A/N: Here is the final chapter. Thank you all so much for your continued support. I really am so appreciative of all of those who read, reviewed, or put this fic on their alerts or favorites. You guys have made my first real multi chapter fic such a pleasent experience. I know this has been quite the emotional journey for the characters so thanks for sticking with it. I really hope that this ending does not disappoint. Since I'm just so in love with Danny, Lindsay and Sierra from this fic, I'm sure I will address their future in oneshots. Thanks kcaitlin for betaing and hand holding.

Chapter 11

"Daddy, you don't need furniture, it's much more fun in here without it." Sierra was in her socks slipping around on the wood floors in my empty apartment. It was in the same complex as Lindsay's apartment, just in a different building. She assured me that I would not be encroaching on her life and it would be easier to spend time with Sierra this way.

"Thanks kiddo, I think I'll get the furniture just the same though. You wouldn't want to sleep on the floor when you come over."

"Is Mommy going to come over for sleepovers too?"

"Not right now sweetie." I instantly looked around hoping Lindsay wasn't within earshot of my near confession of one of my hopes. "You are going to come over here when your Mommy has to work those funny hours."

"What about Tiger and Jasper? Will they come for the sleepovers too?"

"Maybe we can work it out so they can come too. But we don't want to run the risk of losing Jasper, do we?

"Yeah. Daddy, can we paint my room purple? Actually eggplant, no tomato, orange, definitely orange."

"Any color you like."

"Oh boy, any color? What about chartreuse"

"How do you know the color chartreuse?"

She just gave me a little shrug said "Mommy" and went back to her spinning and slipping around on the bare wood floors.

I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I had moved to Las Vegas. I spent only three days in New York, packed only the essentials. Before I left, I went to see my Ma, after she cuffed me on the back of my head and told me she raised me better than this she cried when I told her about my daughter. She was quickly appeased by her absence when I showed her pictures of Sierra. I promised to try and bring her to visit soon.

Then I went to the Crime Lab, I was afraid of everyone's reaction. Reaction to my crimes from years ago, and their misgivings about my seriousness to my future. I knew though that I didn't need to convince them. Mac gave me a pat on the back, and told me good luck, he said he learned long ago that family, either the one you have or the one you make, is the most important thing. Stella said she would see me soon, and confessed to me the city she had been taking all her vacations to. Flack promised to visit as long as I promised to take some time to go to the Blackjack tables with him. I never thought I would move out of New York, but I found myself thrilled and excited about the prospect. Then I was gone.

Mid-afternoon and the movers had finally arrived. Some furniture was moved into the apartment, and now many large boxes littered the open space. I went out to get us some lunch, when I got back I found Sierra sprawled out and asleep on the couch. Lindsay had started to unpack some of the boxes for the kitchen, trying to make sense of my hasty labeling. She had marveled at my lack of organization and my disregard for ease of unpacking.

I found her sitting in the kitchen on the ground holding a picture frame, a box sitting next to her forgotten. I knew instantly what picture it was. That frame sat next to my bed since the day we took it. We were so happy. The sea breeze whipping through our hair. Laughter filled the air and gentle kisses were shared as we spent the afternoon seeing all the New York tourist attractions. On the ferry to see my Ma, we had asked an older couple to take our picture. Laughing and kissing we missed smiling for the camera, but the resulting moment captured was so much better. She hadn't looked up when I walked into the room. I didn't know what to say to her. I wished I knew what she was thinking. Did she wonder why I still had it? Did she still have her own copy? How could you tell the woman you walked out on, the mother of your child, that you were still in love with her? That you could never love anyone else. That you didn't ever want to love anyone else.

"You didn't bring the pool table" she broke the silence first. She actually sounded a little disappointed, so I took the opportunity to tease her a bit.

"Did you want a rematch?" I quipped mischievously. I was happy that there was an ease between us now. Every passing day it became better. I was no longer crippled with guilt. I knew I'd never ever fully forgive myself, but if Lindsay could grow to forgive me than I'd be satisfied.

"Nah, I just thought if I was ever low on cash I could come beat you again spectacularly." She rewarded me with a winning smile. I should have known she would have had a witty comeback.

"I never did pay you," I said as my eyes met hers.

"It's not too late."