CHAPTER 1 What The Hell!
Sesshoumaru sighed as he sat in front of the old Inu-demon, this was the last place he wanted
to be. The old fortune teller was well known and every Inu No Tashio had seen him about
their future mates. Sesshoumaru frowned as the old dog started to chant. He had no desire to
find a mate yet, but Kaze's words echoed in his ear. Sesshoumaru's frown deepened as he
recalled the conversation he had had with his captain. Saying he was unable to 'get up' was one
thing, but to call him gay was another. To add insult to injury he had joked about him being a
virgin. He grinned, no, he was nowhere near being a virgin. Shaking his head he glanced at
the Inu-demon, the demon's arms were now flying around him wildly like he was trying to
fly. Sesshoumaru stared blankly at him, his eyes gleamed briefly in humour but quickly
turned cold, his father's training reminding him he must always be unreadable. Father. One
person he did not grieve for. His death was welcomed with open arms.
Sesshoumaru's lips thinned into a grim line, the man was taking to long. His head was now
bowed, his breath even and calm. His long grey hair fell around his shoulders like a barrier,
shielding him from the world. A thin layer of sweat had coated his pale skin making it shine
in the morning sun.
"Old man Tenga, are you done? This Sesshoumaru has little patience and you are wearing it
thin." His voice was calm as he spoke but it sent shivers down the fortune teller's spine none
the less.
"Can ye be not patient for a time young pup?" He looked Sesshoumaru in the eye.
Sesshoumaru growled, the sound unnatural coming from his human looking form. Tenga
gulped and bowed his head again not wanting to be a test subject for his lord's newly
regenerated arm.
"My Lord forgive this lowly dog for the awful rudeness." Tenga bowed low to the ground
moving his head so his neck was exposed. Sesshoumaru snorted as he folded his arms across
his chest. He had no desire to show this dog dominance.
"I forgive you. Now tell me what you saw." Standing Tenga dusted his knees keeping his
head bent and his eyes down cast.
"My Lord ye will sire powerful pups in ye likeness. They will be a force so powerful that all
demons in ye lands will submit. But of course they will be mere shadows of the power you
have, my Lord Sesshoumaru." Tenga smiled; "And ye mate will be mighty powerful and
beautiful" Sesshoumaru frowned in thought, maybe not frowned but merely a twitch of his
eyebrows, this was good news. The idea of his pups being strong almost made the trip to the
out-skirts of Inuyasha's forest worth while. Almost. His future mate didn't sound to bad
either. Powerful. Beautiful. Yes that was acceptable Sesshoumaru was almost warming to the
idea of having a female by his side. But something nagged at the back of his mind. It sounded
all to good to be true.
"What type of demon is my mate? It may help my search for her." Sesshoumaru's eyes
narrowed as the familiar sent of fear reached his nose. What was he hiding?
"Well, ye mate is not demon my Lord" At Sesshoumaru's puzzled look Tenga stepped back
before continuing. "She is human my Lord. A Miko in fact, and ye have all ready met her on
many occasions." Tenga bowed swiftly then fled into the forest as a blood chilling howl tore
through Sesshoumaru's throat. HUMAN! How can that be! He snarled as he paced back an
forth. The idea was completely stupid. Sesshoumaru sighed as he rubbed his hand across his
face. He may hate the idea of a human mate, a miko no less, but like all people of his clan
knew; whatever Tenga foretold always came true. Sesshoumaru knew better than others not to
screw with fate. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes as he thought of all the mikos he had met, and
let live. The list was short containing only one name, his half-brother's wench. Figures.
Gracefully he transformed into his true form, lifting his white muzzle up to sniff the air. His
lips drew back into smile or a snarl as her sent reached him. Taking to the sky he flew for the
centre of the forest, not caring that his brother's scent and three others were also there. As he
drew closer his stomach constricted and an alien feeling coursed through his veins. His inner
demon was howling in joy as her scent got stronger.
Kagome grunted as she tried to lift her over sized, yellow bag over the rim of the bone-eaters
well. After saying good-bye to her mother Kagome had looked forward to going back to
Inuyasha and the others, now she wished she had stayed, or at least left her bag. She grinned
as the bag fell over the rim and landed with a thud. Before Kagome could follow, a clawed
hand roughly grabbed her wrist and lifted her out of the well. With an 'eep' she found herself
staring at two golden eyes.
"Where the hell have you been. You said sunrise and it's already noon! Your late!" Inuyasha
shook her to make his point. Sighing Kagome looked at the ground to find she was dangling a
foot above it. He's been here the whole time! He could have at least helped with my bag!
Snapping her head up Kagome glared at him.
"We have shards too gather! A demon to kill!" Kagome winced as Inuyasha's spit landed on
her face.
"Inuyasha, put me down now. So what I was late! I had things to do!" When Inuyasha merely
glared at her as well. Kagome sucked in a breath and kick him in the nuts. Inuyasha's eyes
grew wide as he let go of Kagome. With a strangled grunt he fell to the ground shaking.
Smiling at him Kagome dusted off her jeans and walked to her bag. She was happy that she
had graduated and no longer had to wear her skirt, jeans were much better to fight. It had
been four years since she had fallen into the well. Kagome sighed, she would be twenty in
three days. With the killing of Naraku only a month ago everything seemed perfect. Sango
and Miroku were now planning their wedding. Kagome's smile grew, only one week and
they would be married, yes everything was perfect. Picking up her bag Kagome turned back
to Inuyasha as he was standing up on shaking legs. Kagome merely smiled as he sent her a
death glare. When he spoke his voice was high,
"You, you bitch! That hurt!"
"Oh poor Inuyasha what cha' want me to do, kiss it better?" Growling Inuyasha walked
Forward, pointing a clawed finger at her.
"Kagome! We need to get the shards! Now!" Sighing Kagome rubbed her temples, a
throbbing ache had started.
"Inuyasha, the only shards left belong to Kouga since Kohaku died. There is no rush. Unless
you want to see Kouga?" Kagome grinned knowingly, an evil glint in her eyes. Jumping back
Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms. Turning to walk to Kaeda's hut Inuyasha mumbled
incoherently. Kagome smirked,
"What was that Inuyasha? I didn't hear you, can you speak up?" Growling Inuyasha turned
to face Kagome, his face mere inches away.
"I said that your nothing but an impossible bitch!" Frowning Kagome puffed out her cheeks
and kicked Inuyasha in the nuts.
"Not again you bitch!" Groaning he fell to the ground, grunting as he made impact.
"Stop calling me a bitch! Even if it is an endearment in Inu language, you were raised with
humans so I know…" Both Kagome and Inuyasha covered their ears as a shrill howl tour
through the forest. Glancing around as the sound ended, Kagome could find nothing wrong.
Barking in anger Inuyasha jumped to his feet turning around franticly searching the sky.
"Umm? Inuyasha?" Kagome frowned in confusion as he withdrew Tetsusaiga, soon she felt
something. Her facial expression soon became one of understanding as she too sensed a
demon's aura. Not just any demon ether. Sesshoumaru. Not another fight! Suddenly Kagome
was being dragged very fast towards Kaeda's village. Following the arm to a shoulder then to
the face Kagome gaped at what she saw. Inuyasha was sweating and fear was clearly shown
on his face.
"Wha..? Inuyasha are you okay?" Inuyasha didn't answer as he glanced at her but sighed in
relief as the village came into sight. Miroku and Sango were out side the hut as they saw the
friends approaching. Upon seeing their faces and Inuyasha hurried pace they rushed towards
"Inuyasha my friend what is the matter?" Before Inuyasha could reply to Miroku's Sesshoumaru burst
from the forest his giant form making the ground faintly shake. Both Miroku and Sango got
into a fighting stance, Miroku with his staff and Sango her Hirakotsu. Growling Kirara
transformed in a ball of fire. Inuyasha was already growling and spitting at Sesshoumaru as
he came to a stop in front of them.
"Kagome! Here take your bows!" Shippou came running, her bow and quiver of arrows in
hand. Gratefully taking the bow and arrows Kagome passed a thought as to how much
Shippou had grown. He no longer was short but had grown two feet and now stood to
her waist in height. As she turned to face Sesshoumaru Kagome notched her bow
ready to fire… Inuyasha continued to growl as the three of them exchanged glances.
Sesshoumaru maybe in his dog form but he was just staring at them. Correction. At her.
Every since he had emerged from the trees her scent and the sight of her had made
Sesshoumaru tremble in anticipation. For what he did not known. Maybe seeing that old dog
wasn't such a bad idea. Closing his eyes Sesshoumaru turned back into his human form.
Opening his eyes Sesshoumaru stepped forward.
"Miko, I Sesshoumaru have come for you. I have come to take you as my mate." The whole
group stood in shock silence.
"What the hell you bastard! What kind of sick joke are you playing at you dip-shit?!"
Inuyasha roared. His face was turning redder by the second.
"My Inuyasha what creative language you have. And this is no joke. I have consulted Tenga,
and that is all you need to now deserter." With a smirk Sesshoumaru turned his icy glare to
Kagome. Everyone was to stunned to speak. Their minds reeling with questions.
Sesshoumaru started to walk forward but stopped when Inuyasha held up Tetsusaiga, he
simply smiled and held out his hand.
"Come miko, you will be treated well. You live in my palace in the west, have many servants,
human or demon, and you will help me to sire many pups. Don't worry the experience will be
quite… pleasurable for you." Suddenly the ground became very interesting as Kagome's face
became red. Inuyasha had heard enough. Lifting Tetsusaiga he growled low at Sesshoumaru.
"You fucking bastard how dare you say that! She not yours you bastard!"
"She is not your ether deserter. But soon she will be mine."
"As if the wench would never want you!"
"Hay! Don't talk about Mama Kagome like that!" Shippou quickly ducked behind Kirara as
Sesshoumaru glared at him. That did it how dare they talk about her like that! As if she were
an object! Lifting her bow Kagome fired, hitting Sesshoumaru right in the sternum. Grunting
as the pure energy ate at his body Sesshoumaru quickly pulled it out before it devoured him.
"Both of you are nothing but bastards!" Yelled Kagome. Staring at her Sesshoumaru turned.
"I'll return at a later date then miko." As if he were never there he vanished.
"Inuyasha!" Turning his groin came into contact with Kagome's shoe.
"Ha! Your getting weak!" Glaring at him Kagome took in a breath,
"Inuyasha SIT!" Walking away Sango Miroku, Shippou and Kirara followed.
"Come Inuyasha, we need to discuss Sesshoumaru's strange behaviour." Sango's words
simply fell on deaf ears.
That did not go well. He needed a plan. Oh well. Next time will go better. Sesshoumaru was
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