Disclaimer: I do not own Golden Sun or any of the characters, places or concepts associated with it.

Ever wondered what Kraden was doing while the Adepts were battling the beasties?

Kraden and the Flash Ant

The final monster screeched in fury seeming to grow as electric blue feathers were spread out like the wings of a particularly garish angle of death. Red eyes blazed with bloodlust and cruel crawls flexed in anticipation. It was promptly fried by a lightning bolt and keeled over.

"You're losing your touch," Jenna said teasing. "I still can't believe you actually missed that first time."

"If you hadn't gone for it and gotten in my way I wouldn't have. You were just like, woo woo!" Sheba replied jumping up and down waving her hands at the smoldering harpy her psynergy flaring ineffectively.

Felix, of course, said nothing.

The three of them were standing in a clearing in the Osenian bush which was now deserted, save for the mangled corpses that lay spread out around them or hung from the branches of some of the nearby trees. Felix was cleaning his sword and Jenna was attempting to ring the blood out of her hair. Monster gore always seemed to get everywhere and followed the adepts like some aggravatingly persistent door-to-door salesman – or Garet after the smell of roast beef.

"Did anyone see where Kraden went?" asked Sheba after awhile. The sage was indeed nowhere to be seen.

"No, last I saw of him was when I fried those three emus with beam and caught the kobold behind them in the spill off. Felix?"

Her brother just shook his head.

"He must be around here somewhere," Sheba said irritably.

Approximately forty seconds later, the adepts had found Kraden. Jenna's eyes followed the flash ant as it bounced up and down in time to the high pitched squeals that emerged from the foliage above it whenever it jumped. The critter was all of thirty centimeters high and would have easily been crushed to a puddle of greenish juice if Kraden had dropped but one of his beloved Alchemistic texts on it.

"Ah! There you are!" The puny blue boxing gloved insect leapt again and there was another shriek. "S-so would you mind helping me down from here? This little -oh oh- fellow doesn't seem to want me to- help help get it away from me it's going to e-eat me!"

Jenna face palmed. Sheba turned her eyes skyward and muttered "Why do we keep him around again?"

A/N: I don't really think I'm that good at making funny stuff up but I had the idea and it got written, so here it is. Please review.