Holly's thoughts on the stupidity of the human race…and how they can waste something as precious as their Earth.

Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl, or its affiliates.

If it's unsinkable, they find a way to sink it…and simultaneously kill the passengers.

They build bombs capable of destroying the planet…and use them to kill the innocent.

They insist on money, riches and treasures…and while working to get them, wasting the most important treasure of all.

They hunt animals to create pointless products…and destroy entire species in the process.

They claim to be advanced and independent...yet the things they rely on are killing the planet.

They can ignore the billions starving and dying, the billions repressed and alone, the billions so far away from their families…yet they whine when they can't get a phone signal.

The do not believe in the real magic of the world, instead, they create their own…thingsthat stab, things that poison, things that shoot and things that dismember.

They forget what really matters, the magic of the world. Friendship, love, joy, unity andhappiness.

They insist on creating things that they claim to bring people together…instead, they split them apart.

They forget the simple things…a beautiful song…

Which will be lost among the mindless techno and pop that is on the charts….

.a home cooked meal…

Instead, they buy fatty, cholesterol ridden junk that will end up killing them.

a good book….

They are lost to the MTV and MySpace generation.

.or telling a story…

They have no idea what it feels like to put a pen to paper and feel the words flow out of your soul.

TV will tell the story for them.

They forget how beautiful the world is, from the night sky to a field of flowers….they have TV for that, too.

They forget the things that can thrill you, to the centre of your being. Standing in the pouring rain, leaping into an icy lake or simply lying in the grass, the sun on your face.

They have nothing for that.

Nothing at all.

Thanks for reading.