So this is a new story I've been thinking about. So tell me what you think.


She had everything she could want..
Shows a picture of a Sharpay

Loving Parents
Shows Sharpay hugging her mother and father

A Caring Brother
Shows Sharpay laughing and hugging Ryan

And Money
Shows Sharpay and her mother shopping

Shows Sharpay crying as she runs through a hospital

Now that her mother is gone...
Shows Sharpay crying with a picture of her mother in her hands

Her dad drinks...
Shows her father beating her with one hand while holding a beer bottle in his other hand

Her brother turns his back on her
Shows Ryan walking pass Sharpay in the hallway

Money is all she has left

When all her hope is gone
Shows Sharpay crying behind some curtains at school

She turns to drugs & partying
Shows Sharpay smoking some white powder
Shows Sharpay drinking at some party

But will one person
Shows Troy playing basketball in his backyard

Notice her grief
Shows Troy walking up to a curtain and seeing Sharpay crying

And show her love & happiness
Shows Troy and Sharpay falling down a hill laughing

Be able to bring her hope back?
Shows Troy and Sharpay singing and dancing around a stage

Or will she fall back down the same road?
Shows Sharpay laying in a hospital bed

When All The Hope Is Gone