Thank you to ktshabatie and Fallen_8Tenshi for beta-ing

AN: I was planning on doing more in this chapter, but I am having a hard time having it clear up in my mind. For this reason I take back my statement on this story ending soon. As some of you have mentioned there many minor characters that deserve more than a line or two in the epilogue. I cannot promise chapters will be quick, but I can promise that I will finish this story.

****Warning: Sexual content in this chapter.****

Chapter 28: Of Pack

They were just too cute. It had been three weeks since their birth and her little silver fluff balls had yet to take humanoid form or open their eyes. Instead, they spent their life intertwining themselves together and eating. Kagome had never realized that you could have bouts for dominance before you were even able to open your eyes, but these two pups were constantly at each other for the best spot, breast, etc.

Masumi was the eldest and Akira the youngest; the two pups had only been seen by their parents and cousin. Sesshoumaru had allowed no other near his pack, not even his brother. He had left all important matters to be decided by the Regent and anything else could wait. He had yet to claim Kagome as mate, however the moment she had recovered enough from the birthing she would be bound to him for eternity.

Michi approached her ever agitated uncle and alpha with the mid day meal for Kagome. The inu-youkai did not have a problem with performing the task of a servant, in fact, she found honor in being the only individual allowed to approach the den. Michi also was glad that others had not been allowed near the vulnerable pups and mother because the frantic frenzy of the highborn bitches as they tried to figure out how to oust the breeder and place themselves in the position of mate and Lady of the West.

Michi understood that only three living adults knew that both pups were female and it would be safer for all if that fact did not come to light until Kagome was able to defend herself and her young. Michi sighed as she left the hallway to return to the rest of the Citadel, there would always be those who wished for Kagome's death, it was that simple. Kagome very soon would hold the position of highest power a female could ever hope to obtain within the West and that alone would make others envy and wish to replace her, her humanity only adding to it.

Kagome would have to stand on her own to prove her strength, her power.


Inuyasha was beyond pissed. All the important matters fell to his shoulders to decide. What the fuck? Hadn't he been the worthless hanyou, the one to sully the noble bloodline? Now, he was expected to maintain the West while his arrogant, over fluffed half-brother hid in his room all day with Kagome and their pups. No. He wouldn't do it. Let the asshole clean up his own messes.

Inuyasha's ears twitched as he noticed the padding feet coming in his direction. He identified the scent as belonging to Michi before he laid eyes on his niece.

"Sesshoumaru-sama has requested your presence," with a quick bow, she was gone.

"Feh, asshole," Inuyasha muttered under his breath as adjusted his course to Sesshoumaru's private chambers.

His brother met him before he ever had the chance to enter the anti-chamber. The silver inu stood rigidly before the shoji that separated his private realm from the rest of the world.

"Inuyasha, you will guard Masumi and Akira. It is time their mother is properly claimed," Sesshoumaru's voice held every bit of the arrogance that the hanyou had come to expect from the tai-youkai.

"Fuck off. I ain't sitting out here listening and looking after your brats while you 'relieve stress.'" Inuyasha's proclamation was met with a low threatening growl.

"You will accept the honor that has been bestowed upon you, and you will do so with a demeanor befitting your bloodline." Sesshoumaru was not about to have the hanyou ruin his chance at claiming Kagome. His skin had itched for weeks now with his need. The beast was fighting him every waking moment to not allow her to remain unmarked, yet he knew that once she was marked she must be strong enough to prove her right to carry said mark.

"Get someone else to watch the brats," with that said Inuyasha turned to leave.

Sesshoumaru snarled and sunk his claws in the back of his brother's neck. The hanyou was thrown to the ground only to find a growling inu youkai above him. The ruby eyes pierced into the soul of the hanyou and made him want to whimper in apology.

A gravelly voice reached the pinned dog-ears, "You are the only one to be trusted with this Sesshoumaru's pups."

Inuyasha cocked his head to the side; his mouth fell open with no sound coming out. For the first time in his centuries of his life, Inuyasha found himself flabbergasted. The brother that was always so quick to point out his flaws, his dirty blood and his utter worthlessness as a living being needed him. Had Sesshoumaru finally seen him as something more than a hanyou?

Sesshoumaru watched the confusion and hope that played across his younger brother's eyes; his instincts receded as the submission of the lesser male became apparent. It was time his brother knew his place.

The stoic youkai stood and made his way towards the shoji. Over his shoulder he spoke, "Pack guards pack."

And that was it. Inuyasha stood shaking his head in the process his brother had claimed him. Sesshoumaru did not own him because he swore allegiance to the West, Sesshoumaru owned him because Inuyasha was pack. The second son of the great and terrible Inu no Taisho finally found a place within the domain of his birth, a true pack that could not be denied by any. Inuyasha followed his alpha to meet the youngest of his pack mates, his nieces.

As Inuyasha entered the anti-chamber, Sesshoumaru and Kagome appeared from another door carrying one silver pup each. Kagome moved forward to nestle the pup she was carrying within a make shift bed of pillows and blankets, then immediately moved to take the other one from Sesshoumaru and place her next to her sister.

Inuyasha stood and stared dumbfounded for the second time that day in almost so many minutes. They were not hanyou.

Kagome was nervous. She knew that many were well aware of her and Sesshoumaru's activities behind closed doors, but to have her best friend watch her babies in the room right next door was offending her modesty. "So, they have just been feed and should be happy to sleep the entire time that …" her face reddened, as she could not finish the sentence. Clearing her throat, she tried a different avenue. "They will sleep more soundly if you lay with them. Your scent is foreign but your aura is not. Meet your nieces Inuyasha. Masumi," she stroked the one on the left, Inuyasha bent down and inhaled the small youkai's scent, "and Akira." Inuyasha moved to the other pup and imprinted her scent as well.

As Kagome stood, Inuyasha questioned softly, "How are they not hanyou?"

With a soft smile on her face, Kagome looked at her dog-eared friend. "I...ah we don't know. All we know is that they are ours." Kagome took her place beside her alpha.

They were theirs. They happened to be youkai but it would not have mattered if they were not because the pups were theirs.

While Inuyasha was enthralled with his nieces, Sesshoumaru and Kagome slipped back into their sleeping room. She had no more slipped the shoji shut when a barrier encased all of the private chambers. A soft growl, felt more as rumble through her back than heard, and the warmth of her lover's body against her told her that he no longer could wait.

She stood compliantly as he made quick work of removing her simple robe. Still facing the closed shoji, a hiss of pleasure left her lips as she was pulled back into the heat of his naked body. Large clawed hands found purchase on her breasts, gently plucking the sensitive nubs with thumbs and forefingers.

Sesshoumaru rumbled softly as his head descended towards hers. His lips wrapped around the fleshy part of her ear, while he nudged her head so that she would bare her neck to him. One hand slid from her breast to her nether curls. Already she was drenched with her desire for him, before he could even stroke her bundle of nerves. He groaned into her neck and he pushed his painfully heavy length against her back.

The shuddered moan that was her response snapped the remaining control that he had left. They had not been intimate since before the pups' birth and in the back of his mind he found it humorous that he had managed to go years in between sexual encounters without feeling the same level of desperation that he was now in since being denied her body a few short weeks.

With grace and speed that belied his ever-increasing hunger for her, Sesshoumaru carried Kagome to their futon, placing her before him on hands and knees. Kissing her exposed shoulder, he slowly pushed his tortured length within her blazing inferno. Foreplay was for another time. Both shuddered at the reaffirmed physical connection of their bond, but Sesshoumaru stayed still trying to quell the need to take her fast and hard. No, she was not as sore as she had been directly after the birth, but by the tensing of her muscles, he could tell that she was still overly sensitive. He did not begin to move until he felt her push back onto him. The pace he set was slow and steady, allowing him to judge each of her reactions carefully. The mating would be painful, but he would not add any unnecessary pain.

One hand swept her obsidian tresses up into to a firm hold while the other played with her sensitive bud nestled at the apex of her long legs. His thrusting hips became more forceful, fangs elongated, and her moans cried out in a symphonic fashion. As her inner walls began to ripple around him in euphoric bliss, he knew it was time.

The deadly fangs gave off an eerie glow as small amounts of his youki and poison began to mix. He pressed the tips with just enough pressure to break her delicate skin on the back of her neck; her pleasure filled cries turned into low moans of pain. His rhythm never faltered as he began to inscribe his name in an old kanji. Her blood filling his mouth drove him to a new frenzy of domination of her body while his control ensured that his fangs never went too deep.

Yes, he could have just bit her, which was all that his father had done to Izayoi, but the more intricate the mark, the truer the bond. It showed the female's absolute trust in the male. To allow another that much access to a vulnerable part of your body, especial when the male was a poison master was an undeniable claim.

Kagome closed her eyes to the world. He had told her that this would hurt, and she wondered if it was truly any different than getting a tattoo. Her thoughts left her as his hand moved from her clit to grasp at her breasts. The male was gifted when it came to, well, anything, but especially carnal pleasure. There was too much going on all over her body for her to focus on one thing for too long. All she knew was that she wanted to be able to touch him and yet her hands were holding her steady so that he could finish this marking.

His name stared back at him in overlapping in duplicate. Beautiful, Kagome had not flinched. In fact, she seemed to enjoy the new level of pain this had brought; her pleasure called out to his darker half. Yes, he would enjoy repeating the process on her delicate throat.

His new goal in mind, Sesshoumaru withdrew from her and flipped her over. Before Kagome had time to finish inhaling her startled gasp, Sesshoumaru had cover her body with his and driven himself home. Kagome heard his pleasured growl as she wrapped her legs around his hips, inviting him deeper, begging him to drive into her harder.

His red hazed eyes overflowing with lust was her entire world in that moment, and then her reality hit a new crescendo. The kiss was mind shattering as he showed her his dominance in this as well. A tongue invaded her mouth coaxing hers to play with it so that it could prove who was in charge. Her hips rose to meet his. Her submission would never be complete, but her trust in him was absolute as she pressed against the limits of his instincts.

His Kagome was maddening, yet no other would ever complete him, encase him so perfectly. She was his, he was hers, and she would bear another of his marks for the whole world to see. Releasing her mouth, he pulled her head back with both hands fisted in her hair.

Kagome could see his glowing fangs as he continued to own her body. She watched as his head descended to her throat until all that was left in her vision was silver crown of hair. The pain tracked down her spine as he began to carve his ownership of her. Kagome made no noise as her tai-youkai continued to brand her for fear that it would cause a mistake. Her response was instead to drag her nails down his back while her heels dug into his backside.

Sesshoumaru growled at her need for control. While from any other it would have cost them their life, from her it drove him to prove himself even more. She held power that was second to none, painfully that included himself, yet for all this power, she knew that control was an illusion that faded when one needed it most. Her heart would never allow her to pursue the role of a tyrant; she willingly gave him the power to be her alpha, she clung to him to protect her. He would cherish his Kagome until the end of time, and bestow upon her his mark so the rest of the world would know his devotion.

A languid lick soothed the fresh inscription on her throat. Crimson orbs burned into to sapphire oceans, as the tai-youkai continued the ancient dance that unified two bodies into one.

"Please," nothing above a hoarse whisper, but he knew her meaning. She needed release, the pleasure and pain had mixed to an intoxicating elixir that now just drained her body of energy.

With a grunt of pleasure, he moved his hands from her hair to her hips. He angled her so that she was more open to him increasing his speed and force; his rhythm made sure to give her maximum friction on her clit. The pressure was building to blinding heights. How he always managed to do this to her yet take her by surprise each time, she would never know but be eternally grateful.

The crescendo came to a finish with her ragged cry that was lost in his snarl of triumph. Elongated fangs tore into the left side of her neck just above her collarbone. Whimpering in pain, Kagome pulled Sesshoumaru closer as her body milked him of his essence and offered her lifeblood. They were locked. His jaw refused to release its hold while he swelled within her to ensure none of what he gave her was lost.

The moments slipped into minutes while the two beings fought to remain as one for as long as possible.


Inuyasha had tried his hardest not to think what was going on behind the rice paper walls, but come on. The walls were as thick as paper! Even if he could tune out the noises, the meager walls did nothing to filter the smell.

It was for Kagome. As much as he hated it, she had found happiness and he would be happy for her. However, he would not play nursemaid to her pups while she fucked his brother ever again.

Breathing shallowly, the hanyou focused back onto the sleeping piles of soft silver fur. They looked like their father in true form (minus the markings of course). Feh, he always knew that his brother looked like a prissy bitch.

He brought his face right next to the two sleeping pups and allowed a small smile on his face. One brought her head up to chew on a tuft of his hair, while the other used his distraction to attack his ear. How the hell had they managed that? For fuck's sake, their eyes weren't even open and already they were teaming up to attack.

About the time he had gotten both detached from his person and settled down, there was a deafening snarl from the sleeping chamber. Inuyasha's hackles rose further as Sesshoumaru's daughters raised their heads to howl in response to their father's call. As their tiny heads lowered, the hanyou noticed the difference; their eyes were open.

Gold ringed the outside and followed the outline of the cat-like pupils; the field between was of the same color as their mother, drowningly deep sapphire. The two sets of eyes just blinked back at him and he was lost to time. These were Kagome and Sesshoumaru's pups; they grew strong as the bond between their parents grew. They were the future that he, no they, had fought so hard to ensure would happen. They were beyond anything he knew, and a small seed of hope was planted with him that someday would grow to fill the bottomless pit left in his soul by Kikyou's passing.

Who knows how long Inuyasha stared into the eyes of his nieces, but his serenity was lost the second his brother came into the room.

"Inuyasha, you will fetch Michi and then both of you will guard my mate and pups until this Sesshoumaru's return." The emotionless baritone of his brother snapped Inuyasha's head towards the approaching male.

"What the fuck, Sesshoumaru? You just gonna fuck her and leave her?" Inuyasha was more pissed about being disturbed from his peaceful moment than what Sesshoumaru was actually doing.

A warning growl sounded, "Hanyou, know your place. You are not to question this Sesshoumaru." The elder male's advance on the younger was halted when his eyes fell on his daughters.

The two little pups blinked back at him and it caused Sesshoumaru's world to stop as well. They had opened their eyes and he had missed it, Kagome had missed it.

In a softened tone that Inuyasha had never heard from his brother, Sesshoumaru said, "The West will greet their new Lady tomorrow and the newest members of this Sesshoumaru's pack. I call on you now, brother, to guard my mate and pups so that I can prepare for the dawning of a new day."

Inuyasha dumbly nodded at his older brother and then turned to find Michi. Pack was pack.


Kuro stared at the damp walls. How long had he been staring at these walls? He had no idea, and really, he was too tired to figure it out. He had been placed in here by the hanyou son of the great and terrible Inu no Taisho to await his judgment by Sesshoumaru-sama.

He found it odd that he was actually thankful the enchantments of the dungeon slowed his healing. If he was fully healed he would not be able to escape this place through sleep so frequently. He had been told that his time was up soon. The West would be welcoming a new lady and the first pups born to Sesshoumaru.

Kuro snorted. The West would celebrate new life and the promise of the future with his death. He had enough time in this place to become slightly bitter with himself. He should have tried to inform his Alpha of the traitors' plans. He should have done more to ensure the breeder's safety. There were many things he should have done differently and now his only option was to hold his head with dignity before execution.


AN: Please review if you get a chance. Thank you for reading.
