Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did, trust me, you'd notice.

Rating: K+

Pairing: Charlie/Claire obviously!

AN: Um, this my first ever attempt at fanfiction so I would really appreciate some constructive criticism. Also, I apologise for any formatting mistakes, my computer doesn't like me at the minute. Oh, and one last thing!! I got the prompts off livejournal. Right, I'll shut up now. . . .


Charlie likes coming here, if he can get away from camp on those rare days when the world isn't ending and the Others aren't coming.

It's still only a half-finished hut, with a narrow doorway and a lopsided window, but he's strangely proud of it. He hewed these logs himself (suffered terrible splinters for it too), spent what felt like hours hoisting beams into place, and though he doesn't have the time to do it himself he'd like to see it finished one day.

It might do for a wedding, perhaps, he thinks, smiling, and then he hears Claire calling.


He's never felt fear like it, that moment when he sees the blood blossom across her face and she collapses into his arms, and his mind just goes numb, because it's Claire, goddamn it and he can't lose her. He can't.

He sits with her all night, and all day, and half the night again and then, even though he feels so guilty about it he has to sleep. So he drops off, still clutching her hand and the ever-present pulse is a small comfort in his nightmares.

Seeing her smile the next morning is like the sun coming out.


Late one night, since neither of them can sleep, he and Claire are stargazing.

The sky here is vast and blazing with stars and he smiles when he realises Claire can name most of them. He lets her list them off, content to lie here and listen.

Far away, a star falls.

'Make a wish Charlie,' she sighs from her position nestled under his arm and quickly demands an explanation when he declines.

She laughs, softly, with eyes bright as the stars when he tells her that all his came true when he met her, though he genuinely means it.


In his head, he silently thanks God for creating Desmond Hume because the first gasp that escapes Claire's lips after her near-drowning seems as miraculous to him as any old water-to-wine trick.

Only the faintest hint of jealousy crosses his mind (that he couldn't have been the one to save her) before he hears her asking for him.

After that, he couldn't care less and he can only shoot the Scot a beaming smile, that he knows isn't nearly enough (he owes the man his life), then he's right at Claire's side again.

Exactly where he's supposed to be.


After much prodding and poking she eventually persuades him to sing for her, and he does.

His fingers don't find the chords as quickly as they used to (he's out of practice) and his voice is a tad shaky but she doesn't notice.

Halfway into the song, she joins in, so their voices attract a fair few stares from the neighbours. She doesn't notice them either.

It's not that we're scared; it's just that it's delicate.

She likes the song he's chosen, and they have a wonderfully long discussion afterwards about their musical tastes (they're almost the same, they find).

Review please!! You have no idea how much I'd appreciate it!!