Sam can't help it; It's completely inaccurate--and in Colonel O'Neill's case, inappropriate--but she sometimes thinks of them as her boys.
The thought mostly strikes her when she's in the infirmary. That's when they seem the most hers: when one of them is coming in every few hours to check on her, keep her company for a little while (Teal'c), eat her Jell-O (the Colonel), or sneak in test result print-outs when Janet has put a moratorium on work (Daniel). At one time, she would have bridled at the idea that anyone felt she needed looking-after. Now, it just makes her feel warm: her boys, taking care of her.
Except they're not hers, and they're not boys. Somehow, that doesn't keep her from thinking of them that way from time to time.
She doesn't even try to justify it to herself. She knows she can't. Teal'c is over a hundred years old. The Colonel, occasional tantrums notwithstanding, has more gray than brown in his hair these days. And she's pretty sure that the term "boy" cannot be applied to a person who has loved and lost enough for any three people and then ascended to a higher plane of existence. And none of them belong to her in any conventional sense.
So when she wakes from Fifth's illusion, exhausted and hurt in so many more ways than she'd thought possible, and finds herself lying on the ground and the three of them (she'll have to ask how they got Colonel O'Neill out of stasis later) leaning over each other to look at her, ask if she's all right, there's absolutely no good reason for her to think "Oh good, my boys are here." She takes comfort in the thought, anyway.