Title: Blast From The Past

Author: Wereleopard

Rating: will be nc-17

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Sam Winchester, Dean/Ianto (only in Dean's mind

Spoilers: umm will say all of Torchwood and Supernatural just to be safe.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood, or Supernatural. I wish.

Chapter One

Ianto walked into the hub trying to think of a way to end things with Jack, he was tired of being second choice because Gwen was with Rhys.

"Ianto?" Said a familiar voice.

Ianto didn't have time to react before he was pulled by strong arms into a kiss, a passionate kiss. The Welshman managed to push away and look up into the very handsome face of Sam Winchester.

"Sam? Oh my god." Ianto whispered before Sam's very kissable mouth was on his again.

Jack opened and closed his mouth, they had some demons appear around Cardiff and wanted the best they could get and that was the Winchester brothers Dean was in their hotel room and Sam had been the one to come to the hub. Jack had not expected the younger brother to be so hot but watching him rush towards Ianto and kissing him had shocked him. Now jealousy was eating away at him as soon as Ianto had whispered Sam's name.

Ianto was his and no one else could have him. Owen looked towards the two men kissing and then back towards a now very angry and very jealous Jack.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jack's voice boomed around the hub.

The two men jumped apart, Ianto's face was flushed his well kissed mouth. Jack wanted to pull Ianto into his arms and wipe away the taste of the other man and put his own there.

Ianto coughed nervously and straightened his suit jacket. "Jack, I met Sam when I went to America, we dated for a bit."

Sam laughed sending shivers up and down Ianto's back.

"You dated?" Gwen asked looking between the three men. Ianto stood in between the two men not realising how Jack and Sam looked at each other. A competition had just started and Ianto was the prize at the end.

"Yes we did. So Sam where's Dean?" Ianto smiled.

"He's at the hotel wait until I tell him you are here."

Ianto laughed he couldn't help it as the rest of Torchwood looked on with confusion. "I met Dean first he was chatting me up, trying to get me into bed. He's kind of like Owen but damn hot."

"Hey." Owen and Sam said at the same time.

"I was tempted, I was on the verge of saying yes when Sam walked in and well I just couldn't. What I didn't know was that they were brothers. Of course my imagination did take and interesting turn." Ianto's eyes got a far away look in them.

Sam placed a hand on the older man's shoulder, he just wanted to sit down and catch up with the man that had stolen his heart and that he knew had stolen Dean's as well there was just something about him. It seemed that there was something going on with Jack, if the evil looks being sent his way were to go by.

"Well I know Dean will want to see you straight away once I tell him you are here and we can catch up."

"Why don't you pick up your brother and we'll all go out for a drink, get to know the two of you and here about you two and Ianto." Jack smiled as Ianto turned towards him, gently raising his hand and stroking the younger man's face.

"That sounds like a great idea Jack." Ianto stopped smiling as soon as he heard Gwen's voice and pulled away from Jack.

Jack frowned at the sudden change, confusion clearly written on his face.

"Ok I'll give Dean and call and tell him where to meet us." Sam smiled again he wasn't going to leave Ianto's side not yet anyway.