Ok, this story has been eating at my brain and making it impossible to work on Identities, I curse my friend for putting the idea in my head. So I decided to write it down and get rid of it, and it turns out I really liked the way it came out, so I decided to post it. Here's to hoping everyone likes it. It's set before G1.
Chapter 1 – What just happened?
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing.
Optimus Prime walked the quite corridors of the Autobot base in Iacon City. It was late and every other Autobot whom was not on duty was already in statis, but Optimus's restless processors would not allow him such a simple pleasure.
His thoughts kept drifting back to the fight he had with Ratchet earlier, and for his spark he could not figure out what had happened. He knew he did something to upset the older medic, but he could not figure what that something was.
Optimus stopped at one of the picture windows overlooking Circuit Square. The quite of the base reflected nothing of the lively city outside. The streets were still filled the vendors shouting their wares and caretakers and their sparkling charges running here and there.
Optimus smiled softly -though threw his faceplate no one could really tell- as he watched the civilians hustle about. The war was just starting and there was little to worry about.
Optimus turns his thoughts back to the problem at hand. Ratchet was livid and Optimus had no idea what to do about it. It had been simple enough, Ratchet was screaming at the twins again for some little prank they pulled, and he had call Optimus down to help him.
Turns out the twins had painted the Med-lab a sickly green and hot pink color and Ratchet was less than impressed. Optimus on the other hand had thought it hilarious, especially after seeing the Med-lab himself. He made a mental note to ask the two of them how they did that after Prowl and Ironhide let them out of the brig.
Of course, that did not sit too well with Ratchet, who only ended up screaming at him afterwards. Optimus did not see the problem with a little prank, no one got hurt, and it was not like the med-lab was unusable, just a little hard on the optics to be in.
The end result of all of this was a ticked off Ratchet, a bewildered Optimus, and a scared Prowl all standing in the gaudily colored med-lab. Ratchet looked like he was about to disassemble Optimus, so before anything could get worse, Optimus decided to step in.
"Ratchet," He said, "I want you to go calm down. Come find me in my office when you have and we can actually discuss this like grown mech."
Ratchet looked less then pleased. As he walked out of the room, he looked over his shoulder and said, "Trust me Prime, I will make you see why the pranks they play are not funny."
Optimus was not too sure whether it was the look in his eyes or the way Ratchet had said that, but he was honestly worried about what the medic would do. Prowl took some initiative then and shouted, "Careful Ratchet, that could be considered threatening a commanding officer!"
Ratchet did not say anything as he walked off. As soon as he was out of earshot Optimus turned to Prowl. Prowl looked back at him and smiled. "Don't worry about it too much. He always gets like this at someone when the Twins prank him. Last time he didn't call anyone and we found the Twins locked in the four-floor west corridor a week later. Just let him cool down for a couple and he'll be fine." Prowl reassured him.
That had been first thing that morning. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were to be released the next solar cycle but Ratchet still had not come and seen Optimus. Needless to say, Optimus was slightly worried.
He felt a small delicate hand land on his shoulder and he almost jumped right out of his armor. "You let your guard down." A soft, beautiful voice whispered to him.
He turns around to face Elita One. Her warm smile and soft blue optics the most welcoming thing Optimus thinks that he would ever see, and Optimus was lost instantly to them.
"Heard what happened." Elita whispered, letting her head rest upon Optimus's chest.
Optimus sighed, "Does everyone know about that now?" He asked, exasperated.
Elita's light laugh always warmed Optimus's spark, and now was no different.
"Yeah, but most don't really care. I know I don't. Kupp told me that Ratchet always gets like this, it's apparently nothing new."
"Why doesn't that make me feel better?" Optimus questioned sarcastically.
"Because you're new to the job. Don't worry so much." Elita looked up at him, "You always worry way too much." Standing on her tip-toes, she pressed a small kiss to his faceplate. "I have to go now Chromita is having spark-failure with some of the new recruits' behaviors. See you later Big-Bot."
Optimus chuckled softly as she sauntered off. As he turned back to the window to look at the crowded streets again, he relaxed. Maybe she was right, everyone had been friends with Ratchet longer then he had, and maybe all he needed was some time to calm down.
Turning around, he wandered back down the hall and into his office. He fell into statis finishing so paperwork.
"I'm still not too sure about this Ratchet. We could get into so much trouble….and Optimus could get hurt." Wheeljack whispered.
"Don't worry so much. I know what I'm doing. Prime won't get hurt. Just do your part." Ratchet snapped at him.
Wheeljack turned around and looked at the machine that Ratchet had all but forced him to help him build. 'Actually he did force me, come to think of it!'
The machine was simple enough, but Wheeljack still did not like it. Running some air through is vents; he succumbed to his fate and started the machine.
"Just get him in here. I'll take care of the rest." Wheeljack said.
"Right I'll go get him." Ratchet said.
Outside Optimus's office, Ratchet stopped. What was he going to do to get Optimus into Wheeljack's Lab?
A cruel smile played over his lips and he knocked on the door. He waited a good five breems but no one answered. Knocking again, but a bit louder, he heard a startled jump and a loud bang from inside.
Optimus opened the door rubbing his head. Ratchet frowns, "What happened?"
Optimus looked down at him and said, "I fell into statis finishing some paperwork. When you knocked I jumped and fell out of my chair."
Ratchet sighs, but then thinks, 'Wow he just handed me what I need on a platter!'
Shaking his head, Ratchet said, "well come'on then, let's take a look, and make sure nothing was damaged. We need to go to Wheeljack's lab though the med-lab is being repainted now."
Optimus thankfully knew enough not to argue, and just followed Ratchet all the way there.
They walked in and Wheeljack looked up to see who it is before walking out of the room. He wanted nothing more to do with Ratchet's plan. Ratchet walked over to the machine Wheeljack and he had been working on all night. Patting one of the two tables next to it, he said, "Come'on and lay down. I'm going to need to offline you for a few, but you'll be fine when you wake up."
Optimus did not worry about it as he felt his systems start shutting down.
The first thing that Optimus was aware of was yelling. Lots of it from many different voices. Then words started to filter in and he became very confused.
"Wha' were ya thinking?!" Ironhide if he was not mistaken.
"You could have hurt him and yourself not to mention what the Pit do you think the Decepticons will think when they see this?!" that was Prowl. Optimus became aware of the smell of fire and burning metal.
"Ratchet this has to be the most irresponsible think I think you've ever done." Kupp deadpanned.
"I don't know. I think it's kinda funny myself." Sunstreaker said. A loud bang and a sharp "Ouch!" meant someone had whacked him upside the head.\
"Sunstreaker it is NOT funny! And with the machine broken we can't even fix this! Ratchet you're lucky that you're an important mech otherwise I would have disassembled you by now!!" Elita One's angry voice rang out. 'She has to be right next to me. No other way it can be that loud.' Optimus thought.
Everyone looks around when bright blue optics come online. Elita instantly pushed Optimus back down and said, "Don't move. There are some ….. changes that you have to get use to first."
"Changes! Primus feme! That don't even cover it!" Ironhide said from beside her.
"What is going on?" Optimus demanded, noticing instantly that the voice that rang out was not his own.
"Um….." Elita looked at Ironhide and Prowl, "Why don't you let Prowl and Ironhide help you stand up and get over to the mirror. I don't think I can explain it much better than that."
Optimus looks at Elita like she's insane, "I am a fully grown mech and quite capable of walking over myself."
"Trust meh, Prime," Ironhide groused, "Ya gona want some help." With that Ironhide grabbed one of Optimus's arms and Prowl grabbed the other. Optimus noticed that his arms were much smaller, almost petite in their grasp and now light blue with black bands around his wrists.
As Optimus stood up, he realized that he only came up to Ironhide's shoulder. Carefully Ironhide and Prowl maneuvered him in front of the mirror and Optimus stopped dead.
"What the…." Optimus managed, though from the look on his face that was a miracle.
Reflected in the mirror was not the strong leader of the Autobots and the face he came to know so well, but a feme. Petite and delicate, and very pretty.
A well crafted somewhat rounded face fell down to a rather voluminous chassis then slid like silk down to a tapered waist and narrow hips. Long and thin legs completed the look.
The paint scheme clearly took some thought though. A sliver face with Black markings around the eyes and blue lips, and a black helmet with the same general style as his old one only constructed for a feme. The entire body was a soft crystal blue with black accent bands around
the waist, neck, wrists and ankles. The red Autobot symbol in the middle of the chassis looked tacky and out of place with the color scheme.
Optimus could appreciate beauty as much as the next mech and had to admit that the creature in the mirror was probably one of the most beautiful that he had ever seen, but he still could not believe that the feme was him.
He raised his right hand and the feme did the same. He let it fall again and the feme followed his action as he did it. He looked to the left and the feme looked in the same direction.
He turned his head back and just stared at the mirror for a full breem. He missed Ironhide asking him if he was all right.
Suddenly Optimus offlined and almost hit the floor.
End Chapter
Ok that is out of my system now. I'll try to keep up with it if people like it. Drop a line and let me know what you think.