First Revenge: Bella

Bella's Point Of View

I walked out to my truck by the curb, about a month after The Incident, as it is now called. I was happily surprised that Edward hadn't taken any sort of revenge. In fact, he had been quite pleasant to be around. Not moody in the least.

It made the others suspicious, but I was sure he was okay now.

After all, what would he really do to me? I'm the drug to his druggie and all that jazz.

So, now I was picking Edward up for a change, him being carless and all…

I got to my truck and got in. When I started it up I was nearly deafened. I couldn't remember it being quite this loud. I would need to take it to have it checked.

I put the truck in drive and lightly pressed on the gas and screamed.

I was nearly thrown backwards from the force of the speed I had taken off with. I quickly slammed on the brakes and tried to calm my heart. It was beating faster than even kissing Edward made it go.

I picked up my phone and called Edward.

"Hello?" He answered.


"What? Bella, sweetheart, whatever do you mean?"


"Oh, that. I had Rosalie put in the engine from the fastest and most powerful racecar in the world." He answered. Then he had the nerve to say, "Do you like it?"

I just screamed in frustration and slammed the phone shut.

Revenge sucked.

So… You won't really understand this story if you haven't read Death Of The Volvo.

For those of you who have, (I'm still keeled over from the amount of reviews…), these will just be a chapter for each Bella, Alice, and Jasper. I hope you like them!

And, no, this is NOT all that happens to Bella! Come on people, she's the mastermind. You don't think Edward would let her off with just a fast car?

Peace out,
