So…I know I took a poll on "If Cupid Had a Heart" about which story I should write next. This one was idea A, and as of now the votes were about even. Since I already had most of the first chapter of this one written, I decided that this would be next. So here it is! I hope you enjoy!

And sadly, I don't own the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana. It's pretty tragic, actually…


Chapter 1: Nick

From the very first moment they met, Lilly and Joe were made for each other. I should know. I introduced them. There was this instant connection. It was like from the second they met, everyone knew that they were going to be special. And they were. They are.

From the second they locked eyes, I think everyone knew it was one of those earth-shaking, life altering moments for them. I don't know if we understood it then, but I think we all felt it. And as we watched them fall in love, we knew it would be that life-long soul mate kind of thing. And we, their friends, were lucky enough to be there every step of the way. From the first meeting, to the first kiss, to the first fight, we were there. We were there to congratulate them, to cheer them on, to offer a shoulder to cry on. But now, in the latest twist to their story, there's nothing we can do except to worry and wait and watch the story unfold. You see, their story is a love story. And it's a really good one, too. I just hope that it has a happy ending.


The first time they met, she fell for him. Literally. She ran into him and fell on her butt.

She wasn't Lilly then. I knew her as Lola Luftnagle, Hannah Montana's best friend. And I wasn't yet aware the Hannah was Miley. Since we were based in L.A. and Hannah Montana was based in Malibu, our managers thought it would be really cool to get together and do a few concerts around Southern California. Lola hadn't been at the first few. You tend to notice a girl with bright orange hair.

In any case, she was at our concert in San Diego, and she definitely stood out. I'll admit I was kind of weirded out by her. I ran into her when I knocked on Hannah's dressing room door when her dad asked me to go find her. Lola answered the door.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" she squeaked and slammed the door in my face. "IT'S NICK JONAS!!" I could hear her yelling through the closed door. There were hushed voices speaking fiercely. A minute later, the door opened again. It was Hannah this time.

"Er…hi?" I said awkwardly. She smiled at me and I'm pretty sure I blushed. Yes, I have a crush on her. A big one.

"Sorry about Lola…she just gets really excited about meeting celebrities," she said apologetically.

"It's okay," I said, trying to act nonchalant. "Hi, Lola!" I gave her a little wave. She squeaked, turned red, but managed to wave back.

"So what's up?" Hannah asked. I may have been imagining it, but I thought I saw her blush, too.

"Um…." I completely blanked on why I was there.

"Hey Nick, did you get lost?" I heard Kevin say somewhere behind me.

"Uh…" I said intelligently.

"IT'S KEVIN JONAS!" I heard Lola shriek. I covered my ears and braced for more, but Hannah ran over and clamped a hand over the other girl's mouth.

"Calm down. On the count of three, I'm going to let you go," she told Lola nodded. "One. Two. Three."

"EEEE-" Hannah covered the girl's mouth again.

"MIKE!" she called out. A boy dressed in baggy clothes and a goatee that had to be fake came in. Was that…armpit hair on his face? I had seen him around at a few of the other concerts, but I'd never spoken to him. I was pretty sure his name was something like Mike Standley. The Third. Seriously, who would name their kid after a mic stand?

"Yo, yo, yo!" he greeted. Was this guy for real?

"Take care of Li-" Hannah stopped mid sentence. "Take care of Lola, here. Make sure she doesn't embarrass herself. Or make anyone go deaf." She stepped out of the room to where Kevin and I were standing and closed the door. "I'm really sorry about that. Believe it or not, she's actually gotten better about the whole celebrity thing…But you guys are her favorites…Just be thankful that she didn't see Joe…" She shuddered and looked absolutely adorable.

"By the way, we came by to tell you that your dad is looking for you," Kevin told her. "He said something about going over a new song…"

Hannah looked at a clock hanging near the door. "Sweet niblets, I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago! Thanks guys!" And with that, she rushed off. I sighed.

Kevin put his hand on my shoulder. "You forgot to tell her, didn't you?"

"I forgot how to talk, is what it was," I groaned, and we walked over to our own dressing room to finish getting ready. An hour later, we got on stage and did our set. It was going to be us first, then Hannah and then our duet. I loved it. Performing was such a rush. For me, at least back then, it was the best thing in the world. We got off the stage as soon as our set was done, and I still felt exhilarated. When we got backstage, I had to laugh at the sight that met my eyes.

It was Lola and that Mike guy. They each had a plate piled high with grapes and were apparently having a contest. Evidently, the point was to see which of them could catch more grapes in their mouths. It was apparently Mike's turn, as we watched him throw grapes up into the air and try to catch them. Lola kept count out loud, and Mike was really not very good at this. Most of the grapes were bouncing off of his nose, his forehead, his chin…They didn't notice we were there. Lola's back was to us and Mike was a little busy at the moment…

"Fifteen…" Lola called out, She looked at her cell phone.. "Aaaaaaaaaand TIME!"

"Your turn!" Mike said around a mouthful of grapes. I looked over at Kevin to see him cringing at the boy. Joe, on the other hand, looked utterly fascinated by Lola. "Five minutes, starting…NOW!"

Lola was much better than this than Mike. Every five she caught, she'd stop for a second, chew, swallow, then start all over again. About a minute and a half into her turn, she already matched Mike's fifteen. We watched in fascination.

"Who is she?" Joe whispered in awe, a minute later. She was up to twenty-five.

"Hannah's friend," I replied.

"She's awesome!" Joe said, still staring. We continued watching.

She was at 45 when Oliver called time. It startled her, so the grape that she had been throwing had much more arc than she had expected and it went backwards. I expected her to just let it go, like any normal person would. But as I would soon find out, Lola wasn't normal…

She ran backwards, her head still tilted back and her eyes tracking the grape with her eyes. She was so focused on the grape (and she was running backwards) that she didn't notice that she was headed right towards us. Kevin and I moved out of the way, and Joe was trying to when she crashed into him. He tried vainly to catch her, and she fell flat on her butt.

"Ow," she muttered. Joe chuckled and offered her a hand.

"Here, let me help you," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," she muttered, blushing and taking his hand. She hadn't looked up at him the entire time and I was kind of dreading the moment when she would look at him. After her reaction to us and Hannah's hint that her reaction to Joe would be worse, I was really nervous about it.

Apparently I didn't have to worry about anything. She looked up at him as soon as she was on her feet and froze. He did, too. As soon as they locked eyes, Joe's face kind of changed. I don't know if he realized it then, but I'm pretty sure that it was love at first sight. A silly grin spread over his face.

"Joe, meet Lola," I introduced them. "Lola, meet Joe."

"Hi," he said goofily.

"Hi," she replied shyly. I was confused. Where were the squeals, the screaming, the shrieking? And Joe…I'd seen him attracted to girls before, but never like this. He was quiet and still. Usually as soon as he met a girl he liked, he tried to impress her with his silliness and his humor.

"Hi," he said again. Behind me, I heard Kevin groan and I laughed. Neither of us could believe that this was our brother.

I saw a grape flying at her head from Mike's direction. When it hit her, it seemed to shake her out of her stupor. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "How much did you guys see?"

"Enough to know that you totally kicked Mike's but," I answered with a grin. I watched her close her eyes and turn red.

"That was pretty awesome," Joe piped in. I guess he managed to get past "hi". "Can I try?"

"Sure!" Lola exclaimed brightly. She grabbed his hand and went with him to get a plate of grapes. When they returned, Oliver had his cell phone ready to time Joe.

"Just so you know," Joe said, some of his regular personality coming back. "I'm totally going to kick your butt."

Lola laughed, and she whispered something in his ear. Joe tilted his head and grinned. "I'll remember that," he said. And as soon as Mike yelled "Go!", Joe was off, with Lilly cheering him on.

Kevin came to stand next to me. "Is it just me, or was that…"

"Weird?" I finished. He nodded. "Definitely."

"I think she'd be good for him, though," he mused. We looked at them again, just in time to see Lola try to snatch a grape out of the air before Joe could catch it, but he managed to grab her wrist and get the grape at the same time. Lola laughed and I saw Joe's shoulders straighten a little, like he was proud that he had managed to elicit that sound from her.

Mike called time a few minutes later. "Forty-four…TIME!"

"Ha!" Lola shouted. "I win!"

"You tried to cheat!" he protested.

"Doesn't matter, I still won!" And she started dancing around in a circle jubilantly.

I laughed as Joe tried to catch her. He finally did. "I want a rematch!" he declared.

She stuck her tongue out at him, but she gestured for him to follow her and they went to get more grapes. Mike, in the meantime, cleaned up the other grapes that they had dropped.

Joe and Lola hurried back with more food and quickly staged a rematch. As I watched them, I couldn't help but think that maybe Kevin was right. She would be really good for him. I had no doubt in my mind that he was attracted to her and the she was attracted to him. It was only a matter of time before they started dating. At least, that's what I thought. And I had a feeling that they'd be something pretty amazing.


I tried to keep up with Miley as she ran into the hospital waiting room. She saw my parents and threw herself into my mother's arms. Oliver was already there with them.

"What happened?" she cried in panic. "Where are they? What happened?" She was almost hysterical and I ran up to her and put my arms around her.

"Kevin and Lilly have been shot," my mother said quietly. I looked up in shock. Kevin and Lilly…but where was Joe? And I saw him, slumped in a chair, looking completely broken and his suit was covered in blood. Oh God, no. No, no, no, no, no.

"How are they?" I asked quietly.

"The bullet hit Kevin's arm. It's gonna hurt for a while, but he's going to be okay," my dad said quietly. "They're just keeping him for a while for observation."

"And Lilly?" Miley whispered after he didn't say anything for a moment. Her question was met with silence. She broke free from me grabbed my father by the shoulders. "What about Lilly?" She looked at Oliver, who refused to meet her eyes. "DAMMIT, ANSWER ME! WHAT ABOUT LILLY?" she screamed wildly. Miley was practically shaking my dad. I looked at both my parents. There were tears in both their eyes. I looked back at Joe, who just looked completely destroyed.

"She- she's alive, but she was shot twice in the stomach," my mom answered weakly. She loved Lilly like daughter, and I could tell that this was hard for her. My heart twisted. Oh God, not Lilly. Not the girl who was practically my sister. My dad pulled away from Miley and put his arms around my mom. She practically collapsed into them. "Another bullet grazed her temple."

"NO!" Miley shouted. Her voice lowered to a whisper. "No! No. How did this happen? We were just with them." She turned her glazed look on Oliver, who stood up and put his arms around her. "We just saw them. We were just with them." She sobbed into Oliver's arms. Silent tears were streaming down Oliver's face, and I realized that I was crying, too.

I knew I had to ask the question, but I dreaded the answer. "How is she doing?"

My dad's answer felt like a punch in my gut. "They don't know if she's going to make it."


So, there's chapter one! All chapters are going to be like this one. It'll be someone's point of view from the past and then at the end of the chapter, it will cut to the present in the hospital. The events of Lilly and Joe's relationship, as well as what happened to Lilly and Kevin will be revealed throughout the story.

So please review and let me know if you love it or hate it. Reviews make me ridiculously happy. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but flames aren't really appreciated…

I might actually break my self-imposed rule and start several stories at once, but I'm not sure…for now, though, I hope you enjoy this one!

Thanks for reading!
