Yeah, 1200 hits, well enjoy.

" Pallet town, Finally"

" He Ash, why are you so excited about going here?" Ritchie asked.

" Because, it is a school trip." Ash lied. "And because it is my hometown. While you are stuck in your tents I can sleep on my comfortable bed. Thank god that Misty was sick, she would ruin everything."

"We reached Pallet harbor, All students are ask to leave in ten minutes." Said the intercom.

"Come on Pikachu, time to leave."


Pikachu jumped on Ash his shoulder and together with Ritchie they left. Before they left the boat, Professor Oak wanted to talk to Ash.

"What is wrong Professor Oak?"

"What is wrong is that you are not planning to go sleeping in a tent but in your own bed."

"How do you know that?"

"I talked to your mother. I am fine with that, I am also going to sleep in my own bed."

"Why do you need to talk to me then?"

" Because the sleeping arrangements are in groups of two, meaning you need to get someone with you, and it has to be a boy."

Ash sighed. "I bet Ritchie doesnt mind."

Ash was dismissed and looked up Ritchie.

"Why did the prof needed to talk to you?"

"Sleeping arrangements."


" You be sleeping with me at my house."

"Your house?"

"Pallet is my home town."

"You mean that I can sleep in a normal house and not in a tent?"


"That is GREAT! Thank god, they said it would be raining all night."

" Aren't you lucky."

"All students gather here!" Everyone went to Professor Oak.

"All right children, the rules. First we start everyday at eight in the morning. You be excepted to be ready by then. Second, you be sleeping in tents with someone of the same gender. If there is any problem come see me or Cynthia. Dinner is at seven. You have the rest of the day until we reach our camping spot."

The professor walked towards Ash and Ritchie. "I take Ritchie will be sleeping in your house." Ash nodded. "You two may go now, you dont have a tent to set up anyway."

"Thanks professor" Both said.

"MOM, I AM HERE" Ash yelled.

"Now Ritchie, remember my mom is a little bit, umm weird"

"ASH" yelled Delia Ketchum, the mother of Ash. She was dressed in her usual outfit. She pulled him in for a hug.

"Hi mom, you are chocking me."

"O sorry dear, and who is your friend?"

"This is my friend Ritchie, if you don't mind he be sleeping here, orders from the Professor."

"Of course I dont mind, in fact why don't you invite more friends. Like Misty, where is she?"

"Misty is sick."

"But you have more friends right?"

"I bet Dawn would kill to have a bed and shower." Ritchie interrupted.

"Who is Dawn?"

"The girl Ash has a crush on."

"Ritchie, shut up." Ash said angry.

"You got to invite her."

"Fine, I will talk to them tomorrow."

"Alright dear. I hope you two are hungry."

" I'll be right there mom, first I am going to let out my Pokémon in the backyard, Pikachu should already be there."

"Chimchar, Bulbasaur come out."



"You three can go and play, I will feed you in a hour."

As Ash was walking back but was interrupted by three Pokémon.


Char, Char


"Now play sweet with the others." Ritchie shouted.

It was dinner time and Delia couldn't stop asking questions. Especially about Dawn. Still Ash managed to tell that he had got two new Pokémon and the trouble he had for not having three. That he had a job at the mall and about his rival Paul. After a while a Delia went from Ash to Ritchie. After Ash and Ritchie had a full belly, it was time to feed their Pokémon. When it was starting to rain they recalled their Pokémon. They relaxed until bedtime, Ash slept in his room and Ritchie in the guest.

Morning broke and after a good breakfast they walked back at the meeting point.

" Hey Dawn, May" Ash shouted after spotting his friends.

"What happened to you two yesterday?!" Dawn shouted.

" Nothing, W-Why?"Ash asked nervous.

"Because you two just disappeared!" May shouted

" Wow what happened to your hair?" Ritchie asked. This was a fatal mistake. Both May and Dawn gave him a death glare and where ready to use violence.

"What happened to our hair. THIS IS THE RESULT OF SLEEPING OUTSIDE." May yelled.

" He, how do you two seem to be perfectly fine?" Dawn asked.

"YEAH, Your hair isn't a mess, you smell good and you are happy. O MY GOD, YOUR SLEEPING IN A HOUSE!!" May yelled at the top of her lungs.

"How the fuck can you guess that?" Ash asked surprised.

"So it is true?"

"Yes it is true, and I had to invite you."

"I accept." Dawn responded in a second flat.

"Me too."

"All right, stay with me after the trip is over" Ash sighed.

It was a trip to a near forest at the river. The lessons was how to use trees, rocks and water in battle. After a demonstration by Cynthia, they practiced the rest of the day. Since Ash and Ritchie where the only one who weren't wet, dirty, tired and grumpy, they kicked ass. The professor was busy in his lab so he wasn't there. The day was over very quick and now is the moment Ash really wished it would never happen: His mom meeting Dawn.

It was over, and Ash didn't want to remember it. The questions to Dawn, The story about Ash and the baby pictures. During dinner, Ash went to the bathroom and cried a little. And the evening wasn´t over yet. Dawn was in the backyard right now, alone, feeding her Pokémon. And his mom just pushed him towards her.

"At least she approves Dawn, and she was kind enough to make us hot cocoa. She is sweet but sometime she is over enthusiast."

Pikapi pika Pikachu

"What do you think? How would you feel if you have been humiliated by your mother to the girl you love."



Pika pi pika chu

"I don't know, I mean, I don't know how she feels about me."

Pika pi pi chu PIKA


" Buneary, Let loose of Pikachu." Dawn yelled.

As soon as Pikachu got the change he used quick attack to escape Buneary's grasp. Buneary just skipped after him.

"I am so sorry Ash." Dawn quickly apologized.

"There is no need for." Ash replied smiling. "Here is some hot cocoa."



"Are you alright."

Ash started blowing. "Yeah, just a little tingly."

"Must resist the urge to kiss."

"What, I didn't catch that."

"Shit, I said it out loud." "I uhh said that it was quite a night."

"Yeah, sorry for all the questions."

"No need to worry, all the story's and pictures where worth all the trouble. That rash is gone right?"

"Yeah, but please never mention that again, it was very embarrassing."

Dawn just laughed. The two stayed talking until it became a bit to cold. They called back their Pokémon and went inside.

"Time to discus the sleeping arrangements." Delia shouted. "I will sleep on the couch, Ritchie in Ash his room, May in the guest room and Ash and Dawn in my room."

Dawn looked shocked and Ash chocked in his last bit of cocoa.


"Is that so bad?" Dawn asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"No, it is just that I am surprised that my mother would suggest something like that." Ash quickly replied.

"It's ok"

"But if your not comfortable with it, I guess we can change." Delia interrupted.

The sleeping arrangements where as followed. Ash got the couch, Delia the guestroom, Ritchie Ash his room and May and Dawn got Delia's room. The girls where eager to get a shower after getting dirty from sleeping outside. As Delia got ready to go to sleep and May was in the shower Ash, Ritchie and Dawn where downstairs, watching TV. When May was ready she called Dawn and went upstairs leaving Ash and Ritchie alone.

"Don't you feel like an idiot. You had a change to do where half the school is dreaming of." Ritchie said.

"And that is?" Ash asked dumbly.

"Sleeping in the same bed with Dawn."

Ash started to blush at the thought. When his mother said it he was to surprised to blush and Dawn was their. "You know how awkward that would be."

"Really awkward, but when are you going to tell her that you like her?"

" I don't know, I mean she did reject all those dates and I really like her."

"I understand." Ritchie yawned "I am going to bed, night Ash."

"Good night Ritchie."

Unknown to the boys May was eavesdropping. "So he does like her. She has trouble admitting it but it is so obvious that she likes him. It is time to be Miss Matchmaker. Better go to bed before Ritchie gets here."

A few minutes later, Dawn came in the room. She quickly went to bed.

"Night May."

"Night Dawn, and don't be disappointed that Ash isn't sleeping here."

"I knew you wouldn't leave it alone."

" I saw your face when Ash protested, don't take it personal, he would probably sleep on the floor."

"He is that kind of guy."

" Sometime I wish for your sake that he was more like Drew."

"Well, I am glad Ash isn't like your o so perfect Drew, I tell you, that guy is going to break your heart. I know you have a crush on him but he is a player so don't expect anything serious. Ones he got in your pants it would probably be over."

"You know nothing about Drew, he isn't like that!"

Dawn sighed. "I hope I am wrong. Lets get some sleep."


The next morning.

Ash and Ritchie got up a bit earlier then the rest because they needed to shower. Breakfast was silent. There was a certain tension between Dawn and May. And Between Dawn and Ash. And not only during breakfast. The whole day. The day wasn't much different then the first day. It was still terrain practice only an other terrain.

They were on their way back to Ash his house.

"Dawn, can I talk to you for a second?

"Sure Ash, what is it?"

"I want to apologize for last night. It is not that I mind sleeping with you in the same bed, it is just" Ash started to have a little blush " That it would be awkward."

"Don't worry about it, You didn't do anything wrong. I just wonder why your mother would do such a thing.

"Do you think she is trying know… get us together."

Both Ash and Dawn turned their heads to hide their blush at the thought. It was an awkward moment. Luckily May interrupted.

"Dawn can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure May." Ash left to talk to Ritchie.

"I want to apologize. We have been avoiding other all day and I don't really have a reason to be mad at you. It is just, when I hear something bad about Drew, I just can't stand it."

"I forgive you. You did got me out of a tight spot." Dawn talked about what Ash said. The two giggled until they arrived at Ash House. The night went pretty smooth. Their where no problems and no tensions. Delia didn't try to set Ash and Dawn up.

Everyone was already asleep, except Ash.

"Tomorrow where going to visit Oak's lab. How much would it have changed? Tracey is going to be disappointed when he hears that Misty isn't with us." Ash yawned "That is a problem for tomorrow." Ash drifted to sleep.

The little fight between Dawn and May was intended to be short. Please Review.