Hey guys! This is a drabble written for a challenge between my friend and I. She's dormitos. It's a crack pairing and I hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to review. Besides, you know you want to. Oh and anyone whose curious about My Alien Invades, the next chapter should be up soon. I'm just trying to decide what I want to happen in the chapter.


"Booyah! Take that, you rotten witch!" Cyborg cried as he fired his sonic cannon at his Tameranian opponent.

Blackfire took off in the air, avoiding the spot where Cyborg's sonic cannon made an indent on the floor beneath her. She laughed mockingly, cheeks flushed red. "Is that the best you can do, you waste of metal?"

The taunt hit Cyborg like a blow to the gut. "Keep tryin', you Troq! I ain't givin' up any time soon!" Cyborg went in for the punch, which Blackfire dodged neatly. In response, she aimed a well timed kick at Cyborg's chest.

Blackfire quirked a taunting eyebrow. "You know you're here all alone. No one is here to help you. Not even my weakling sister."'

"All the more fun," Cyborg replied with a grin. "Now hold still while I blow out your brains."

Blackfire shook her head. "Naughty naughty. Besides, don't you want to hear about my grandiose plans of what I shall do? I was severely put back by my last duel with my meddling sister."

"Uh... no." Cyborg replied and then launched missiles at the Tameranian. One hit the villain in the chest, causing her to fly backwards from the force, where a resounding crunch could be heard.

Cyborg stood at ready, with his sonic cannon loaded, waiting for his teammate's sister to attack him. But why wasn't she coming?

He lowered his arm and inched toward the girl, only to see her violet eyes closed and her black hair spread across the ground where she landed, partially crowning her face, partially picking up the gravel beneath her. And she wasn't moving.

"This isn't good," Cyborg muttered to himself. He checked his sensors to see if Blackfire was still alright, but her pulse was low. "What have I done?"

A groan escaped the Tameranian's lips. She cracked open her eyes and gave Cyborg a faded look with her eyes and a half smile. "And I thought you didn't care."

Cyborg knelt down beside her. "I don't," he replied, stroking her head.

She groaned at his touch. "You gave me a concussion."

"Your welcome. Told ya I'd get ya."

"Well, I've got you too."

"What's that supposed to mean."

She just closed her eyes, letting herself slip into unconsciousness, leaving a very nonplussed Cyborg in her wake.

What on earth did she mean by that? Cyborg wondered as he stared entranced at her unconscious form.