I have decided that Dumbledore has officially lost his mind, not that he hadn't been off his rocker before. But, I mean he has completely lost his rocker. His train of concentration has crashed into a mountain. He-
Before I get into how insane Dumbledore is, I guess I should explain why he was awarded a one-way ticket to the loony bin. The war ended five years ago and for some strange reason, former Death Eaters started hunting me down. So, Dumbledore being the smart person he is decided I should hide and you want to know who he picked for me to stay with. Guess I dare you. You'll never get it.
Draco Malfoy.
Yes, when he suggested it I realized he finally had lost all of his marbles. I told him this and he said, "Yes, I lost my last shiny marble from my collection yesterday. It was blue. How did you know?" All I could do was shake my head at him.