The Last Installment of This Old Heart...

A/N: (UPDATE Aug 2010). I do check occasionally to see if anyone is still reading this story. And, rest assured, I would love to know if you made it this far and whether or not you like it! Thanks so much for reading.

In no time at all the wedding reception was planned. The bride and groom being judged superfluous to the task of arranging things, others laid on the Leaky Cauldron, sent out the invitations ...and put up a sizable amount against the bar bill.

The crowd at the Inn was thick, and Zoe kept a hand to Severus' coat tail as she followed him to join Minerva at a table. The pair slid onto the bench across from Minerva, both looking a little tired of the social scene. In contrast, a very happy looking Arthur Weasley sat next to Minerva.

"Zoe," said Arthur genially. "It is so very good to see you."

"Hi," she murmured and suddenly feeling a bit shy, she leaned slightly into Severus' arm. For those who did not know the man, he might seem a cold parent. He does not extend his arm around the girl to offer comfort. He does not pat her hand or whisper encouragement. But to those who know him, the scene is profound. He offers what the girl needs, acceptance and a welcome, protective shoulder to curl up against. And when her eyes turn to him, he does not look away, but meets her gaze, acknowledging her importance to him and his importance to her.

"It's getting late, so Mary is up in a room with some of the other children," Arthur explained. Looking at Severus, he told him, "Niall and Asha sent along two house elves to play nanny tonight." Then he told Zoe, "So, if you are willing, I could take you up to see the other kids."

"I'll walk you up, Zoe," Severus finally said sensing her reluctance. And the two men rose to escort Zoe up the stairs.


A short time later, Minerva found herself in the ladies loo, leaned against a wall waiting for Rolanda to finish at the sink. The flying instructor stood in front of the mirror darkening her lipstick - a difficult task given the slightly twitching, wicked grin she sported. Things went even more askew when Poppy's smiling reflection appeared over her shoulder. "So, Rolanda," Poppy sang, "tell me how things are going with this man of yours."

"Ooooo, Poppy!" Rolanda growled with excitement as she capped her lipstick. "His name is Rolf. He is a retired Quidditch player. He was known as the 'Flying Baron.'"

"Very nice," Poppy said. And then with a suggestive wink, she asks, "Is he VERY nice?"

"I wouldn't know. Not that," Rolanda said, "Very old fashioned fellow. I'm getting nowhere with him for now," she said, pouting for the mirror. She then reached to pull her hair straight toward the ceiling. Obligingly, it stuck that way.

Ginny and Hermione having come out of their stalls unnoticed in the midst of the conversation, stood stock still and eyed their former professors.

"And well, good for him" Minerva chimed in sternly with a catch in her throat and a glance at her old students. "Honorable sentiment," and she left. But the sound of laughter followed her.

Minerva threaded through the gathering hoping to find Severus. She waved to the Weasleys who were at a table near the paneled wall. Seeing Arthur was back from upstairs, she sent him a questioning look. It was returned with a gesture in the direction of the courtyard patio. So, hopefully, THAT was where she would find her husband.

Ron stood next to his parents, obviously ill at ease, fidgeting while he waited for Hermione to return from the loo. The song change brought yet another tune unrecognizable to Ron. Grumbling about the music, he turned to his parents. With a hand held high to forestall Ron's further complaints, Arthur stood and invited Molly to join him.

"Excuse us, Ron," the elder Weasley said with a mischievous smile.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked.

His father wiggled his eyebrows at the young man, earning a very quizzical look. Finally, Ron realized what was going on.

"You're going to dance? To this?" he whined.

"Where I grew up, they called this belt buckle polishing music," Arthur whispered to his son as he stood along side him. Molly took her husband's hand, and smiling, she eagerly followed her husband through the crowd.

Progress for the courtyard was slow for Minerva. She greeted everyone as she moved in that direction. When she saw Niall and Asha in a corner talking with Poppy, she smiled and waved but continued to move through the crowd toward the rear door.

"So," Poppy says to Niall as she returned Minerva's wave. "You were in on this whole ruse. Did you like having Severus for a patient?" she asked knowingly.

"Oh, he was fine. After all he WAS unconscious for most of it," Niall joked.

"It's almost too much to think of him as a husband now," Poppy mused. "And a step father and a father-in-law to boot."

"He gets on well enough with my grandmother as well," Niall said before sipping at his beer.

"How do you think he will take to being a grandfather?" Asha asked Poppy quietly. Niall blushed a bit before smiling happily.

"You mean it?" Poppy asked with wide eyes as her hand pressed to her chest.

"We only just found out last week. " Asha whispered leaning closer.

Poppy wrapped her arms around Asha and murmured her congratulations.

"We haven't told my mum and Severus yet," Niall warned Poppy before the matron had even released his wife.

The smile on Poppy's face was wide and contagious. Despite his unease, Niall could not help now grinning. "Grandpa. Hmmm, Grampy Severus," Poppy said trying the words out while Niall shushed her. "Oh, I would pay to be there when you tell him. To think I have to wait 8 months to see a picture of him holding a baby."


Out in the walled courtyard, there were scattered groups of people talking. A few couples even danced to the music that poured out the open doorway. Hovering lanterns dimly lit the evening air.

Ron and Hermione stepped outside. The confident young witch pulled Ron off to the side, embarrassed to see him immediately gapping at the couple who were dancing close together under the old oak. Ron's jaw dropped. He could not believe the way Snape was holding Minerva. The way she let him touch her.

"Ron just get over here and at least pretend you are dancing with me." Hermione hissed at him. But Ron just stood there.

"What's this? " he whispered still staring at his former professors.

"It's The Healing Game," Hermione answered him.

"Is that what they're calling it now," he smirked.

"It's the name of the song, you idiot. I think Professor McGonagall is a Van Morrison fan." Hermione reached up and pulled Ron in and put her arms around his neck, so they could feign dancing.

"I just can't believe it," Ron continued.

"I think they've loved each other a long time, Ron. There just wasn't anything they could do before," she said softly, stealing a glance.

The song ended and Hermione saw the older couple whisper with heads together before Severus walked for the door to the bar.

As Severus approached the younger couple who were near the door, Ron stumbled over himself to get out of the way. The potions master then stopped and stood even with them, but without looking at them.

After an uncomfortable pause, he said, "Unbelievable, Mr. Weasley," in an even tone.

"Sir?" Ron manages to mumble.

Severus smiled, but then stopped. He cast a quick glance at Hermione. "You are out here with a woman you likely do not deserve. One who oddly enough seems to fancy you... and you don't even know what to do about it."

Hermione let out the breath she had been holding as Snape disappeared into the crowd inside. "That's not Professor Snape," she said once she recovered. "I think that was a complement."

"Oh, that's Snape," Ron grumbled. "The only way he could compliment the one of us was to insult the other."

Severus had made it nearly the whole way to the bar, plodding his way through the ranks of people. Suddenly, Harry turned and barely avoided walking into him. "Sorry, professor."

"And how is 'He-Who-Lived?'" Severus asked as lightly as he could manage.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," Harry replied deftly. "Congratulations, Professor. You're a lucky man," he said as he raised his drink in salute. Harry stepped out of the way and once he was released from Snape's uncomfortable gaze, he added, "And I have never seen Professor McGonagall looking so happy." Harry melted into the crowd before Severus could turn to look at him.

Helen caught Severus' eye then. She was smiling and the wink she gave him meant she had probably overheard the entire exchange.


Severus found his trip back across the room long and torturous. He waded through well-wishers who seemed all the merrier for forcing him to reply to their continued congratulations. Finally, returning to the courtyard door, he could see Ron standing with his arms crossed diffidently across his chest. A familiar stance. The boy was mindless. Always acting the prat even as Hermione's patience visibly cracked.

Something in Severus made him pause. A half smile pricked up his lip, and quickly fingering his wand, he created a gentle push that eased Ron into Hermone's confused grasp.

As Severus reached Minerva and put his hands on to her hips, she whispered accusingly, "What did you do?"

"I went inside to use the loo," he tried feebly.

"Not that! I saw what you did to the youngest Mr. Weasley. And I think you are behind this choice of song."

"Please, Minerva. You are imagining things. And what could YOU possibly have against Peggy Lee's version of Fever," he said seductively. He hummed a little of it, lowering his lips to her neck.

"Not the place or the time, love," she told him. And when she took a step back from him and saw the sly expression on his face, she felt had. "You were trying to distract me. Dratted man," she admonished. "Back to our conversation," she whispered. "You were trying to send Mr. Weasley a message," his wife said with realization as she looked over to the younger couple.

"If I deigned to send him a message, I would, no doubt, require a brick - not a push."

"Ah -Ha! See, it was you!" she said with a punishing finger tapping into his chest. He decided against answering her directly, instead capturing her offending hand and kissing the palm.

"No one does a charm to push air the way you do," she said with a smile, softening to his romantic treatment of her.

He stopped kissing her palm to dramatically quirk an eye brow at her.

"Please, Severus," she said in answer. "Do you honestly think we were fooled in to believing your robes billowed like that of their own volition? And Filius would never push my bum through the Infirmary doors. THAT was you."


They danced a while. Sometimes just stood and talked. They said goodbye to friends who were leaving. And then, finally alone, Severus wordlessly began to lead Minerva over to the ivy covered brick wall. He meant to find a place where he could kiss her properly since she refused to leave the party. He saw the perfect spot and pivoted to pull her into him, planning to back toward the wall.

The song he heard stopped him. He groaned, realizing it was "I Got You, Babe."

"Minerva. I am beginning to take great exception to your song list," he admonished as he stopped short of the wall.

"What can you possibly have against Sonny and Cher?" she asked with humor.

"You know it is starting to sound as if you spent the whole of the 60s cavorting with Muggle celebrities."

She laughed. "They aren't Muggles, Severus. Cher is a very powerful Native American mage. How else do you think she could be 120 and do what she does.

After he had a bit to digest that, he asked, "And Sonny Bono was a Wizard?"

"Squib, poor guy. He was actually a cousin of Filius'. Think about it. You do see the resemblance, don't you?

But he dismissed any worry about Filius' and Sonny Bono's shared genealogy as Minerva rose on her toes to kiss him lightly. He tightened his grasp around her waist and stepped backwards hoping to lean himself against the wall so he could kiss her in the shadows. One more step and he would manage it, he thought.

"Severus," came Arthur Weasley's all too cheerful voice just at his ear. "You are about to trod on my foot."

Molly was heard to giggle like a gleeful school girl.

"Concealment charms seem to be a Weasley specialty," Severus accused looking in the direction of the voice.

"Go on now, Severus," Arthur chided in a low tone. "Find your own bit of wall, eh?"

"Indeed, I think I will find the entire Weasley family out here if I looked any further."

Minerva pulled at his hand as she laughed.

Suddenly, a whizzing sound threatened like a loose bludger. Severus grabbed Minerva and pulled her in instinctively.

And then he saw it. The trail of lights and flashes. Bewitched fireworks dove crazily through the sky over them. Despite the noise, he could just make out the sound of laughter from the tavern roof.

Looking for the person responsible, he saw the display's finale. The fireworks on their last spin across the sky had belched open and spelled out "SEV LOVES MIN" in twinkling technicolor.

"There is a Weasley behind this somewhere," Severus called loudly with the barest amusement.

"I would be most disappointed if there was not," Arthur yelled back happily. "Congratulations, Old Man. Now this is a party to remember!"

As the slow song ended and Van Morrison's Wild Night started, Minerva discreetly took hold of Severus' lapel holding him there to dance.

"We're safer here," she claimed with a lecherous smile.

He pulled in closer and they stayed there amid the jumping couples who had appeared to watch the fireworks. In the corner, Rolanda Hooch danced on a chair, waving her hands over her head to the cheers of the Flying Baron. In her own corner, Poppy looped her fingers through Rhoda's and leaned over to give the blushing woman a kiss.


The recovering wizarding community had found its theme song. In the year to come George Weasley would become a dance promoter, throwing wedding reception themed parties where everyone screamed out the words to Wild Night.

"You seem nervous, Filius," Albus Dumbledore said from his place in his portrait in the Headmaster's office.

Filius dropped a quill and decided to just leave it on he floor in his hurry to vacate the office. "A visitor is coming, Albus, and I need to give you your privacy."

The door swung open and Filius nodded and then reached out a hand to brush the wrist of the tall, imposing witch who stood there. She nodded to the headmaster, but said nothing. Stepping into the office, she stared into Dumbledore's eyes. "Hello, you bastard," was her stinging greeting.

"Yes, I've heard that's your favorite nickname for me," Albus said flatly.

"It's short for 'Arrogant Old Bastard.' I found that was too tiring to say," she said in a voice that did indeed sound tired and did reveal her years. She sunk into a chair opposite his portrait.

"Indeed. I earned it," he admitted. "But, you know, I never meant to hurt you."

"Yes, you always were surprised when things you did not intend happened, Albus. But they did."

"I hear you got married, Min. It makes me so very happy," he said hoping to steer the conversation to the present.

"It has been good. I will admit that," and she smiled as she nodded her head and maybe, blushed.

"You deserve every happiness. As does Severus. Is he here with you?"

"He's outside," she told him. The tone told Albus that yes, Severus was available, but that Albus would not be speaking to him today. Severus was here for Min. He belonged to her now. She held Albus' eyes a long time, cementing that knowledge for him. You forsook him. I saved him.

"I forgive you, Albus," she told him evenly, carefully, with deliberation..

"Thank you Minerva. Truly. It has weighed on me," he said somberly.

"I forgive you for myself, so I can get on with my life," she told him and then she paused and smiled a half smile. "And I forgive you for Severus, so he doesn't have to live with a bitter, obsessed old woman."

She pushed herself out of the chair slowly as Albus chuckled.

"Good bye, old friend," she told him with her hand on the door.

"Good bye, my girl."

Just barely, Albus caught a glimpse of the dark clad figure who reached for her as she left.

"See, that all worked!" Albus said cheerfully as the door closed.

There was a collective groan from the assembled portraits.

Their first Christmas married had gone well. The tike was down the hall in her bed, and the couple lay together in the darkness of their own room. His fingers lazily traced her sides and then got more serious in their exploration.

Severus moaned, near shuddered, as he touched that spot.

"Hmmm?" she questioned nuzzling under his chin.

"So wet," he replied.

"I'm ovulating, if you must know," she told him with mock indignation.

"The contraceptive?" he said, never stopping his touch.

"On the dresser, I haven't taken it."

Rather than move for the stoppered bottle behind him, he slowly, purposefully rolled her on to her back. She seemed entranced by his deliberate movements and gave herself up to what he was doing. Finally though, she asked him, "Severus? No contraceptive? Are you feeling lucky? Living dangerously?"

He answered her with a light nip to her neck. Then he held her eyes as he gently ease himself between her thighs.

"I'm done worrying, perhaps," he said introducing a lilt to the end of his sentence.

"You want a child then?" she asked as she froze with surprise.

He pressed forward with a sigh. Slowly, ever so slowly, he moved inside her. And he lowered his mouth to her ear to whisper, "She needs a brother, don't you think?"

"No," Minerva replied, pushing back. "I was thinking a sister."

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and for indulging me these months. I had no idea how writing my first fanfic would go. It has been great! I never would have kept going without all the support.