Disclaimer: I do not own the TMNT or the books Maximum Ride but the dream in the beginning is mine.
Fly away Chapter 1: Dreams and wishes
All my training. All my instincts. Both summed up into one word. Run! Run and run fast! I tear through the stony streets. Barefooted and no shirt.
"Gotta keep going!" I told myself
"Don't let them catch you! You can do it! Catch up or they'll leave!"
The wind's blowing in my face, my legs feel like jelly, my lungs are going to collapse, and rocks are embedding themselves in my bare feet.
The wind picks up and I unfurl my wings. Just like I've always dreamed of doing. I get a few feet off the ground and plummet back landing hard in a field. I've never flown before but now I have to. I try one last time hearing the sounds of yelling and tires screeching. I get up farther than I ever have before. Stretching my wings out to their full eighteen feet. I begin flapping as hard as I can. "Wow." I think. "So this is what it's like." My thoughts are interrupted when the sound of gunfire rings through the air. I swerve down and then go left. I feel a sharp burning pain in by back and my right wing suddenly collapses and I spiral back towards the ground. I land face down and roll over as fast as I can. I look up to see a huge black foot coming down on my head.
I jolt upwards and quickly scan the room around me. "It's okay," I thought to myself. "Calm down. It was just a Dream." I sit there for a while trying to get my breathing and heart rate back to normal. I look around the room and see that I'm on the bed. We only have one bed and we usually all just dog pile on it. "Okay, warm bed, brothers, mask, bow staff, and no cages." I thought as another wave of relief washed over me. I look around the beaten up warehouse that serves as our home and see all my brothers. Each with their own unique style of sleeping.
Over in the corner is my oldest brother Leonardo. He sleeps the same way he acts. Calm, collected, and organized. He fell asleep in one of the few chairs we have. He's sitting up no snoring, no drooling, and his beloved katanas are leaning neatly against the wall on his right side. His mask isn't even wrinkled. Down on the floor is my little brother Mikey or Michelangelo with my other big brother Raph lying on top of him in an awkward lop-sided flop on top of him. Mikey's nunchucks and mask are piled in a heap next to him and he's drooling quite a bit. Raphael is lying on top of him with his twelve-foot long silky black wings wrapped around him and Mikey like a blanket.
"Man." I say aloud. "You might not like to admit it Raphi-boy but you love Mikey so much."
"Oh yeah he does." Said a tired sounding voice. I turn around to see Leo, eyes open, and looking at Mikey and Raph lovingly.
"Oh man." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I really wish I had a camera, because that's really cute." He said a big grin forming on his face.
"Yeah. You don't see Raph, A.K.A. Mr. tough guy, doing stuff like this very often now do you? Sooo, what's for breakfast?" Unless the food faries came, not much, Sorry Donny."
"Hey it's not your fault you know."
"Yeah well I feel like it is."
"HEY!" I replied hotly. "I'm the one who was stupid enough to lead them to us in the first place. So if it's anyone's fault it's mine! So stop blaming yourself!" I shouted glaring daggers at him.
"Alright fine. Suit yourself. Let's just drop it. I hate talking about that anyway."
"Oh jeeze! Raph get your fat butt offa me!" Came the cry from the sleeping room.
"Uh oh." Me and Leo said in unison.
"And so begins the war." Leo said in a dark evil voice.
The shout was soon followed by many others along with other battle related sounds. I stretch out my eighteen foot wings and let out a long sigh. I take a quick glace at them thinking about the colors. They are a beautiful tannish color with black spots and speckles all over them. If I tried I bet I could get off the ground. Then suddenly an idea sprang out at me and I ran off into a different room. I run back out clamping my wings back into my shell for protection and a pillow in hand.
"I'm gonna go make breakfast." Leo said and hurried off to do just that. I snuck a peek into the room and saw Raph and Mikey duking it out on the floor. i ran in and whacked Mikey upside the head while yelling "Pillow fight!!"
The battle raged on until the chef, A.K.A Leonardo, Came in announcing that breakfast was ready. We were all up and out of there in a flash. as soon as Leo took his seat we all started attacking the omelets and orange juice Leo had made. Which for our new metabolism is not very much.
"Yo Donny what's da date?" Raph asked in his thick Brooklyn accent.
"Ummm. December the 21st." I said looking at a calander in an apartment across the street. We all sat silent after my answer. Not moving, not eating. Just silent.Soon a heavy sigh broke through the silence and Leo got up to clear his plate even though he had barely eaten anything.
"hey bro?" Raph asked concerned.
"Think about it guys."Leo said turning towards us. "This is going to be our first christmas without master splinter." He said gloomily His sadness spread like a plague and soon it had infected all of us.
"Hey it's okay Leo." Mike said standing up. "The best gift we can hope to give him is to not be there. To not endanger him. To make the danger follow us instead. That's why we're here right? Besides Miami isn't all that bad. It's nice and warm."I knew Mikey meant well but I just couldn't take it.
"I wish we didn't have to run." I said. Hot tears stinging my eyes. "I wish we coulkd just go home."
"I know Donny. We alldo. Raph said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't ya worry. We'll get through this and when we do the first thing we'll do is go straight home ta master splinter."