Five years time from here

Never thought I'd live to see the day

Maxs POV

I couldn't believe the day had finally arrived not that I'd been counting down or anything. I laughed getting a strange look from Angel and Nudge.

" What I can't be happy on one of the most important days of my life?" I asked.

" You can but I still can't believe you actually said yes I never pictured you for this sort of thing." Nudge said.

" I know but things had to change."

Ten more minutes I thought to myself and I would be one of the happiest women in the world and nothing was going to stop that. Unless he didn't show up but he wouldn't do that would he?

" Mummy, mummy are you ready yet?" Zoë asked swinging her legs gently back and forward. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her flower girls dress.

" Please give me a minute." I smiled trying not to lose my patience. Trust me until you're a mother you never understand the true meaning of patience.

" Ok."

Considering she was Fang and I's daughter she was very well behaved not that I'd let her turn out any other way but sometimes I do wonder. Her perfectly curled blonde hair wrapped neatly in to a bun was threatening to sneak it's way back out again that was all the resemblance she got to me the rest of her looks like Fang and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

" It's time." Angel whispered. Shaking me from my thoughts.

" Ok lead the way then."

As I took my first step down the aisle I heard Pacabel's cannon in D start to play one of my favourite songs in the world. I felt everyone turn to stare but I just focused on Fangs face as I made my way to him and the Minster. He looked absolutely stunning in his black tuxedo and also looked like the happiest man in the world.

Well that's one thing to stop worrying about he actually wants to be here. I always wondered if Fang just asked me because he thought that was the right thing to do or because he wanted to and at this moment in time I had no doubt which one I'd go with.

I remember saying "I do" but the rest of it was a blur like watching something in slow motion but it's to slow to really comprehend.

Zoë looked really happy as she danced round the room with her dad. This all had to work didn't it?

We weren't teenagers anymore and I'd already had the strangest teenage years due to disappearing dad's never to be seen again but maybe that was a good thing and bringing up a child while trying to pass my finals.

Fang took me to the dance floor for the final dance of the evening. " I can't believe this day is actually over." He smiled in a doting manner.

" Me neither." I whispered in his ear but he could hear the doubt in my voice.

" What's wrong?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes.

" Are you sure you made the right choice? After all we're only twenty-one." I looked away scared to meet his confused look.

" Trust me. If I had never meet you my life it would have been boring and predictable but with you it's everything but and you have no idea how much that means to."

I nodded but still looked away.

He turned my face to face him giving me no choice but to look. " I love you Max both of you." He said as Zoë approached " And I don't think I'll ever be able to stop so stop worrying please."

He kissed me gently on the lips. " I love you to. Sorry for doubting you."

" It's ok we've been through a lot it would take a lot to stop us from working promise." He smiled the most genuine smile in the world.

As I lay awake that night I thought about my life different things I've learnt but the most important thing I'd learnt from this chapter in my life is that stupid mistakes lead to a broken heart and should be fixed as soon as possible and don't let anyone tell you different.

A/N: Well there you go that's the story done thought about doing a sequel from Zoë's POV and Max and Fangs. Kind of had a good idea but let me know what you think? Do you think I should do a sequel or leave it were it is cause I can't decide. Please review and tell me what you think cause I love knowing what you all think.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed this story and took part in my poll's when I got stuck for names. Thank- you.