He'd never seen her looking so fragile. Jack O'Neill sat in a chair in the SGC infirmary next to a bed containing a woman. The woman was Samantha Carter. She was asleep, for now. It had been a tough day for everyone.
They were running. Sam saw Cameron Mitchell running on one side of her, on the other side was Teal'c, Daniel Jackson, and behind her was Vala Mal Doran.
"Cam! We need to get out of here!" Sam yelled.
"I know!" He replied.
"Duck!" Yelled Daniel, as a ball of fire flew over their heads. They were under heavy fire.
"Dial the gate, Colonel!" Cameron shouted at Sam.
She dashed to the DHD and dialled outwards. "Let's go!" She yelled.
SG1 ran for the gate, Cam and Teal'c were slightly ahead of Sam; Daniel and Vala were behind her. She was about to jump through the gate, but was stopped. "Sam!" Yelled Daniel as he fell. Sam turned around to see Vala desperately trying to help him up. She dashed to Daniel's side and helped Vala to lift him to his feet.
"Let's get out of here!" Sam yelled over the gunfire and fireballs. Vala nodded over Daniel's head and they started to move towards the gate. Then Sam screamed, a ball of fire exploded next to her, knocking her, Daniel and Vala to the ground. Sam bore the brunt of the explosion. She was knocked unconscious immediately.
Jack sighed as he watched Sam. He'd arrived at the SGC as soon as he heard that she was near death. And so he'd sat in this seat for two days, watching Sam. He'd only gotten out of the chair to visit the bathroom, and get himself food. He'd only been gone for five minutes at the most each time. His gaze never left Sam's unmoving body. Then, she moved. Jack jumped up and stood next to the bed. Her eyes slowly opened, and she looked up at him.
Sam was reminded of another time she'd awoken to find Jack standing next to her.
She awoke from what felt like a bad dream. Like two people in her mind were fighting. The Goa'uld was dead, she could feel it. It had died to save her. How strange. She opened her eyes slowly, and she saw her CO. Genuine concern shone in his eyes.
She stared at Jack for a moment, then mumbled something incomprehensible.
"What?" Jack asked.
"When did you get here?" Sam whispered.
few days ago."
"A few days?"
Jack stared at her with a look in his eyes that she could only describe as worry. "You were knocked around pretty bad, Carter. We were all scared you weren't gonna make it this time." He paused. "I'm glad you're still with us though." He pulled his chair over and sat down again. Sam reached out a scarred hand to Jack, and he took it. She smiled and rolled over to face him. She looked so tired and worn out, Jack thought to himself. To her, he said, "Get some sleep Carter." He leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss. She smiled slightly, and closed her eyes.