AN: From here on out the humor is going to be sparse, I might be able to put some in here and there, but the story is going to start to get pretty heavy from here on out. LuNa will start to gradually build up :D but still pretty slow going so I must ask again to please bear with me, thanks :D

Note: I didn't base Liliumon the flower in the OP movie 6. In fact, I completely forgot that flower was called Lily Carnation or something along those lines. No, this Lilium is not some freaky flower that eats people, but that doesn't mean it's any less dangerous :x

Oh and since it's been (way) over month since I last updated, please forgive the lateness and ignore the plotholes. Just jump right over them, they're not that big :D

Reviewer's Corner: Sorry guys, this chapter was not my best work, it really killed me to write it. Much thanks to xXBandwagonXx I'm glad you find Gomi cute, you probably won't as the story goes on, haha. It really is hard to give everyone limelight. Ryo Hoshi なんでやねん!D: RyougaZell, yeah the LuNa action is not developing well, lol. I should be ashamed as writer who claims to love this couple. Silverchild of the winds, Adventure most likely in the next chapter, unfortunately. wheathermangohanssj4 (maybe I should just go by heather) Sleep is the best thing in the world. Darth Luffy, Sorry, sorry. This chapter will probably be a disappointment to you :( Confession68, I burnt out because you read so slow, you big donut butt ho. I'm going to break down your harem and steal them all away. :x

Me? Talk too much? No, of course not.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.


Chapter 3: In The Dark

"What do you mean?" Nami glanced at the sun, estimating the amount of daylight they had left before turning back to Chopper. "Did she run away?"

"I guess so." Chopper said, frowning. "We were asking about the island while she was buying shoes and she just disappeared."

"So you spent the entire time looking for her?" Nami asked slowly, her voice beginning to raise an octave. "And you didn't find any information when you know we have only a few more days before the log sets?"

"I... we..." Chopper floundered, looking confused. "I thought it was more important to make sure she was safe!"

"With the three of you..." Nami paused, glancing at Luffy and Brook for a moment, then turned back to Chopper. "With your nose you couldn't find her?"

"I couldn't pick it up with the scent of flowers overpowering it!" Chopper said defensively. "I could barely breathe, let alone track her scent."

"And now you've returned with nothing." Nami said tightly, her lips pressing into a thin line. For a moment, Chopper could only stare at her in disbelief before defiance began to creep into his stare.

He stepped forward, ready to speak his mind, but was quickly interrupted.

"Not nothing." Brook broke in, earning everyone's attention and breaking the building tension. He quickly opened the top of his skull and pulled out a bouquet of Lilium. "For you, my dear woman!"

"And you?" Nami said stiffly when she fixed Luffy with a glare as she crushed the heel of her boot onto the bouquet that was now shoved into Brook's open mouth as he lay on the ground.

"We found out about the festival!" Luffy said cheerfully. "And as captain, I'm saying we stay!"

"Would you be serious for once?" Nami said angrily, grabbing him by his lips and pulling hard so that they stretched a foot away from his face. Luffy made incoherent noises, his hands twitching around his stretched skin. "We're going to lose the chance to get to Merman Island! Who was the one who was so adamant about going there in the first place?"

"But if you don't care anymore, that's fine with me." Nami said unconcernedly, raising her hands as she released her hold on his lips. Luffy's head snapped back when they reverted to their original shape and when he spoke he had a slight lisp.

"We are going!" Luffy grinned, his lips slightly puffy from Nami's abuse. "After the festival."

"Luffy, don't you understand?" Nami snapped. "We have virtually no information on how to get there! We may never get there if we don't find information soon. "

"That's why, after the festival-"

"You idiot." Nami grabbed him by his vest, reaching her last nerve. "By the time the festival is over we'll have to leave!"

"But there will be a lot of people at the festival." Luffy provided for her, holding his hat to his head as she continued to shake him.

"What of it?" Nami said, stopping abruptly, but continued to keep a steadfast hold on his vest. Luffy's head hung back for a moment before he swung up to meet her gaze, grinning.

"We can ask the people there." Luffy tilted his head back to look back at their archeologist. "Right?"

"That may be our best chance." Robin agreed with a smile. "There will certainly be a lot of people there. Chances are someone will be able to give us the information we need."

"See." Luffy rocked his head back to meet his navigator's gaze.

"That's still cutting it close." Nami said, releasing her captain. "And there's no guarantee that we will find anyone."

"That's true." Robin agreed.

Nami sighed, placing a hand to her chin in thought. Suddenly an idea occurred to her and she snapped her fingers, turning to Luffy and Chopper.

"Those men from before!"

"What men?" They chorused, slightly taken aback by her sudden change in attitude.

"The one's Gomi stole from." Nami reminded them with a grin. "They didn't seem like locals, did they? I'll put my money on it that they're pirates!"

"Well, they did look like pirates." Chopper agreed hesitantly. "Are there other travelers on the island?"

"I bet there are!" Nami turned to Robin, her eyes shining with new hope. "And that's where the money is."

"I see." Robin said as the crew continued to look back and forth between the two women. "A traveler to this island so far in to the Grand Line gives a high probability that they may have come from the New World."

"Exactly! Just like Lola!" Nami bubbled.

"I get it!" Usopp said as he began to catch on. "They'll know about Merman Island or at least give us some lead to go on, right?"

"Right." Nami said as Chopper, Luffy and Usopp began to dance around in excitement.

"Good plan." Franky commented before puncturing their balloon with his next question. "Where do we start?"

"That's... the problem." Nami deflated a little. "Aside from those three goons from the other day, I don't think we saw any other travelers."

"We could try at the docks." Robin suggested, then added as an after thought, "And we might want to try the bar again. I'm sure a different crowd of people will be in there."

"That's true." Nami agreed as she recalled how empty the bar had been upon their first visit. "It probably wasn't the best idea to visit it so early in the day. We can go back into town and see what else opens up."

"All right, crew!" Luffy pumped his fist into the air. "Let's get going!"

"Wait, Luffy!" Nami took a step in front of their captain and waved her hands in a gesture to calm his excitement. "It's not even dark yet and we just got back..."

"What?" Luffy frowned in confusion. "The sooner the better, right? Wasn't it you who kept reminding us how little time we have left?"

"I did, but..." Nami tried to think of an excuse, but her tired mind refused to come up with anything plausible enough to even satisfy his simple logic. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Nami turned away, one hand tangling into her hair. "Ah, you're so annoying!"

"What?!" Luffy sounded indignant. "You're really rude, Nami! Come on, let's go!"

Everyone inwardly groaned at the prospect of a long night after their hours of fruitless searching and slowly moved to follow their captain when a loud gurgling of an empty stomach reached their ears.

"Ah." Luffy stopped midway across the deck, turning to them with a hand to his stomach. "Food first. Then we go!"

"Idiot!" Nami shouted at him, but silently thanked his insatiable appetite.

"He's right." Sanji agreed, flicking away his finished cigarette over the side of the ship as he adjusted his shoes, tapping the toes lightly on the grass before heading up to the galley. "Can't do anything productive on an empty stomach."

"Dinner, Sanji! Dinner!" Luffy called after him eagerly, both arms in the air. "Meat, meat!"

"I got it."

"After dinner, we'll try again." The others nodded their heads in agreement, taking a moment to catch their breaths as they sat on the grassy deck and enjoyed the cool sea breeze.


The girl in questioned looked down to see Chopper getting to his feet, staring up at her with concern etched in his gaze.

"What is it, Chopper?"

"What about Gomi?"

At that, Nami couldn't help but smile.

"We told her, didn't we? She could leave as soon as it was morning or she could come back." Nami crouched down so that they were at eye level. She then tilted her head to the side with a slight smile. "I guess she chose to leave."

"But, aren't you a little worried?" He frowned. "Her injuries-"

"Chopper, she survived this long without us." Nami's smile faltering as she spoke. She reached over to lightly touch the rim of his hat. "I'm sure she'll be fine on her own."

"But-" He began again, but Nami swiftly yanked his hat over his eyes.

"Just let it go." Nami said firmly as the reindeer struggled to readjust his hat.

Once he had managed to regain his vision, he found Nami already walking away from him. His gaze followed her sadly before shifting over to the rope ladder that hung limply over the side of the ship.

"All right, let's head out!" Luffy said enthusiastically as he punched at the air for emphasis.

Having had time to replenish their energy with a short rest and food in their system, there was a collective sound of agreement as one by one they descended off the ship. Nami was one of the last when she saw Chopper lingering behind.

"I... I think I'll stay and guard the ship." He said when he caught Nami's stare.

"You sure?" Usopp asked as Franky hopped off the ship.

"Yeah. You guys go ahead. The smell of the flowers really hurts my nose." He said as he rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. "I still need some time to recover."

"Is that so?" Nami asked in a way that Chopper shrunk back, sweat beginning to form.


"Then we'll leave it to you!" Usopp waved to him before swinging himself over the side of the ship to climb down the ladder.

"Right!" Chopper saluted as Usopp disappeared out of sight. He stiffened as he felt Nami's gaze still burning into him and slowly looked up from the brim of his hat to meet her gaze. "You're not going with them?"

"That's not the real reason you're staying behind, is it?" Nami crossed her arms over her chest.

"W-why would you say that?" Chopper asked defensively, holding up an arm as if to shield himself from her intense gaze.

"Hey!" A voice drifted from over the side of the ship, but it was ignored as Nami dropped her arms to her sides, turning away with a sigh.

"Do what you want. We'll be counting on you." Nami waved as she headed to the ladder hanging over the side of the ship.

Chopper visibly relaxed when Nami turned away, but a moment later something seemed to trigger his memory and he cried out, hurrying after her to grab at one of her pants legs.

"Wait! You're not supposed to overexert yourself!" Chopper scolded her. Nami looked down at him in surprise, then grinned as she raised an arm, pumping it in the air once with her hand clenched into a fist.

"I'm fine." Nami plucked the material of her jeans from his hooves. "I guess being stuck on a ship full of guys with monstrous stamina has rubbed off on me."

"Hey!" Luffy's voice had increased in volume, causing the two remaining members to glance over the side of the ship. "Hurry up, Nami! Let's go!"

"And I don't really feel I can relax if I were to leave it them." Nami added as her arm dropped, the energy draining from her in an instant.

"Even if you say that..." Chopper continued to frown. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Aye, aye, Doctor Chopper!" Nami saluted him, grinning when the reindeer's eyes brightened.

"Idiot! Saying that won't make me happy!" Chopper giggled as he swayed from side to side in momentary euphoria. "You jerk!"

"Right, right." Nami tossed over her shoulder as she climbed over the side of the ship and stepped onto the ladder. Just as she came to the railing at eye level, she gave Chopper one last smile.

"Maybe this time you can convince her to stay?"

Before he could open his mouth to respond, Nami had already disappeared out of sight. He quickly ran over to the side of the ship, hoisting himself onto the railing, his hooves dangling over the edge as he found the others already heading off into the darkness, a shiver going down his spine as one by one the faces of his nakama turned away. He waved at their backs enthusiastically even when they disappeared out of sight, only stopping when his arm began to grow tired before slipping down onto the deck.

His nose twitched as he surveyed the deck and soon his eyes began to water. Momentarily alarmed, he rubbed at his eyes as the scent of the sea and the flowers coming from the island was suddenly overcome by the powerful odor of sulfur. He coughed, blinking his eyes rapidly as he moved to rub his nose, but as soon as the odor came, it disappeared. He dropped his hoof in surprise, his vision clearing. He took a deep breath, deep enough to send him into coughing fits, but he could no longer catch the scent of sulfur.

Was it my imagination? Chopper thought to himself, glancing out across the deck and into the dark abyss that lay on the other side of the ship.

"Ah!" Chopper stiffened when the realization hit him. "I'm guarding the ship by myself?!"

As opposite as light and dark, the days and nights of this seemingly quiet island was just as different. The others could only stare in awe at the boisterous atmosphere as they were jostled aside. There were all sorts of shady characters as well as those who had completely let go of their inhibitions.

Sanji blew smoke from his nostrils as he eyed the scantily clad women and Zoro plucked a bottle from the hands of a drunkard who stumbled passed him. It took him a good ten steps before the drunkard realized his bottle was missing, but Zoro had already downed the rest of the contents and tossed it aside before the man could look his way. Another drunken man threw his arms around Luffy and Usopp's shoulders, causing the latter to squeak in surprise. The former merely grinned, looking around at the chaos around them. Franky was pushed against a building when two brawling men tumbled out of nearby bar, just missing Brook who was being handled by two woman as they marveled at his skeletal features, wondering if it were a well made mask.

Nami stood at the rear with Robin, her brow twitching as she took in their surroundings.

"I can't believe this is the same town we were in this morning." Nami finally managed to say.

"Indeed." Robin agreed as the corners of her lips turned up into an amused smile. "Shall we get started?"

"Yeah." Nami quickly regained her composure. "All right. Now remember, we're here to collect information and I don't want to pull an all nighter so let's get what we need and go. Got it?"

"They're not here."

Nami's head snapped to the older woman as she pointed to the street. Nami whirled around, quickly searching the area only to confirm Robin's statement. Resisting the urge to pull at her hair, Nami clenched her jaw.

Who had she been kidding, thinking the others would take this even remotely seriously in this sort of situation?

"Where shall we start?" Robin asked good-naturedly as the chaos around them continued.

"There seems a good of a place as any." Nami said shortly as she jerked a thumb towards the bar that had spilled out the previously brawling men. Robin followed her with no complaint as they entered the bar.

Nami's brow twitched when she found one of their crewmates already inside and drinking from the bar.

"Well, I guess we should just leave it to you to interrogate all the bars, then?"

Zoro began to turn at the sarcastic question, but found himself staring at the stained counter top as pain exploded from both the front and back of his head.

"What the fuck?" Zoro snarled as he jerked his head up, throwing off Nami's fist as he held his head in pain.

"I should be asking you that!" Nami countered angrily, her fist still raised and ready to deliver another hit.

"Some of the others are here too." Robin interrupted, breaking the glaring contest between the first mate and navigator as she pointed to table a few feet away.

The young woman frowned as she scanned the bar and Nami blanched to find Usopp, Luffy and Brook eating unabashedly at a table stocked with food.

"W-what do they think they're doing?" Nami hissed, her hands clenching into fists.

Zoro mumbled under his breath before returning to his mug. Just as Nami was taking great strides to bring herself over to their table, Robin's voice managed to reach her.

"It seems there is no charge."

"What?" Nami turned sharply, just a foot away from the table and her arm still rose in anticipation of her next hit. Usopp had noticed Nami's approach and was cowering behind the pile of empty dishes that Brook and Luffy continued to accumulate.

"In preparation for the festival and as a treat for travelers, everything is free of charge." The bartender from earlier grunted as Robin leaned away from the counter, setting an attractive looking drink in front of the dark haired woman.

"Just for tonight?" Nami asked as she headed back to the bar. "At this bar alone?"

"For the first couple of nights before the festival." The bartender said. "It's the whole town."

"You didn't tell us that earlier!" Nami pointed out, frowning.

"Did you pay earlier?" The bartender shot back.

"I... No, I guess not." Nami said as she recalled their earlier visit, but soon her indignation resurfaced as she slammed her palms against the counter top. "Then why the hell didn't you say so? We could have gotten our supplies for free if we had just waited until today!"

"We actually use a lot of our supplies to prepare for the festival. There is still a limit that we can hand out to travelers. Chances are if you waited until tonight you wouldn't have gotten enough." The bartender jerked his head over to the table behind her. "And it seems your friends may be helping us to reach that quota earlier than we would expect to."

Then that's just your problem, isn't it? The retort was itching to jump from her lips, but she wisely swallowed it down and fixed the bartender with a smile.

"So, tell me," Nami smoothed her hands over the bar counter. "What exactly is this festival that has your island going all out for?"

"It's a cleansing ritual." He told her shortly, sliding a mug down the counter top without glancing up at the hand waving for another round.

"Cleansing?" Robin repeated as Nami turned to see her reaction. "The Festival of Lilium?"

"The Festival of Purity." He corrected her, refilling Zoro's mug. "The flower is a symbol of purity. In this world full of pirates and all other kinds of lowlifes, a cleansing is just what our island needs."

"That's a harsh way to look at life." Robin commented lightly, shifting her straw so the ice sunk deeper into her beverage. "Is that why you are trying to entice these 'lowlifes' and pirates?"

"The festival might be able to change them." The bartender glanced up at them and locked gazes with Robin for a moment. He turned back to his dish rag and started cleaning one of his mugs. "Most choose to stick around 'till the very end."

"I'm sure they do." Nami mumbled under her breath.

"I suggest you do the same." He said without removing his gaze from the mug and dishrag in his hands. "Stay and relax. You should just wait until the festival is over."

"We don't have that kind of time." Nami pushed out through gritted teeth, but her jaw slowly relaxed when the bartender glanced up at her, a solemn expression on his face.

"You may be right."

Chopper sneezed with enough force that had him stumbling across the deck, his back hitting the mast. He let out a whimper, his eyes watering as he raised his hooves to his itching nose. It seemed the sickening scent had returned and had his stomach turning, but that wasn't the only thing causing him discomfort and certainly the least of his worries at that moment.

"Everyone. Why did you leave me alone?" Chopper sniffled as he paced back and forth on the grassy deck, making sure to keep from venturing passed the lighted areas on the ship. Every so often he would glance up into the darkness before shuddering and quickly dart his gaze back onto the deck, his hooves rubbing together in his anxiety.

"I-it's okay. I'm brave. Everyone's counting on me to protect the ship." Chopper stilled his movements, straightening up as he stared out into the darkness determinedly. "There's nothing to be afraid of! I can--What's that?"

Chopper jerked in every direction at the sudden noise of what sounded like rapid tapping against wood, his entire body stiff with fear.

"Wh-who's there?" He squeaked out, taking cover behind the mast of the ship with his entire body out in the open and only half his face hidden away.

There was no answer as the reindeer continued to sweat through his fur, one hoof pulling away to dig into the pocket of his pants to pull out a golden color ball that was slightly bigger than a marble.

I'll use a rumble ball. I'll only have three minutes so the minute the enemy reveals himself--


Chopper let out a cry, the rumble ball slipping from his grasp. He gaped as it bounced along the grassy deck, disappearing into the darkness before he slowly turned to glance over his shoulder. A pale face stared back at him from across the deck, freezing the reindeer in place as a hand slowly reached out towards him and a body soon climbed over the side of the ship.

A great cry escaped Chopper as he began to run around the deck, blindly into the darkness and back into the light, tears blurring his vision completely as his heart thundered in his chest. Eventually he lost his footing and with his vision compromised, Chopper slammed into something hard, momentarily stunning him as he fell to the deck.

"To-tonakai-san?" The voice repeated, only instilling more fear into Chopper's heart as he jerked up, only to slam into the solid surface once more.

Chopper moaned in pain, but it was soon overwhelmed by his fear as he heard the footsteps of the intruder approaching him.

"D-don't come any closer!" Chopper jerked up once more, only to cause himself further injury. He grit his teeth to help bare through the pain and rolled over so that he could get back up onto his feet.

"Tonakai-san!" The foot steps stilled and Chopper frowned as a blurry figure slowly came into focus. He stiffened, backing away as he saw what seemed to be a limb reaching out to him. His reaction stilled the hand so that it dropped away, followed by a slightly saddened voice. "Do you not remember me?"

Chopper's frown deepened, the voice did sound familiar. He raised his hooves to rub at his watery eyes, clearing his vision enough so that he could take in the details of the figure before him.

"Gomi!" Chopper cried out, bringing about a new round of tears as he stumbled towards her. "I thought you weren't coming back!"

Whether it were intentional or merely by accident, Gomi stepped back just before Chopper could wrap his arms around her, causing the reindeer to fall flat on his face. She quickly knelt down next to him, helping him back up onto his feet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Gomi apologized as Chopper looked up at her with his nose running.

"I-idiot! I wasn't scared at all--What was that?" Chopper cried out, grabbing onto Gomi's arm and hiding only part of his face behind her back as the rapid tapping noise returned. "I thought it was you!"

"Tonakai-san." Gomi pointed at him. "You're making that noise."

"What?" Chopper blinked, looking down at the area she was pointed to. His eyes widened at the sight of his knees shaking rapidly and knocking together, creating the noise that had him on edge from the beginning. "Oh, it is me."

"You shouldn't frighten yourself so much." Gomi said as Chopper stumbled away from her, reaching down to stop the trembling in his knees. "You will make yourself sick."

"Really?" Chopper looked at her with wide eyes. She nodded and Chopper merely sighed, finally stilling the shaking of his knees. "At least you're here now."

"Are the others not here?" Gomi asked.

"They went into town to find more information." Chopper nodded.

"Oh." Gomi's voice took on a hint of anxiety. "I wanted to show all of you something."

"Show us what?" Chopper looked up at her, his interest perked.

"Let's find the others and I'll show you." Gomi said with a small smile. She began to turn and head back to the side of the ship, but Chopper caught her wrist, causing her to jerk away.

"Where are your shoes?" Chopper frowned, his hoof dropping as he gazed down at her feet, then back up at her face.

Gomi held her wrist to her chest before slowly letting it fall to her side. She glanced down at her feet, the bandages now torn, dirty, and slightly damp. She offered him a hesitant smile.

"I left them on the ground. It's hard to climb up the ladder with them."

"You're lying." Gomi looked at him in surprise at his accusation. "And there are more bruises on your arms. And your neck."

Gomi quickly raised a hand to her neck in surprise.

"It must be the lighting--"

"Gomi. Why did you disappear today?" Chopper interrupted, the brim of his hat covering his eyes.

"I got a little lost--"

"Stop lying!" Chopper cried out sharply, looking up at Gomi with wide eyes. "You ran away!"

There was a long moment of silence as Gomi continued to hold Chopper's gaze. Her expression seemed unreadable, but soon she turned away and started to head to the ladder at the side of the ship. Chopper felt a tightening in his chest, wondering if he had been too harsh in his accusations, casting his gaze to the ground.

"I wouldn't run away." Chopper looked up at Gomi to find her back facing him. She cast her eyes down at the grassy deck. "You all did so much for me, there's no way I'd run away without paying you back somehow."

"But--" Chopper began to argue, but Gomi was already climbing over the side of the ship and onto the ladder.

"We have to find them." Gomi said, her voice taking on a hint of urgency as she reached out a hand to him, beckoning him to follow her.

"I..." Chopper frowned, hesitantly taking a step forward. Gomi nodded to him, urging him closer. Soon he was at the side of the ship, watching her climb down. He glanced at the empty deck as he wriggled over the side. "I'm supposed to be guarding the ship."

"I don't think you have to worry." Gomi said as she jumped passed the remaining two steps, her dark eyes troubled. "I don't think anyone will leave this island until the festival is over."

His breath was hot and rancid against the ear of a young woman who stood with her back pressed against the glass door to the shop that she had been locking up. In her arms was a case of liquor that she desperately clung to as it was the only barrier between her and drunken pirate now pressing his hands on either side of her head. Her knuckles turned white while she gripped the crate when the pirate chuckled in her ear.

"How about it?" He asked her.

A match was struck.

"Please." She whispered breathlessly, causing the man's grin to widen. "Wait until the festival."

A stream of smoke curled up into the air.

"Why should I wait?" His breath wafted over her, filling her nostrils and watering her eyes as a wave of nausea came over her. "When I can have what I want right--"

The man didn't know what hit him as he lay sprawled at the woman's feet. Rather than feeling relieved, the woman mechanically turned her gaze to the shadow looming over her.

"Piece of shit." Sanji mumbled around his cigarette as he rolled the drunkard aside to give the woman a path to step through. He turned to her, his only visible eye filled with concern. "Are you all right, miss?"

"Yes. Thank you." She slowly relaxed, offering him a smile. Sanji noticed that the color was slowly returning to her knuckles.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No, I've never met him before." She stated so simply that Sanji couldn't help but stare.

"Were you interested in him?"

"Not at all." The woman wrinkled her nose in disgust, but quickly dropped the expression as he continued to stare.

"Then," Sanji's brow furrowed down. "Why did you tell him to wait until the festival?"

"The festival absolves one of their sins. It allows them to be reborn." She smiled at Sanji hesitantly. "We do it to cleanse the island. I'm sorry, but I must be going."

Sanji quickly stepped out of the way even as a puzzled look remained on his face. She looked at him in surprise when he took the crate from her. "Please, allow me. I can not merely stand aside and let such a delicate flower like yourself carry such a burden on your own. I would be a disgrace to gentlemen everywhere if I were to let you travel alone in such a vulnerable state."

"Thank you." She repeated, gracing him with another smile that had him swooning. She stepped passed the drunkard, looking over at Sanji one more time as her smile softened. "I hope you aren't someone who needs to be reborn."

"Madam, if being reborn would grant me the opportunity to bask in the light of your heavenly smile, I would be reborn a hundred times over!"

"The craftsmanship is impressive." Franky commented as he ran his hand along the length of the stage still in the process of being built.

"I'd say, for the amount of time we've put into it." One of the nearby workers agreed, a couple of nails poking from between his teeth as he pounded down one into the wooden board.

"And how long is that?" Franky asked as he adjusted his sunglasses.

"'Bout five days. Week tops." He shrugged, pulling out another nail.

"'Zat so?" Franky nodded in approval as he pushed his sunglasses onto his head. "For your festival, right? That flower thing..."

"Got 'em!" Another man suddenly called out in the background, rolls of papers in his arms as he passed by his fellow workers. They nodded to him, including the man that Franky was talking to.

"Lilium?" The man pulled out another nail, holding it in place before swinging down his hammer, never missing a beat as he continued to converse with Franky. "Yeah. It's tradition so the whole community pitches in. Everyone has a role to play."

"That's what I call super effort!" Franky posed in front of the man, causing a few workers to pause in their work to stare.

"Right." The man answered slowly, hesitant to continue. "It's of great importance to the island, especially in these dark times."

Franky crossed his arms over his chest, nodded in agreement which encouraged the man to go on.

"You see, our island wasn't always this peaceful. There was a lot of fighting and the island was always in complete disconcertion. It came to a point where none of the inhabitants could trust one another, let alone any travelers like yourself. The bloodshed continued for many years until the day a mother lost her child in a meaningless fight. That child held no anger to the one who had shot her or pity for herself, she merely wanted to deliver a flower to her mother in order to stop her tears from the death or husband, that child's father. It was almost a miracle how that tragedy opened their eyes to their actions. We hold this festival in order to preserve that purity and innocence. For that child who's future was taken from her."

The man sighed as he bowed his head for a moment, wondering if he had said too much. He lifted his head in order to apologize to Franky, but was instead stunned speechless to find the other man, who was twice his size, bawling quite openly with his forearm pressed tightly over his eyes.

"Uuoo!" Franky sobbed, his next words barely understandable. "What a beautiful story! I, too, see the importance of this festival and can only give you my full support in making it the most successful one yet!"

"Ah, thank you." The man replied hesitantly. He jumped when Franky's sobbing ceased abruptly, although his nose was still running and his eyes red, and he posed by giving the man a double thumbs-up.

"You don't have to beg! I'll definitely give you my support as the number one shipwright on the Grand Line! I'll be at my most super to help you out!"

"But, I didn't ask..." The man trailed off as Franky had already turned his back and helped himself to their supplies. "Um, sir?"

"What is this?" Nami all but shouted, banging her empty mug against the countertop and making the bartender (at a different bar) wince. "We've gotten nowhere, fast! All the people we've met were either too drunk to string two words together or just looking for a fight and we can't even question them because those idiots don't know how to control their strength and knock them into next week!"

"Indeed." Robin agreed wearily next to her.

"Let's just head back already." Usopp moaned, his face resting against the counter top. "We can try the docks tomorrow."

Zoro merely snorted into his mug, downing the contents as Luffy and Brook held nothing back as they continued to eat to their hearts content.

All four men ("W-why even me?!" Usopp hissed) lay in a heap on the bar floor as Nami tossed the mug at the bartender. He scrambled to catch it, sighing in relief when he finally managed to get a firm grip around the mug. Robin nodded to the bartender with a word of thanks as she stepped out after the younger woman.

"This whole day was just a complete waste of time." Nami moaned as she ran a hand through her hair, tilting her head back and to the side to loosen the muscles that had tightened throughout the night.

"Not a complete waste." Robin's voice managed to reach her ears, causing her to look over at the dark haired woman in annoyance.

"What do you mean?"

Robin smiled wearily, but pointed in a direction in front of them. Nami frowned, but followed the direction she was pointing in. For a moment, her irritation continued to rise as she found nothing but drunkards littering the street until two familiar figures came into view, causing her eyes to widen.

"Hey, guys!" Chopper cried out, galloping toward them in his walking point form with Gomi on his back. The tiny girl had her arms wrapped around his neck, her eyes closed tightly even as he slowed to a halt in front of the others.

"Oh, it's Chopper!"

Nami started at the new voice, turning around quickly to find Luffy grinning at her. He adjusted his hat while the others emerged from the bar behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Nami narrowed her eyes at the others before turning to Chopper with an equally stern look. He stepped back a bit in surprise. "Who's watching the ship?"

"Ah, but..." Chopper began to sweat as Nami's gaze narrowed, but he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as Gomi stumbled off of him and onto her feet.

"Careful." Robin said as arms emerged from the ground to steady the young girl.

"I'm sorry." Gomi stiffened at the feel of strange hands on her skin, but forced herself to relax as she turned to them with a weak smile. "I told him to leave the ship."

"Gomi-" Nami started, but Gomi quickly shook her head.

"The ship will be fine. I promise."

Nami cast a dubious look over to Robin, but the older woman's gaze was fixed on Gomi. She turned to the others to find perplexed looks, although Brook's face was a bit harder to read since he was nothing but bones. She frowned and turned her stare back on the little girl.

"She wants to show us something." Chopper cut in, reverting to his brain point form as he stepped up besides her.

"Oh?" Nami crossed her arms over her chest as she fixed the timid girl with a hard stare. "And what's important enough to come here and leave our ship unguarded?"

"I-it's about the festival." Gomi's voice gradually began to lose volume, her eyes downcast. "I thought it might help."

"Is that so?" Robin cut in before Nami could say anything more, crouching down to be at eye level with the young girl. "And what is it that you know?"

"I need to show you." Gomi looked up at Robin for a moment, her confidence building at the kind smile she found before looking up at Nami.

"Oh, all right." Nami relented before turning to the others. "Let's find Sanji-kun and Franky first."

"How long have we been walkin'?"

"Seems like hours--shit! What the hell did I step in?"

"It's quite dark, isn't it?"

"Doesn't anyone have a light--oh, Sanji! Let's use a match!"

"No fucking way, shithe--ey!"

"Just one, sheesh. Ah, there--Zoro! Not that way!"

"This is boring! And I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry."

"But, this is bo-o-oring!"


"Just keep quiet and keep walking!"

"My nose hurts." The voice was muffled.

"Why don't I sing, then? Does anyone have suggestions? Oh, I know! How about Forever Lost in the Darkness?"

"Don't sing that! You're just making these up, aren't you?"


"This is ridiculous, all right! Hold hands so we don't lose anyone--"

"Zoro." The reply was unanimous.

"Fuck you!"

"Don't swear in the presence of a young lady, you shitty--"

Bam. Bam. Bam.

"Just do it!"

"Yes, Nami-san! Oh, what a delight it would be to touch your hand, even for the briefest of moments--"

"God damn it!"

"Why did you keep hitting me too!?"

"I had to make sure."

"Oh, what's that over there?!"

"Ah! Stop pulling, Luffy!"

"Oh, your skin is even softer than the petals of a rose, Nami-san--"

"I believe that's my hand, yohoho!"

"What?!" Two voices shouted simultaneously.


"How could you mistake my hand for his?"


"Gomi, we've been walking for a long time." Robin finally interjected over the fighting and continuous complaints. "Where are you taking us?"

"I'm sorry. It shouldn't be much farther." Gomi turned to look over her shoulder in the darkness.

"How do you know where we are going in such darkness?" Robin asked, her eyes gradually becoming use to the lack of light, but it was still not enough to navigate safely through the forest.

"The water." She whispered. "Can't you hear it?"

"I can." Chopper said after a moment, his voice muffled as he clamped his nose shut. "The smell is getting stronger, too."

"What smell--Ah." Nami halted for a moment as a wave of nausea hit her, causing the rest in the line to stumble to a halt. "Lilium."

"Is something wrong?" Robin asked as she handed Chopper a handkerchief to help lessen the intensity of the flower's fragrance.

"N-nothing." Nami quickly shook her head, closing her eyes tightly. "Let's keep moving. I don't want to be out here all nigh-Ah!"

There was a collective inhalations of breaths as a bright light could finally be seen peeking through the cluster of trees that lay ahead. Rather than quickening their pace to the destination they had long since wanted to reach, the Straw-Hat crew became hesitant and cautious in their steps. Just as they were about the break through the vegetation and into the illuminated area Chopper, who was at the head of the group, tripped over a root sticking up from the ground. An inevitable chain reaction followed as the entire crew fell into a pile out in to the clearing.

"It's beautiful." Robin was the first to speak as she had managed to break free before becoming entangled with the others.

"What is?" Nami asked as she gave a good kick to Sanji's face, an elbow to Zoro in the gut and stepped onto Luffy's hand as she extracted herself from the pile. She didn't have to wait for an answer, stiffening at the sight before her. The complaints of her crew members faded as they could only stare in equal amazement at the scene they were greeted with.

There were literally thousands of flowers illuminating the field with an eerie glow. There in the middle of the field of flowers was a towering willow tree. Its roots were twisted and dug deep into the earth, ending into the bank of a lake that stretched out farther than the light could reach. Balls of fiery light floated gently with the soft night breeze just a few inches above the flowers. Nami felt a chill run down her spine and looked up to the sky to find the moon high above them, larger and brighter than she's ever seen before.

Usopp sighed as he leaned back, working the kinks from his shoulder. "This is nice and all, but did we really come all the way here to see a bunch of glow-in-the-dark flowers?"

"Let's catch them!" Luffy suddenly suggested as his hand reached out to grab the nearest ball of light. Just as he was about to enclose his fingers around it, a small body suddenly impacted with his, making him yelp in surprise and stumble back into Zoro.

"Oi!" Zoro stumbled for a moment before pushing back against his captain.

"What was that for?" Luffy frowned, directing his question at the little girl now staring at him with wide eyes.

"You can't catch them!" She took a step back, her arms stretched on either side of her as if to block them from coming any closer. "They're the souls of the dead!"

"They're fireflies." Usopp corrected her upon closer inspection, wincing when Sanji elbowed him in the stomach.

"Souls of the dead?" Robin repeated as the others made their own observations on the balls of light. "Who told you that?"

"She told me." Gomi began to point in the direction of the large tree, but stopped short when she realized no one was there. "A little girl I met earlier."

"A little girl?" Franky repeated, stopping short as he turned to Gomi.

"Yes." Gomi said quietly, looking around as if she were searching for the girl. "She said that something is going to happen during the festival and that we shouldn't go."

"Why's that?" Usopp asked slowly, sweat already beginning to break out on his brow,

"I... I don't know." Gomi stopped and looked up at the group. Seeing their skeptical looks, Gomi cast her eyes down to the ground. "I'm not lying."

"No one said you were." Sanji said in a soothing voice, stepping forward in an attempt to placate the girl. Before he could reach out to touch her shoulder, Gomi suddenly turned and began stepping through the flowers, sending the tiny balls of light in all directions in order to stray out of her path. "Wait!"

"She was here!" Gomi insisted, her voice started to become softer as she continued to hurry through the field of flowers. "Right under the tree."

They looked at one another, skepticism and doubt still written in their expressions, but soon they began to step in to the field of flowers after her.

"W-wait!" Usopp halted just before he entered the ring of flowers. "If they're the souls of the dead we shouldn't be stepping all over their home-"

"Move." Zoro said before unceremoniously pushing the sharpshooter into the flowers. "They're dead. I don't think they'll care. Just ask Brook."

"Of course they wouldn't mind! I'm sure they must be overwhelmed with joy by the prospect of visitors to their home!" Brook laughed as he stepped into the flowers, tipping his hat to the many fireflies that floated around him. "Although, if this is their grave that were are immediately desecrating, they may become vengeful spirits that will latch on to our very souls and make sure we never leave nor see the light of day again. Although, I've no eyes so I don't see very much!"

Chopper and Usopp screams drowned out Brook's laughter. They latched onto Zoro, the closest body they could find, as they were already several meters into the flowers.

"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry-" Usopp sobbed as he clutched one of the swordsman's legs just as Chopper cried out his apologies to the fireflies, clinging to Zoro's face.

"Are you trying to kill me, you bastards?" Zoro shouted as he managed to pry Chopper from his face and shook Usopp off his leg.

"It's been a while since I've seen a firefly. Let alone so many in one place." Franky commented as he pushed back his sunglasses.

"It seems ethereal, doesn't it?" Robin smiled as she held out a hand, watching as a single firefly perched itself on her palm.

Luffy jumped into the field of flowers, causing them to scatter high up into the air. Chopper and Usopp cried out in despair at the thought of the possible threat of vengeful spirits latching onto them during their trek through the flowers, but it was all drowned out by the sound of their captain's laughter.

"This is great!" Luffy said. He arched back to stare up at the sky and the little balls of light floating a few feet above their heads. He reached out to the sky without using his powers, his fingers spread out as if preparing to catch them as they started to float back down. "It's like catching stars!"

"Catching stars?" At this Chopper immediately pushed his fears away and looked up, the tiny lights reflecting in his dark eyes. The handkerchief that Robin had handed to him earlier was now stuffed up both his nostrils and he managed to pant out, "You're right!"

"Let's catch them!"

"H-hey!" Usopp stumbled towards his captain, eyes wide with fear. "Didn't you hear what she just said? These are the souls of the dead!"

"Oh." Luffy blinked at Usopp, then grinned. "Let's catch them!"


"This would be the closest you'd get to the ridiculous notion you had of catching ghosts at Thriller Bark." Sanji said as he resisted the urge to pull out a cigarette by stuffing his hands into his pockets.

As the others continued to play with the fireflies, Gomi had reached the willow tree. She stopped short at one of it's larger roots before climbing up. She ignored the sharp stabbing pain in her foot and hands as the bark and other stray branches ripped through her bandages, leaving behind a trail of red stains. She managed to find her footing before walking over to the trunk of the tree, looking up into the branches high above. She as met by the site of hundreds of fireflies clustered overhead. Clenching her hands into fists briefly, Gomi reached to the closest hold she could reach.


Gomi let out sharp exhalation when she was seized around the waist and pulled from the tree. She was set down onto the ground and pair of hands pulled away. She turned around to find the towering form the Straw Hats shipwright frowning down at her.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Climbing the tree." Gomi said simply.

"Whatever for?" Brook asked just as the others began to gather around.

"That's where she was last time." Gomi said as she pointed up.

"She?" Robin stepped closer to the tree, her hand brushing against the bark as she used it to guide her and looked up into the cluster of fireflies high above. "You mean the little girl you mentioned earlier?"

Gomi nodded slowly. Robin glanced over at her to catch her response before looking up, her brows creasing together. Even if the child had been agile, there was no possible way she could have gotten up there on her own.

While the others had gathered at the large willow tree, Nami had yet to step into the field of flowers. She had her arms crossed over her chest, her hands tightening in their grip around herself as she stared at the offending organisms. It glowed softly in the darkness, it's soft petals beckoning for her touch. It's pristine white color seemed to mock her, making her all the more aware of her flaws and the sins buried deep in her heart. She clenched her jaw, not one to be mocked by a mere flower as she forced herself to take a step closer.

"Do you want to see the island of lilies, Nami?"

Nami froze, rearing back at the voice from her past as she stared at the flowers with wide eyes. She clenched her hands into fists at her sides in frustration, stepping back. She couldn't step into those flowers. There was no way she could make at through without being flooded by those memories. The scent alone nearly drove her mad, how would she fare if she were stuck in the middle of it all?


Nami jumped at the sound of her name, looking up to find the others looking back at her. Gomi was waving, beckoning her over.

"What's wrong, Nami-san?" She called out, but it barely surpassed a whisper in Nami's ears.

"Sorry." Nami smiled at them sheepishly, waving back half-heartedly. "I think I'll stay here."

"Why?" Usopp called back to her, frowning. "Don't tell me your afraid of the bugs hiding out in the flow--Ow!"

"Shut up, you shitty long-nose!" Sanji had hit Usopp on the head with his foot, a little more on edge from his missing nicotine and his fear of insects.

"What.. Oh!" Nami's smile immediately brightened as she nodded her head vigorously. "That's it! The fireflies are a little too much for me, so I'll just stay here!"

Thank you, Usopp! Nami thought to herself in relief.

At hearing this Sanji turned to Nami, his eyes filled with love and sudden hope as he frolicked through the flowers toward her. "Oh, my dear sweet princess, you need not fear for your knight in shining armor will be more than happy to assist you! I shall carry you across this field like a bride over a threshold--"

"That's not necessary." Nami put emphasis on her first word as she slammed a fist into Sanji's face just before he could scoop her up in his arms.

"Nami, Nami!" Nami blinked at the sound of her name being called so excitedly, turning only to find Luffy's hands cupped together and being shoved under her nose. "Look, look!"

"What are you doing?" Nami grabbed his wrist, pushing it down as Luffy continued to bounce around like a child, grinning from ear to ear.

"I caught one!" He exclaimed, opening his hands to reveal the tiny firefly resting on his palm. She blinked in surprise, still holding onto his wrists just as the firefly began to rise up as if sensing that it was no longer enclosed within Luffy's hands. They both watched as it drifted up high above their heads before joining the cluster of fireflies over the flowers.

"Ah!" Luffy cried out, scaring Nami into releasing his hands as he turned to the flowers. He turned back on his navigator swiftly, staring at her in dismay. "You let it get away!"

"I let it... What?" Nami quickly recovered, a frown on her lips at his accusation. "You're the one who let it go!"

"You shitty rubber man!" Sanji brought down the heel of his foot on Luffy's head. "Didn't you just hear what Nami-san said about the fireflies?"

"They're souls!" Luffy corrected Sanji when he pushed his leg from his hand, pouting.

"Souls? They're just a bunch of shi--" Sanji quickly stopped himself, glancing over at the willow tree so see the others watching their exchange. He remembered the youngest member of his audience and turned back to Luffy before pulling out a cigarette, unable to quell his craving. "Right. Souls."

Nami let out the breath she was holding, glad that their attention was diverted. She looked back at the flowers now covered in the early morning dew. The sight and smell still had her stomach turning, causing her to turn away so the others would not see her raise her hand to cover her mouth. Robin noticed the Nami's strange behavior and turned to Gomi with a soft smile.

"Perhaps we should call it a night." Robin offered her hand to the young girl when she turned to her in surprise. "Your friend may turn up at the festival."

"No!" Robin could only look on in surprise as the young girl took hold of her hand, shaking her head from side to side rapidly. "You can't! You must stay hidden during the festival."

"Hey." Zoro stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as Gomi froze in her place. "Do you know something you're not telling us?"

His voice seemed to break through Gomi's momentary panic as she quickly dropped her hands from Robin as if she had been burned, cradling to her chest as she stepped back, shaking her head once.

"Now, now." Usopp stood in front of Gomi, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "We're all just tired and I'm sure that--"

"I just have a really bad feeling." Gomi spoke up suddenly. She turned to Robin, her hands still clutched closed to her chest as she spoke quietly. "You said I couldn't have survived this long by acting like a child. I rely on my feelings and because of that I've survived up to this point."

"I have this feeling that something bad will happen during the festival." Gomi cast her gaze down to the ground, her voice slowly rising in volume as she clenched her eyes shut. "Just like how I felt that you weren't bad people. You are pirates, but I could tell that you aren't bad people. So please..."

Her voice trailed off to a bare whisper. "Please stay away from the festival."

"What are you talking about?"

Gomi snapped her watery gaze up to find the captain of the crew stepping towards her, a frown on his face.

"Festivals are supposed to be fun." Luffy said as he pursed his lips. "What could be bad about that?"

"I... I don't..." Gomi floundered for a moment. "It's a feeling..."

"Ah, so a mystery feeling?" Luffy nodded, crossing his arms over his chest before turning to her with a grin. "Don't worry! Festivals are fun. You'll see."

"Captain-san." Gomi stared at him in amazement. "You don't understand. I feel as if something bad will happen because of the festival. You--everyone might get hurt--"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Luffy grinned, uncrossing his arms before reaching out to Gomi. "We're strong! We won't get hurt that easily."

Gomi stepped back in alarm when Luffy reached out her, but he managed to grab hold of her wrist, turning it so that her palm was upturned. He then reached out with his other hand, enclosed in a fist, over her upturned palm before uncurling his fingers and pulling away. Gomi stared at the bright ball of light that hovered in her palm before slowly ascending up to the cluster of fireflies high above her head. She followed the path of the firefly before looking back at Luffy, a look of wonder in her eyes.

"It is rather later." Robin said as she turned to Chopper and gestured towards Gomi. "And I believe we may have to re-bandage our guest."

"Ah!" Chopper cried as he caught sight of the trail of blood Gomi had left that stood out vividly on the white flowers at her feet. "You ripped your bandages!"

"I-I'm sorry." Gomi stuttered, looking down at the trail she had left in bewilderment. "I didn't even notice--"

She gasped when Chopper gathered her up in his heavy point form, placing her on his shoulders.

"Wait, I can wal--Ah!" Gomi's mouth was filled with leaves as Chopper started to walk through the field of flowers, accidentally brushing Gomi against the low hanging branches of the willow tree.

"Oh, sorry Gomi!" Chopper said sheepishly.

"No, wait!" Gomi turned, even as she clung to his pink hat tightly in order to keep her balance, her face extremely pale as she saw the others following suit. "She said--"

"I'm sure your friend is probably fast asleep in a nice warm bed by now." Usopp said as he stretched his arms high above his head, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to loosen his sore muscles. "And I think we should do the same."

"That sounds like a splendid idea." Brook agreed, twirling his cane around his wrist bone. "And may I suggest we partake in a snack before settling down for bed?"

"Oh, good idea, Brook!"

"Who the hell would cook for you shitty bastards at this hour?"

"Eh?!" Luffy pouted "C'mon, Sanji!"


"But, Sanji--"


"Knock it off!" Nami's voice cut in sharply, all other arguments ceasing as she took to the head of the group. "We're going back to the ship and getting some rest. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Came the unanimous reply before starting on their long trek back to the ship.

"You're planning to go to the festival, aren't you?" Gomi asked Chopper quietly as the voices of the others started to fade in the background.

"Well, it's all up to Luffy." Chopper said carefully, not wanting to upset the already frazzled little girl.

"Have you even been to a festival before?" Robin asked as she walked behind them.

"No." Gomi glanced over her shoulder at the older woman. Robin offered her a kind smile and Gomi managed a small one in return. Her gaze then shifted to the field of flowers and the giant willow tree that continued to become farther and farther away before they stepped through the trees and into the forest, hiding it entirely from view.

"It's really fun!" Chopper said excitedly. "There's lots of food and games and candy floss! There was one time when we had a tournament with these pirates where we had a lot of--"

Chopper's words seemed to bring Gomi back to the present as she turned around, tightening her grip on his hat as she looked down to watch him speak. His face was bright and his eyes full of excitement that it was impossible for her not to feel his infectious anticipation. She smiled and nodded as she let him regal her with his memories.

As the Straw-Hat pirates disappeared out of sight, a sudden gust of wind blew, shaking it's branches. The sound of the lake's gentle currents bringing waves to lap at the willow's roots drowned out the steady dripping of liquid hitting the surface of the water. With each drop the water near the tree was dyed a rich, ruby red that spread out across the surface, originating from under a thick, low hanging branch. Tangled up in the leaves just out of sight was a hand that was slightly curled and covered with blood that continued to taint the crystalline lake. For the briefest moment, the hand seemed to twitch with another gust of wind, causing a disturbance in the study rhythm of blood hitting the surface of the lake.

AN: This chapter took forever. I should be the queen of slow development. They need to get off the damn island.