Okay, so this is the sequel for When Dreams Become Reality. I suggest reading that before reading this, but if you don't feel like it, then whatever. I hope you all enjoy this as much as you enjoyed When Dreams Become Reality.

Disclaimer: Well, you see I asked Santa for a bunch of stuff, and I got all of it. The only thing I forgot to ask for was the Jonas Brothers and the rights to Hannah Montana. Darn it.


"Mom, stop it. We will be fine," I complained as my mom tried to stop Miley and I from going to the beach.She was, as she called it,'concerned', but I called it just plain annoying.We ended school, not even an hour ago, and my mom wanted me back there. She thought I was going to do something stupid while I was at the beach.

"Okay, but I want you two to check in with me before you head over to the Jonas's," My mom said. I rolled my eyes, as Miley patiently waited by the island. Miley was pretty good at putting up with my mom, and her constant over-protectiveness.

"Okay," I said, clearly just wanting to see my graduated boyfriend, and not arguing with my mom. Yup, Joe had graduated. I didn't think he would make it this far. I didn't even think that he would make it through senior year.

"Bye, I'll pick up Cayce from the airport, and then I will pick you up, here, and drive you to the Jonas's," My mom clarified. Cayce went back to Florida, to check in with her mom, and to get some stuff for moving into her apartment with Kevin. They weren't married, but they opted to live together. Everyone was fully supportive of this, I mean they were so intune and obviously in love. Who couldn't support this?

"Alright. Bye mom," Miley and I said, dashing out of the house. Yea, Mr. Stewart and my mom got married, but I still went by Truscott. My mom did, sometimes, like with the random townspeople that she knows. Jackson went to Tennessee, to stay there with his Mamaw, and help her. She was getting old, and that was going to be his summer. Then, come September he was going off to some college in Maine. It was going to be amazing with him gone; the house would just be Miley and I.

"I can't believe how over-protective she is," Miley said as we walked down the sidewalk, our feet in sync. Her and Nick had been fine, ever since Jake had to go to Spain for his new movie. He was, supposedly, going there for two years. He was shooting some Zombie High stuff, and doing a sequel to the original movie.

"I know, but I'm used to it. She just doesn't want either of us to make some wrong decisions," I explained. That was the only excuse I could come up with, as for why my mom was all protective. I was so over Jake. He was a meanie, jerk face, that tired to break up two of my best friends. That's not cool in my books.

"Eh, whatever," Miley said as we started to walk across the soft sand of the very filled beach. School was out for the summer, and Miley and I were taking advantage of the rays and killer waves.

"Hey Miley," Nick said, kissing his girlfriend. They couldn't go a day without generous, passionate kisses. I had gotten used to seeing them making out. I had to live with this girl, and Nick was over a lot. They looked so adorable together.

"Hello beautiful," Joe said, tapping my shoulder. I whirled around, and jumped on him; wrapping my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. He held me, and gave me a soft kiss. I missed this boy. Okay, so maybe I was the one who couldn't go an hour with kissing him.

"Hey before, you really gross me out. When is Cayce getting back?" Kevin asked. He knew that she was due anytime today. I'm guessing that he forgot the time or something. I went through my mental calendar, and couldn't get a specific time.

"Um…well, my mom is picking her up from the airport and driving her to your house later," I said. Kevin nodded, as a smile grew on his face.

"Thanks," Kevin said, before walking away. He knew that he wouldn't want to see any making out. Joe twirled me around, and I let out a bunch of giggles. He stopped, and placed me on the ground. He intertwined his finger with mine, and led me over to Rico's surf shack.

"Hello, I would like a large strawberry banana smoothie," Joe ordered, and paid up as the other guy made the request. The guy that made it slid it across the counter, and I took it as Joe picked up two straws. I sat on one of the benches as Joe sat next to me, and lifted the lid off of the drink. He placed the two straws in it, and we each took a huge sip.

"You know what?" I asked Joe, taking another sip of smoothie. I had gotten used to letting him pay for stuff, I used to always want to give my fair shareof the bill, but I'm used to it.

"What Lilz?" Joe asked me, as he took a huge sip. He pulled the cup out of my hand, and placed each straw in his mouth, and took a huge sip. Oh no, he did not just take my smoothie.

"Well, I was going to say that I was surprised that you graduated, and now I want to say give me that back," I said, almost whining near the end. He looked at me, with that playful glint in his eyes. I rolled my eyes.

"You want this," Joe said, holding the drink in front of him, but still tucked in towards his chest. I made a little sad face, and nodded my head.

"Yes Joey," I said, in a little kiddie voice. Joe took another huge sip, out of both straws, I might add.He stroked his imaginary beard, and made a thinking face, just to torture me. I quivered my lower lip, and I saw Joe's face give in.

"Fine," Joe said, sticking the cup out in front of him. I took the cup, and got a better idea than using the straws. I took the straws out, and chugged what was left. It wasn't much, btu it was enough to make my head hurt.

"Ow, ow...brain freeze," I said said, almost whining. My head was pounding; brain freezes suck. Joe, acting un-Joe like, took my head in his hands, and rubbed my temples. It was so cute, and I wished that he was less sugar high on a normal basis.

"Feel better?" Joe asked me, kissing my forehead. I nodded my head, and closed my eyelids as I met Joe halfway.

"Ahem," I heard someone cough, but I was enjoying this, and Joe obviously wasn't pulling away either.

"Excuse me," Said a very stern voice. Joe and I parted, and saw Kevin looming over us. I blushed. Miley and Nick were off to the side. I shyly waved at Kevin, and he waved back before leaving us. I'm guessing that Nick or Miley had gotten him to separate us.

"Yes?" I asked, standing up, taking Joe with me. Miley showed me her phone, emphasizing the time. I rolled my eyes, and put myself under Joe's arm. I didn't want to leave.

"Lilly, I really don't want mom to flip. Cayce is probably already there, and now they are just waiting for us," Miley said. I rolled my eyes, and tried to get even closer to Joe. He held me tightly, not wanting me to leave, either.

"Fine, I'll see you in like a half an hour. Bye," I said, the fine to Miley, and the rest to Joe. He kissed me, and ran his fingers through my hair.

"See you soon, babe," Joe said, and I giggled. Nick was already chasing after Kevin, who had decided to leave, to look perfect for Cayce's arrival. Miley and I started our walk home, in the opposite direction of Joe.

"You will see him again," Miley said, referring to Joe and my relatively sad face. I was pretty much head over heels for this guy. I stepped over an anthill, and reminded myself that I would see him again.

"I know," I said, and then sighed. Miley hugged me as we made our way up to our front door. We sat on the porch, seeing as no one was here, and it would be pointless to go inside. Plus, we didn't feel the need to bring our keys.

"This is so boring. She says be home at six, so we get home at six, without our keys. Then, we have to sit here and wait," Miley complained. I knew what she meant. My mom had no sense of punctuality. I mean this woman could say be there at five, and she won't show up until six or even later.

"I know, she has always been like this," I said, but maybe Robbie Ray could knock some sense into her. I mean, he is always on time and usually early. For instance, tell him to be somewhere at five, he'll be there four forty-five or five on the dot. This man had a great sense of time.

"So, we just wait," Miley half said, half asked. I nodded, and noticed Miley look at me. He lip gloss was carefully smeared all over and around her lips. Now, either she had missed her mouth, terribly, or she was making out with a Jonas boy.

"Yup, we wait," I said, trying to hold in my giggles. I felt really bad, but her face was priceless. My mom's SUV pulled into the driveway, before she could even come to a complete stop Cayce was out the door, suffocating us.

"I missed you two so much!" Cayce exclaimed. I missed her too; she was gone for almost two months. I could only imagine Kevin. I hugged her back, and she kissed my head.

"We missed you too," Miley and I chorused back. Cayce smiled, and gave us another hug each. She was beyond giddy about being back. Miley's dad's truck thing rolled to a stop along the curb. I was guessing that it was full of Cayce's stuff.

"Cayce, I am going with Mr. Jonas and all of this, to your apartment. Have fun tonight," Robbie Ray said, clearing the plan with Cayce, and only after she waved, he drove of.

"Girls, sometime today," My mom called out, from her window. We all smiled, and piled into the SUV. Cayce in the passenger seat, Miley and I in the back.

"I can't wait to see Kevin. Has he changed much? God, I missed him so much," Cayce said as we drove to their house. We were having a little party thing for, one Joe's graduation, two the tour beginning, three that school's over, and four Cayce's return.

"He hasn't changed at all, although he did mope for a while, when you first left," Miley informed her. She laughed, and ran a hand through her hair.

"And, he missed you too," I told her. She smiled, and looked a little nervous. My mom pulled the car into their driveway, and the doors flung open. We practically ran up to the door, and knocked, being polite.

"It's open," A voice from inside bellowed. We checked each others appearance's before flinging the door open.

"LILLY!" Joe yelled running over to me, and picking me up, twirling me around, like I was a doll. I giggled, enjoying every moment of being in Joe's grip. I loved him, even when he was a little childish.

"Wait. Lilly. So Cayce," Kevin said, his eyes glowing as he hugged his long missed girlfriend. Joe placed me down, and I was a little dizzy, but Joe had his hands on my shoulders, steadying me.

"I missed you," Kevin said, giving her a sweet kiss. She hugged him, and nuzzled her head in his neck. I knew that they were perfect for each other.

"I missed you too," Cayce whispered, still not letting go of Kevin. She played with his hair, and I couldn't help it, I aw-ed. Cayce giggled. I saw Nick and Miley on the couch, looking a little awkward. Miley was never for PDA, especially in front of parents; Nick was just plain shy.

"Hey, there's no one for me," Frankie protested. We all laughed at his little remark, and Mrs. Jonas took him into the kitchen. That boy was too cute for his own good.

"Joseph, I am really surprised, as everyone else is, that you graduated," My mom said, coming in the house. We all laughed, and Joe just stood there smiling.

"Well, you know how I do," Joe said, popping his imaginary collar. I pulled him down the hall, laughing all the way.

"How many did you have?" I asked, giggling. Joe looked at me, an overly innocent look taking over his face. He shuffled his feet.

"Have what?" Joe asked, obviously knowing what I was talking about, but not wanting to say anything.

"You know what I am talking about, Joe," I said, and Joe just smiled.

"Two, maybe three or four. I needed something to get my mind off of you," Joe said, making up a really lame, but adorable excuse. I kissed him, and tasted the Red Bull.

"Drinking is no way to make up for missing me," I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and walked me into the living room. Everyone was laughing it up, having a good time, even Nick and Miley kissed.

"Where did you two go?" Miley asked, noticing us coming back in the room. Everyone looked at us, eager to hear this answer.

"Well, you see…" Joe started, but drifted off. He couldn't come up with a good excuse; Mrs. Jonas banned him from having any Red Bulls for a while. During Spring Break he had five in a row, and well the rest is history. She said that if he had any Red Bulls there would be severe consequences, and that probably meant some down time from his girlfriend.

"We went to see his new picture, that he just had to show me," I said, remembering that they had a photo shoot earlier this week. Now, all I had to do was pray that the pics were in, before I either had to rat him out or have them assume that we went off to make out or worse.

"Oh, I thought that Nick looked adorable in his," Miley said. That was a close one. I'm sure that Nick had to look adorable, I mean, he was the youngest one, that practically every girl had a crush on, at some point in time. Yes, even I had a crush on him, but that was until I saw Joe. Then, I didn't like Nick; I became obsessed with Joe.

"Let me check on Frankie, he has been really quiet. I'll be right back," Mrs. Jonas said, rushing upstairs to make sure that the youngest one wasn't doing anything illegal or dangerous. My mom just, awkwardly, sat on the couch.

"Let's go watch some movies," Kevin suggested, and in silent agreement we all got up, and walked into their cinema basement.

"Whee! Let's watch Saw III," Joe said, bouncing down the stairs. He plopped in a chair, and pulled me onto his lap. I let out a small shriek, from the very unexpected fall.

"Okay," Cayce, Miley, and Nick agreed. Kevin was already busy getting the movie and setting it up. I knew that if we were watching anything scary, that I was automatically glued to Joe's lap. I hated scary movie, only because they...scared me. Wow, worst excuse, ever.

The movie started, and I was already cringing. As the movie went along, I found myself screaming, and clenching onto Joe for dear life. I was truly terrified. I buried my head in the crook of Joe's neck. I held me tight, and rubbed my arm. I felt safe. The movie ended, and I found myself not wanting to get up.

"Kev, turn it off," Nick ordered, seeing as Miley and him were seated comfortably, and Kevin was sitting in the back. The movie credits continued rolling. Joe placed me in his now empty chair, and went to the back, but not before tripping and running into something first. He brought the dim lights to their regular florescent glow. I turned around, and neither Cayce nor Kevin were seated there. Joe turned off the movie, and came back to me.

"I wonder where they went," I thought out loud. Joe had picked me up, and placed me back in his lap. I slouched down a little, and rested my head I the crook of his neck.

"Their apartment," Miley guessed. I shrugged my shoulders. I was getting really comfy, and before I knew it I was drifted into dreamland.

Okay, so that was the first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. That might be the longest chapter in this entire story. Please review; they make me update faster. Tell me if Kevin should have to give his purity ring to Cayce or not. Tell me if they should get married. Tell me how you liked the first chapter. Tell me anything relevant to the story and I will be thrilled.