing. She glared up at him, her eyes showing defeat.

"Gabriella you still have three minutes left. You can finish this." Sharpay said wanting her friend to win. Sharpay didn't want Gabriella to do her boyfriend's homework and, well, she didn't care what happened in Gabriella's sex life.

"Yeah, let's just go put up our trays." The group of four threw their trash away, Chad keeping his water bottle because it was half full. He, however, kept the cap off…like always. Therefore, with one minute left and his boating he threw his fist in the air, knocking the water bottle in Sharpay's lap, getting her pants all wet.

"Look, baby, now you've gotten me all wet!" Gabriella stood up and shouted at the top of her lungs,

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!" Troy and Chad frowned as the bell rang. Gabriella had won with one second left.

"Aw man! Dude…we totally just lost because of you!" Troy shouted to his best friend, who was fretting that he had spilt water on his girl.

Suddenly a woman peered around the corner and smirked,

"BOLTON! MONTEZ! THREE WEEKS OF DETENTION!" A pair of blue and brown eyes met the teacher that the loved to hate. Troy smiled,

"Hey Ms. Landers…" Gabriella kissed him on the lips and grinned,

"So…we're going shopping on Saturday? It won't be any fun if you aren't excited!" He mumbled,

"That's what she said."

Ms. Landers is probably my favorite OC that I have written about. She is just the teacher to love to hate. Anyway...this is for real my last one. Please, tell me what you think! (Oh and check out my newest story 'What Happened in Vegas?' It's cool.)

Anyway...thanks for reading and...review.