Valentines Day Challenge
Be My Valentine?
Setting: During New Moon. Edward and the rest of the Cullen's are gone and Bella is just out of her numbness… If you remember in New Moon Jake gives her chocolate, well Mrs. Meyer never said anything about school… This is what I think it would have been like…
" Bella." Eric's nervous voice broke my daze. I looked up at him from where I was sitting in the school library.
" Eric?" I asked, my own voice nervous. I was hoping he wasn't going to give me anything. I already have a teddy bear, three boxes of chocolate, and about four roses. I felt so…so over liked. I wasn't that pretty and I have been so out of it that I didn't think people still liked me.
" Well I got you something for Valentines Day." I rolled my eyes and internal groaned. " It's nothing much but I thought you would like them." He passed me a little box of heart candy and a card. " I know you've been a little down lately so maybe I can help." He said, still nervous. I actually smiled at the card. It was nice. It was something a friend would give to another friend.
" I love it. Thank you so much Eric." I stood up so I could give him a quick hug. " I'm just sorry I didn't think to give you anything." I smiled sadly this time. Before he could respond the bell rang, signaling for lunch, and I gathered my things and sped out of the library, surprising myself when I didn't trip. At lunch I sat with my usual group, though it was awkward because half of the boys there gave me something. I wanted to sink into the ground. I never felt so bad. Like I was letting everyone down. I sighed and drank my lemonade.
" So Bella how many things have you gotten today?" Lauren asked smugly. Should I tell her the real number or make one up?
Real one.
" Well, Lauren, if you must know I have four roses, three boxes of chocolate, a stuffed animal, and a box of candy along with seven cards. What about you?" Lauren and Jessica looked, almost open mouthed, at me. " Well?" I asked, the smug one this time. They just turned their noses at me. I silently laughed at them.
Finally the last bell rang and I slowly walked to my truck. Glad that the day was done and that I could go see Jake.