(A/N): Hey to everyone who had decided to take a chance on reading my story. This is my first story ever and I'm so scared if people will like it or not. So if anybody has any idea or anything for this story as it progresses send me a message(Not saying that I'll put all the idea in the story.) Well I have nothing else to say except that my heart is racing super fast and I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K.R.

Chapter 1: What Friends Are For

Twenty-two year old Hermione Granger slammed her suitcase closed after putting the last piece of clothing in it. She looked around her tiny bedroom one last time, making sure that she did not forget anything important. Letting out a soft sigh, she sat on her bed and ran her hand though her long, dark brown, bushy hair. She thought about the why she had agreed to go on this trip in the first place.

"Because I deserve it," she told herself proudly.

She sighed again, leaned back on her pillow and closed her eyes. No, that wasn't the real reason. The real reason was because of Harry Potter. He wanted her to go on this trip to forget about the things that had happened to her.

Well, at least the most recent things.

And that had to do with Draco Malfoy. Hermione groaned out loud. Why, oh why, did this have to happen? Why did he have to turn his life around? Why did he have to join the Order and fight against Voldemort? Why did he have to go and make her fall in love with him?

And it was true that she loved him, loved him through and through. She loved his slicked back blonde hair, cool gray eyes, and sarcastic view of life. It seemed wrong at its core that she, Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born and best friend of the Boy Who Lived, could be in love with Draco Malfoy. He was a Mudblood-hater and Dark Arts lover. (To be fair, his personality had changed significantly since Hogwarts or she wouldn't have dated him at all.) Things between them had gotten very complicated very fast—he was her enemy, then her lover, now nothing.

Hermione brought her hands to her face as she remembered the day he had broken her heart. The day before that, she and Draco had made long, mad, passionate love all night and it was then that she had confessed her love for him. She had been disappointed that he didn't say it back, but she didn't want to rush him—when he did say it, she wanted him to mean it, like she did.

The next day, she left for work with a smile—surely all would be well now that she and Draco were together. But dreams of a happy future as Mrs. Malfoy vanished as soon as she walked in on Draco…in bed with Pansy Parkinson. The worst part wasn't even the fact that he had cheated—it was that he didn't seem to care when she found out. His reaction to her entrance was very unsatisfying—not even a cliché "it's not what it looks like!"—rather, he said oh-so-bluntly, "Oh, I thought you'd be here later."

"'I thought you'd be here later?!'" Hermione had screamed. Then, she did what most girls do if someone they love betrays them. She cried. She had cried a lot, then she had gotten VERY angry, and then depressed.

"Bastard," she said jumping off the bed and pacing her floor. Yes, she had become depressed, who wouldn't after a love like theirs had been? Well, a theoretical love anyway.

That was where Harry and the trip came in. He decided that they should go to the mountains for a few days to get her mind off of Draco and to just let it all go. Of course, he had invited Ron and Ginny but Harry had said later that they were both busy with work and couldn't get off on such short notice. She didn't mind in the least and decided that he was right. She did need to get away from the male species. Harry didn't count of course as he was like a brother to her.

"You know if you keep pacing like that you'll wear a hole in your floor," said an amused voice at the door.

Hermione looked up and watched as Harry walked into her bedroom. She thought that he looked the same as when they graduated. He had grown a few inches maybe but that was probably the only change she noticed. He was still the same slim, green-eyed, messy black-haired person that he had been at Hogwarts.

"How did you get in?" she asked as he laid himself down on her bedHe raised one eyebrow and said, "The door?"

Hermione rolled her eyes but said nothing

"So," Harry said, "Are you ready for the trip of a lifetime?"

"Wow, going to a mountain, I've always dreamed of that," she said sarcastically.

Harry just pushed himself off of the bed and grabbed her suitcase, leading the way out. "I know it's one of your dream vacations," he said amusedly, "so wait till you see what I've got!"

Hermione smiled as she shut off all of the lights in her little apartment and followed Harry outside.


Hermione smirked as she watched Harry casually throw her stuff in back of a red Ferrari 456M GT Scaglietti. Hermione was impressed in spite of her earlier sarcasm.

"I thought we were a wizard and witch. Why are we taking a car that probably cost more than your house when we could just apparate?"

"Because," he said as he opened the passenger door for her, "it'll be fun. Seeing the open road. You'll love it."

Hermione looked up at Harry and then spontaneously threw her arms around him.

"Thanks," she said simply

"Hey, what are friends for?" he asked as she closed the door. As soon as he got in, they took off down the street.

Draco Malfoy took a quick look behind him and cursed.

"Dammit, Zabini I swear to God if you spill that firewhiskey on me or my car I'm going to decapitate you slowly with a rusty butcher knife!" He turned back around angrily and tried to concentrate on the road.

"Oh come on Malfoy, I'm just having a little fun!" said his best friend Blaise Zabini from the passenger seat.

Draco shook his head, his white blonde hair falling in his eyes and sighed. He had decided to get away for a while by going camping. He had always liked the great outdoors. But even though he wanted to get away, he didn't want to be alone. So he had invited Blaise Zabini, who invited his girlfriend Marcella Calstine, a tiny, cute redhead with clear green eyes. Draco had also invited Pansy Parkinson.

Draco looked over at the girl who had caused so much pain in his life. He hadn't spoken to her in year, at least not since they graduated from Hogwarts. He thought back to the day when he had started speaking to her again.

The night before had been the best night of his life. He had finally had sex with Hermione Granger after having dated her for two years. He had never cared about anyone like he cared about her. Never. But he didn't love her. So when she had professed her love to him, he lost it.

Did she think that he could love her back? He was incapable of love. Right?

That morning after, she had left and Draco had become extremely confused. He was feeling things that he shouldn't be feeling. He guessed he needed to prove to himself that he could still behave like a Malfoy should. Malfoys don't love. It was a weakness.

So Draco enlisted Pansy's help, hoping that if he slept with her it would mean that he did not love Hermione Granger. Of course he planned it right when he knew Hermione would catch him. And why had he wanted her to catch him? He had no idea. The whole plan was stupid. He knew that now. He would never forget the look on her face. Betrayal, anger, heartbreak…

"What are you thinking about, Drakie?"

He looked back over at Pansy. "Nothing," he said quickly. He obviously couldn't tell her that he slept with her only to…what? To prove that he didn't love Hermione? He didn't even know why he had done it.

"How long until we get there?" Marcella complained.

"I don't know," answered Pansy. She looked over at Draco. "Drakie, why not just apparate to the campsite? It'll be much better than going in this Muggle machine."

Draco cleared his throat. "Because I don't want to," he said stubbornly. "Now stop asking stupid questions."

Draco concentrated on the road in front of him as Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Well I think that this is a great idea," Blaise slurred. "We need a little road trip. Have a little fun." Blaise's definition of fun included liquor, girls, and nights of wild parties. Rather different than Draco's ideas as of late.

"Exactly, Blaise. Comments like that are why you're my best friend," Draco said grinning.

"Hey, what are friends for?" he slurred again, and downed the last of the firewhiskey.

(A/N): Big thankz to my beta Riyabryn