Okay guys! This is my very first fic so hit me with your harshest reviews! It could only help me become a better writer!

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Her eyes slipped up from the floor to the clock. Damn thing's not moving. Fifteen minutes to the end of Algebra 2. She looked down at her note book where she was supposed to be taking notes. Instead, she'd written random lines of poetry:

Walk through the door to eight-o-four,

Got Problems on the board

And we got some more.

Bell rings uh-oh! Jordan is late!

Ready to start the problems that we love to hate

Announcements are over, 'n period one has begun

Pencils are scratchin' to do the Do-Now number 1.

Parabola problem from the CST,

And we can't factor to find the roots normally.

Now Math becomes English class-

We write poems,

Using "A, B, and Cs,"

Then pluggin' in the numbers last.

But here's the solution to solve this one fast:

Step one, take the opposite of B

Like if it was three, do the negative three.

Second, plus and minus discriminate.

Root of b-to-the-two minus four-a-c is legitimate.

Then put that all on top of two doubled

Repeat for add and plus to avoid all trouble.

A negative radical is like the tooth fairy,

Or Barney and Big Bird all imaginary.

Simplify, don't forget to dot the "i",

Look to the sky, let out a sigh

Then snap back and start to cry

Cause Do-Now number two,

You don't know how to do.

A familiar sickness sets over you,

It is your pitiful lack of ability,

To perform and calculate probability.

She smiled softly to herself. She loved to write, but she never showed her poems to anyone; in her eyes, they were not very good.

"Katara how about you?" she snapped her head up. Mr. Joad looked at her over his spectacles.


"Come up to the board and solve the problem please."

"Why?" she asked puzzled. He never calls on me. Her classmates sniggered.

"Do you not know how?" he asked.

"Well... I-,"

"Maybe you should use the notes you've been taking so earnestly all class period."

"Notes? Oh! Yeah. Notes." She felt her face turn crimson as everyone's eyes turned to her.

"You have been taking notes have you?" he lifted an eyebrow and studied her face.

"Sure. You said you saw me yourself." more sniggers.

"May I see them?"

"Huh?" laughs.

"They are just notes right?"


He came to her desk and took her notebook before she could protest. He read a few of the lines and chuckled. "So you like to write huh?" He peered over his glasses at her again. She stared at him and he flipped through her notebook even further. "See me after class please," he said when he was done. He slapped the notebook back down on her desk. "The homework for tonight is on the board, you have about ten minutes left of class to start it." He went and sat at his desk then started grading last weeks tests.

She looked her notebook again. Great. This is just wonderful. "Hey! Psst! Katara!" Behind her someone was tapping her shoulder. She turned around and looked at him.


"Can I read what you wrote?"


"Why not? Is it a love letter?"

"Sure Jordan. Don't talk to me."

"Who's it for?"

"It's for you of course!"

"Really?" perks up.


Sobers down. "Well fine Katara, but you don't know what you're missing out on, I mean, look at me!"

Katara turned at looked at him. He had his arms open like he was about to give a hug revealing bare white arms, and a skinny chest covered by a Quicksilver tee shirt. His blond hair fell over his forehead slightly and his ears stuck out pretty far from his head. He grinned foolishly and nodded enthusiastically. His blue eyes twinkle. "Huh? Eh? Not bad right Katara?"

Katara smoothed a lock of hair from her face and rolled her eyes. "Do your homework man."

"Okay, you just keep working on my letter."

"Shut up."

"I love you too."

She shook her head then looked up at the board and copied the homework down. Then she reached under her desk and pulled out her Algebra 2 book and opened it to the page of the night's homework.

"Quadratics... oh... fun," she murmured to herself sarcastically. She ripped a piece of paper out of her binder, then picked up her pencil and stared at the paper.

Blank blue lines...

Glaring up at me...

A gaze so intense...

I think they really see...

Hmmm... Unconsciously, her pencil started moving.

Take a look at these quadratics

Vague memory of Joad's lesson

Recalls some simple tactics


quadratic... tactic...

Before she knew it, on her paper was another poem and she still hadn't even started her homework. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes!

"Katara, come to my desk please." No!

"See ya lover!" Jordan tugged at her braid then jumped out of her reach before she could slap him.

She packed her binder and notebook into her silver and black tote bag, then picked up her Algebra 2 book and started towards Mr. Joad's desk. Then the door opened and a boy came in and stepped in front of her. Katara opened her mouth in protest. That was rude!

"I need to make up that test from last week." she recognized the boy's cool voice, his posture and dark, charcoal black hair and broad shoulders.

"I was here first Zuko," she said forcefully.

"If you were, I wouldn't be ahead of you now would I?" He didn't even turn to look at her.

"You wouldn't be ahead of me if you weren't a stupid snobby selfish little son of-,"

"Katara! Zuko, I did ask Katara first if I could talk to her. Can you step aside please?"

At first Katara wasn't sure if he would move. But then he straightened up and turned around slowly and faced her. He looked down at her from beneath dark eyelashes and she glared back up at him. "Sure Mr. Joad," he said not taking his golden eyes off of her.

"Katara I wanted to talk to you about your grade in my class." His eyes shifted from one teenager to the other. They were still glaring at each other. "Katara?"

"I'm listening Mr. Joad. What about my grade?" she was determined to not be the first to look away. She hated Zuko.

"It's not very high."


"Katara you're failing."

Now she breaks the gaze. "What?!"

"Looks like Princess isn't so perfect after all is she?" he smirked and Katara grabbed and squeezed the handle of her tote bag to avoid slapping him.

"Shut up Zuko!" then to Mr. Joad, "What do you mean I'm failing?!"

"I mean you have an 'F', and today I found out why. Katara, your notebook is full of p-,"

"Not notes I get it," she didn't want him to say poetry in front of Zuko especially. She heaved a sigh. "How can I bring it up?"

Mr. Joad shrugged. "Make up all the homework between now and the beginning of the quarter, a ton of extra credit and after school tutoring."

"I can't tutor anyone! I have track practice after school!"

"I meant you need tutoring." she felt as if someone had just slapped her across the face. She'd never needed tutoring in her life!

"So Princess needs a tutor? What poor unlucky soul is going to have to put up with you for an hour after school five days a week?"

Katara swung around on him. "You know what Zuko! I swear, if you don't shut up, I will kick you in the d-,"

"We have only one tutor and she is unfortunately very busy at the present moment. But," he looked at Zuko, "I have noticed something Zuko. You score very high on all of your tests, 95 and above, and your notebook is complete and your notes are taken very neatly and completely. You just never do your homework."

Zuko raised a hand. "Before you continue Mr. Joad, I just want to say the answer is no."

"You don't even know what I'm going to ask."

"Yes I do Mr. Joad, and I'm telling you now, it's not gonna happen."

"I need you to tutor Katara."

Now she felt as if someone had punched her in the stomach. Tutoring from Zuko!? "No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!"

"Why do you hate each other so much?" Mr. Joad asked taking off his spectacles and running his fingers through his grey hair.

Katara grit her teeth and looked at him. "I don't hate him Mr. Joad. I despise him, I loathe him, and I would spit on him if we weren't in a classroom!" Katara said fiercely slapping her hands onto his desk.

Zuko scowled.

"For that little outburst, and for nearly defiling my classroom twice with your vanity, I am not going to give you a choice; you will work together after school starting today, or I'll fail you both. You have two weeks to get all of that homework and extra credit in. Zuko I'll excuse your test from last week." he put his glassed back on. "You may leave."

Katara sucked on the corner of her bottom lip then turned and looked at Zuko. "Library, 5:30, don't be late." Then she left the classroom and walked into the hall. Zuko cam behind her and stopped her by stepping in front of her.

"5:30's not going to work, I have baseball practice after school until 6."

"Then tell your coach you're busy." she walked around him but he caught her arm and dragged her back in front of him.

"Here's a thought! Maybe we could meet at the library at 6:30 when it's good for both of us, and you could take your nose out of the air and stop acting like a little brat!" Katara's jaw dropped angrily.

"Maybe, we'll meet when I want to meet and I'll just smack your stupid face for touching me!" She reached up to slap him but he caught her hand. She gasped and tried to smack him with her other hand but he caught that one and before she could knee him in an extremely sensitive area, he pushed her against the wall, and held her hands down to her side and pressed his body against hers so that she couldn't move.

He brought his face so close to hers she could feel his hot breath. "6:30. Library." She glared at him through fiery blue eyes. He was way too close to her to be comfortable. She could feel his heart beating as if it were in her own chest, her legs backed against the wall were held there by his. His own golden eyes slipped from hers down to her mouth and he chuckled.

"Funny isn't it? Being in this position again, only last time was way different. After what happened I never thought I'd be here again."

"What happened had been your own doing."

His eyes hardened and he looked back into hers.

"I didn't start those rumors Katara."

"Sure. And I didn't walk in on you and Mai."

She felt him tense up and his grip on her wrists hardened slightly. She'd hit a nerve. "I'm not going to go through this with you again."

"Good. Because I'm not going to listen to you again," she said. They stared at each other again for a hard moment when it appeared as if the world had stopped. "Move," she said finally.

For a while, he kept still and looked at her. "6:30. Library." his hold on her wrists relaxed and he backed away slowly then opened the door and stepped aside for her to leave. Katara remained with her back against the wall for a second then straightened up, and grasped her tote bag.

"After you Princess," he said.

She walked out the door then looked back at him. "Stop calling me Princess," then stalked away leaving him staring at her back.

"You always were my princess, Katara," he said to her retreating figure softly. He swung his backpack over his shoulder. "And you always will be."

Bring! Bring! "Hello?"

"Did you do as I asked you?"

"Yes sir I did."

"Good. My nephew is very hard headed, maybe two weeks with her will cause him remember what they had a year ago."

There it is! My first chapter of my first fic! Review please and tell me if you want to read more! And all of my poems are completely original, you'll find them nowhere else, so review and tell me what you think!