The Atavism of Change

Tori: I know I need to work on my other works, but this was like a bug that would not quit biting until it got wrote. I hope you enjoy this anyway.

-- Chapter 1: Prologue

A scream pierced the air as Danny Fenton was grabbed from behind. The smug face of Dan hovered in and out of his vision. If there was one thing Danny knew from countless battles with ghosts, it was when he was in a screwed situation.

His family(i.e. Mom and Dad) had decided that it would be nice to go on a picnic in the park. Of course he couldn't let his family know that he was a half ghost, so now here he was being held by... well himself with no way of escape or fighting back. Yep, today sucked.

"Hello and goodbye. The boy is coming with me and if any of you try to stop me, I will not hesitate to kill you,"

All present watched in distress as the two disappeared into the ground. Jack had a dumbstruck look on his face, Maddie had fallen to her knees and was in a state of shock to see her boy taken so easily from her. While Jazz, Sam, and Tucker were huddled together to figure a way to get him back...

One year later...

First hour english class was noisy as usual when the bell rang. Mr. Lancer came in and quieted everyone down, announcing the usual things.

"Today we have a student coming back to us so I hope you can be kind enough to help him feel welcomed back," at that all the attention was focussed on the door.

The person that walked through the door cause shock in all present. Danny scanned all in the class with a practiced eye of a warrior. He was no longer puny, but lean and smooth muscles were visible. His hair was grown out and tied at the base of his neck. Gone were his old clothes, now he were black army style pants, and a white button down shirt. The most shocking were the scars all over his body. On his arms looked like claw marks and just poking out of his shirt on his chest seemed to be a deep gash. All in all, he looked like a predator, ready to strike his prey.

"Danny your seat is in the same spot as before. I don't want anyone to be bugging Mr. Fenton about his whereabouts for the past year, that is all,"

Sam and Tucker stared at him with meaningful eyes. Danny sighed, and knew he was going to get grilled with questions later. For now he would have to deal with all the stares.

At lunch...

Danny would have crawled into a hole if he could. That is until Dash decided that Danny should become the punching bag again. The jock came up from behind and Danny acted on pure instinct. A hand shot out as Danny pinned Dash to the wall. His eyes were glowing a faint aqua color. Everyone had their eyes on the two.

"I suggest that you don't try anything again...I am not the same person I was a year ago. Next time I will have to rearrange your face," Danny dropped Dash in a heap, got his food, and sat down with Sam and Tucker. Both looked at him cautiously.

"You don't have to look at me like I am the enemy. I am still the same Danny...well a few additions now, but I am still your Danny,"

Sam looked at him in the eyes, "I will make this simple. Where were you?"

"Dan took me. He had made a hideout with no guards or security, just to prove that no matter how much I try to get away, he will be strong enough to bring me back himself. Don't think I didn't try to get away, countless times I tried to leave, only to be dragged back. I was beaten to a pulp to teach me not to do it again,"

The looks of horror on his two best friends' faces made Danny pause.

"Dude, why would he do that?"

"To make a history that never happened repeat,"


Tori: I will update more often on this and the other ones as well.