
"Yes, Light-kun?" L said, looking up from his laptop quickly, then averting his coal eyes away from Lights acorn ones, feeling akward with the look Light was giving him.

What is he trying to say to me..?

"Is this really necessary?"

"Light-kun, you are under my suspicion. This is the only way to keep 24 hour surveillance on you." L replied, showing absolutely no interest in what Light had to say. After all, this was, in fact, the only way he could keep an eye on Light from every angle. He somehow managed to clear previous suspicion when L had installed cameras in Lights room, but L was still convinced of his suspicions.

"Yes, I know that, as you keep saying. But really, a chain? Come on, I'm not going to run off on you" Light shot back. Actually, considering his annoying habits, I'd probably run away screaming and never look back again.

L didn't reply, only stopped typing for a few seconds as Light spoke, then went back to his work once he'd finished. He sat back, and put his thumb in his mouth as usual, apparently deep in thought.

"Um.. Ryuzaki?"

"What is it, Light" L snapped.

Light noticed the forgotten honorary on the end of his name and took the chance to provoke L a little bit, forgetting why he had called him in the first place.

"Light? No honorary?" Light began to laugh, unable to contain himself, laughing at the extremely embarrassed look on L's face as he realised what he'd said.

"I'm tired Yagami-kun, and I am not in the mood for these games"

Light sighed, and felt a sudden pang in his throat and chest. Whenever Ryuzaki said 'Yagami-kun' he knew it meant danger. Wait, what? He was Kira, the giver of a new world; he was a God, put simply. What was that feeling? Hurt? No, he was probably just hungry. He got up, and grabbed an apple from the bowl of untouched fruit sitting on L's kitchen bench, making the chain between them pull and tug on L's wrist. L looked up, trying to find the cause of the pulling, and his mouth curled into a smirk. Light noticed this as he sat back down and bit into the apple.

"What's that look for?" Light asked, getting angry at L sitting there staring at him like he was completely nuts.

"An apple, Light-kun" L replied, grinning even more so than he was to begin with.

"Oh very funny, Ryuzaki. Yes, it's an apple, something everyday people eat. Oh no wait, if I chose an apple over a banana, it couldn't possibly because I prefer the taste of an apple, its only because I want to taunt you and tease you, giving you the idea I'm Kira"

Lights voice was dripping with sarcasm, and he gave a heavy sigh, thinking how in the hell could L think he was Kira from simply eating an apple? Yes, Light was Kira. But if he knew that every action he took would cause L's suspicion to raise even higher than before, he wouldn't even bother getting up out of bed every morning. It just made him angry, and eventually, he'd drag L into bed with him, forcing himself into sleep before he went through with his thoughts and knocked L over the head with his own laptop then throw him out the window.

L merely shrugged, but still kept that stupid smirk on his face, gazing at Light intently. Light ended up throwing the apple at Ryuzaki, watching it soar right past L's head, and through the open window behind him.

Damn, I missed.

"That wasn't very nice Light-kun" L said, using his sweet and innocent tone

Normally, Light would have apologized given that Ryuzaki's 'cute' voice was pretty hard to ignore. But this time, he was annoyed beyond reason. Being stared at wasn't unusual for Light, but having L stare at him was unsettling, and he didn't like it one single tiny bit.

There was a long silence, in which both men just sat and looked at the ceiling, both consumed with their own thoughts. Then, a knock at the door interrupted them. L stood up, dragging Light along behind him, earning a hearty frustrated groan from Light. He opened the door to find—


"Good evening, Ryuzaki. I know you said we weren't meant to be working tonight, but I thought it'd be good if I came in anyway. I mean Kira won't catch himself, will he?" Matsuda said, his intentions purely innocent.

Although Matsuda was gay, as L had confirmed, Matsuda never once made a move on either Light or himself. He thought it strange, but he was about to find out why.

Matsuda let himself in, and L followed suit, dragging Light along the floor behind him, as Light had fallen over himself walking towards the door with L. Noticing the sudden lagging behind him, L turned around, and gave Light the strangest look he could possibly muster, and kept following Matsuda to the table, where he sat opposite him, Light following suit.

"So, what did you want to see us about?"

"Well.. erm.. I was going to speak to you about something.." Matsuda said, mumbling incoherently, suddenly turning a very bright shade of crimson.

"Go ahead, Matsuda-san" L said, wondering where in the hell this was going. Surely Matsuda didn't have feelings for himself or Light.. did he?!

"Well.. me and the other members of the team have noticed something and.. well.. we wanted to ask.. are you guys.. you know.. doing anything out of the ordinary..?" Matsuda turned an even deeper shade of crimson, if that was at all possible.

Light sat looking at the man sitting opposite him and L with a dumbfounded look on his face. Me and L..? No, surely he didn't mean that.. Light struggled to fight down a rising heat in his cheeks. Luckily for him, L was completely oblivious to Matsuda's suggestion. But, to his horror, L questioned him as to what he meant.

"Er, you know.. how to put this.."

"He's saying they think we're having sex L" Light said, quickly covering his mouth, realising what he'd just said. No longer being able to fight it, a blush found its way to his cheeks, and he faced his head downwards, focusing on a ball of fluff sitting beneath his feet.

L turned to look at him, with a strange, emotionless look on his face. Then, before Light could figure out exactly what the look meant, L turned to face Matsuda again, giving him a shocked and appalled look, quite different to the one he'd given Light.

"What makes you think that, Matsuda-san?" L said, trying to keep his thoughts collected, trying to block out thoughts of what that may be like. He was unsuccessful, apparently, because he felt an irritating heat course through his body. He pulled his knees closer towards his chest and tried to disregard it.

"Well.. you're chained together, and you sleep in the same bed.. you guys always look at each other now, and it's pretty hard to miss"

Matsuda has new-found confidence, apparently.


"Well, I'd like to let you know, Matsuda-san, that Light-kun and I are hardly friends, let alone anything like that. If anything were ever to occur, it would be under forced circumstances" L said coldly, feeling the heat suddenly ebb away, replaced by a cold icy feeling running through him.

Light averted his gaze from Matsuda to L, feeling suddenly slightly panicked and feeling a lump rise in his throat.

Did he really mean that..?

Matsuda simply nodded, and took his cue to leave. He waved to the both of them, and left them to bathe in the eerie silence that followed L's words. Light, feeling the sudden need to get away from L, quickly got up, dragging L behind him, and walked swiftly through the kitchen into the bathroom, but before L could join him, L found the door slammed in his face.

Maybe I went a bit too far with what I said. But are we really friends? No, he's my number one suspect.

He was still lost in thought when a muffled sob came from inside the bathroom, and L suddenly felt like a knife had been shoved in his stomach.

I suppose I did go a bit too far. Surely he isn't that upset.

When L awoke again, he looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4:40am. Looking behind him, he noticed the door was still locked. Had he really been locked outside a bathroom for 6 hours, just for making a silly comment? He heard a sharp clicking noise, accompanied by a harsh and cold voice, racking through his body.

"Move", Light said, in a flat tone.

L stood, and turned his head to look at Light, only to be met with a curled fist coming into contact with his jaw. A sharp pain went through his chin, and he rubbed it gingerly before turning on Light again.

"Don't you dare say a fucking word. Get these off me now" Light said, in the same cold tone. He held up the length of the chain, rattling it in L's face.

"No." L said simply

"Okay, fine. Have it your way"

Light picked L up by the shoulders and threw him onto the floor, putting his foot on L's stomach. Feeling rage run through him, he pushed down, earning a sharp intake of breath from L. He pulled his foot off, and swiftly proceeded to kick L in the ribs. Hard. Again, Light kicked him, with still no response other than a quick gasp of pain, and this only infuriated Light more. He suddenly dropped down onto L, putting all his weight onto L's abdomen, all the while laying quick and hard punches onto L's cheeks, jaw, nose, anywhere he could reach. He kept going until he was satisfied with that he'd done. Although, when he looked down, he couldn't help but feel guilt bubbling away in the bottom of his stomach. He had bruised L countless times across his face and chest, and saw blood trickling down from his nose to the top of his lips.

Light got up, and looked down at L.

"We truly are not friends any more, Yagami-kun." L said, finally showing some emotion in his voice. He was speaking in a soft tone, barely a whisper, with hurt etched all throughout his voice.

He got up, pulled the key out of his pocket, and undid the handcuffs that bound himself and Light together. He let them drop to the floor, and looked Light straight in the eye. He glared at him through eyes that showed hardly any emotion, but Light felt his gaze pierce right through him, never seeing a hatred so pure come from anybody's eyes, not even his own when he first became Kira and was tricked by L. L turned around and walked slowly out of the room, and closed the bathroom door behind him.

L looked at himself in the mirror and figured it'd be best to clear himself up. He grabbed a face washer from the shower recess and began to dab away at the dried blood that had formed on his nose and mouth, holding his breath slightly as each pat of the face washer inflicted a stinging sensation.

Once he had finished, he walked outside, to find Light sitting on the bed, not saying a word. Light didn't even turn to look at him. L, feeling a bit weirded out about how Light was acting, kept walking into the kitchen, where he peered into the fridge, taking out a slice of strawberry cheesecake. Wondering how in the hell he was hungry at a time like this, his cake was left abandoned, and L was left to ponder in his thoughts.

"Why did you say that, Ryuzaki"

Lights voice pulled L away from his train of thoughts, and he stared up at him, looking at the redness of his eyes and the tears left undried on his face.

"Say what?" L looked at him, feeling almost sorry for him. He knew what he'd done.

"Say what you did to Matsuda"

Lights voice was as cold as ice. L had seen him angry, but never like this before, not even after all the times he'd woken Light up, or the times he'd accused him of being Kira.

Silence. That eerie silence fell upon them both as they looked each other directly in the eyes, making the atmosphere of the room change to that of one holding overwhelming anger, and sadness measured.

L simply looked at Light, tilting his head slightly, putting his thumb into his mouth, not knowing what he was meant to say. Apparently though, that only made the situation worse.

"I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION!!" Light yelled, putting all his anger into his words.

"I said those things because you have never once shown me any form of affection Yagami-kun. Can you ever recall a time that you ever stopped thinking of yourself and gave me what I needed, or what I wanted? Because I can't"

L's voice shook with anger, finally revealing the truth that had been gnawing at him for days on end now. Months in fact.

Since Light had been chained to L, what L was expecting was just about the opposite of what he got. He had expected the same genius he knew from the investigation room to shine through, showing L he had some kind of match. But instead, he was faced with someone that was harsh and cold, hardly ever smiling, and consistently taunting him, as if he was a play toy.

Light looked back at L, feeling his anger ebb away.

"That's not true, Ryuzaki", Light said in as calm of voice as he could muster. He knew it was true. He knew it everytime he had been cruel to L and looked at his saddened eyes and simply laughed.

"Yes, it is, and you know it. Don't you agree that you've never shown me any kind of traces of friendship? In fact you've treated me like I'm not even human. Yes, I have odd ways of doing things, but I enjoy it that way. If that is too hard for you to handle, I suggest you leave right now before I lose my control" L replied icily, giving Light the chills. He'd never heard L speak in that tone of voice before.


"Ryuzaki" L corrected him coldly.

"No, L. Listen to me when I say this. Hear me loud and clear. Friendship has nothing to do with this situation, nor does hate or anything even remotely similar to that. Do you want to know the truth?"

"I think I am at least entitled to that, am I not?"

"Well.. I think I'm in love with you"