Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The dog-like creature let out a ferocious roar as it started toward its prey. The group was ready for the fight. What can they do against such a beast, Motoko thought as he rested on the ground just as he was told. He watched as spell after spell was cast against the beast. Motoko looked around to make sure that Hazuki and Art were out of harms way.

"Motoko look out," Kouhei called.

Motoko looked up and saw that the beast was heading in his direction. It let out another deafening roar as a giant hand tried to sweep Motoko off the ground. Motoko was forced to dive out of the way.

"Hey," Kouhei shouted as he tried to distract the beast by running in front of it.

The beast took after Kouhei with all of its might. The fight did not seem to be going well. The spells that were being cast were having no effect on the creature. Motoko again looked around to make sure that he could see Art and Hazuki. After spotting them both he let out a sigh of relief in knowing that, they were safe for the moment. At least I know where they are, Motoko thought.

"Kouhei look out," Motoko called noticing that the creature was getting very close to catching him.

"Grandpa, Seiji," Kouhei shouted, "Do something!"

"Were coming Kouhei," Ryuuhei called.

"Hurry," Kouhei shouted.

Motoko watched as the battle raged on and wished that he could go in and help them instead of just sitting there doing nothing. He looked around again to make sure that the two young vampires were safe and when he saw them, he turned his attention back to the battle. When he noticed that they weren't having any effect on the monster that stood before them, Motoko came up with an idea.

"Kouhei get over here," Motoko called.

"What is it," Kouhei shouted.

"I have got an idea," Motoko responded.

Kouhei tried his best to get over there with the least amount of trouble and when he finally got there he got down on one knee and was very curious about what was going on.

"What is this idea," Kouhei asked.

"Somehow get the thing down on its knees then take my sword and stab the thing in the back of the head," Motoko answered as he pulled out the crucifix and turned it into a sword.

"I'll try to get the message to Grandpa and Seiji," Kouhei said as he took the weapon from Motoko's hands.

Meanwhile from Art's spot on the battlefield

Art was sitting there wondering to herself whether or not this trip was worth it. Her closest friend had been suffering ever since they got here and she wished that she could make things better. Her hopes rose as she saw Motoko give something to Kouhei.

"Yes, maybe now we will have a chance," Art said quietly to herself.

Kouhei ran wildly in the direction of the monster waving around the sword that Motoko had given him to use.

"I wonder what he is doing," Art asked herself.

Whatever they were trying wasn't working the way they had planned. Kouhei tried to get close to the thing but every time that he did, he had to get out of the way because the monster would try to snatch him up every time that he got close.

"What are those others doing," Art asked herself looking for Kaoru, Hikaoru, and Elfriede.

She spotted them doing something but was not sure what they were doing. They are probably trying to perform some kind of protection spell, Art thought. She looked around and saw her sister at the other end of the battlefield. Why isn't she doing anything she could just suck Kouhei's blood and finish this thing off, Art thought.

"Well if she is not going to do anything then I will," Art said to herself.

Art started to summon her shadow to go and fight the monster but the second that the thing appeared it broke up into little pieces.

"What," Art said in surprise.

She turned around and saw that the sun was starting to rise.

"Oh no," Art whispered to herself.

She looked at Motoko who must have noticed as well because he was starting to get up and head her way. When he got up though he immediately clenched his side and fell onto his knees.

"Motoko," Art cried out.

Just then, she heard a roar of pain coming from the beast that had just been stabbed in the back of the head. The creature stumbled backward into the castle and fell onto it. The castle collapsed with pieces of the castle flying out everywhere.

"We did it," Art said in joy to herself.

She looked happily over at Motoko but was surprised to see him get up again. After he had clearly forced himself up, he started to run in Art's direction. What is he doing, Art thought with confusion. Then she looked up and saw that a sharp piece of wood that was flying through the air was heading in her direction. Art closed her eyes and waited for the wood to land on her or to go through her like a stake.

"Art," Hazuki screamed, "Run!"

It was no use, the young vampire was scared so much that she couldn't move. Then Art felt a shadow over her and heard a very strange noise that almost sounded like something was squished. Art slowly opened her eyes and looked up to see Motoko standing in front of her with his arms spread.

"Motoko," Art said happy to see him.

Her happiness soon faded as Motoko fell onto his side and Art saw what had happened. Sticking out of Motoko's back was the piece of wood that was headed for Art.

"No," Art murmured.

She slowly crawled over to Motoko and turned his head with her hand.

"Motoko," Art said silently.

He blinked his eyes and stared up at Art.

"Hey Art," Motoko said.

"Motoko," Art started, "Why did you do that?"

"Didn't you hear me," Motoko asked, "You are like family to me."

"It doesn't matter," Art replied with tears in her eyes, "The sun will do the job that that piece of wood failed to do."

"Well it looks like the sun has failed as well," Motoko said, "Turn around and look."

Art turned around and looked to see that the sun had already climbed over the horizon and that she was standing in the sunlight not the shade.

"How," Art began.

"Remember what Dracula said about you having more in common with Hazuki than you know," Motoko stated, "I think we know what he was talking about now."

"You mean," Art asked.

"Yes," Motoko answered, "You are a Daywalker."

Art was now on the verge of tears seeing her friend lying in a pool of blood. She then remembered Balgus who had died doing the same thing as Motoko had done and Art started to cry.

"Don't worry," Motoko started, "Don't cry."

"But you were my closest and only friend," Art started.

"I wouldn't say that," Motoko replied, "You have friends all around you."

Art looked around at everyone except for Elfriede who had went to find some cover from the sunlight.

"These people and vampires are not only friends but family," Motoko stated, "You will always have them."

"You are right," Art responded.

Then Motoko let out one last breath of air and went limp in Art's arms.

"Motoko," Art said, "Motoko?"

It then came to her that he would not answer. The thing that she did next surprised everyone. Art closed her eyes and bent down and kissed Motoko on the forehead. She then got up and started to walk away.

"Art," Kouhei started and put his hand on her shoulder, "I am sorry."

He then hugged Art and tried to keep himself from crying. After this they dug a grave for Motoko and slowly and carefully laid him into it. Everyone gave his or her final good-byes to the man. After that the covered him up with a piece of on of the tapestries that they had found inside the castle.

"Goodbye," Art whispered to herself as they covered him up and started to fill the hole.

After they had filled the hole completely in they took Motoko's sword and shoved the blade into the dirt for a grave marker. They then decided to wait until nightfall so they wouldn't have to leave Elfriede behind. When sunset came Art was looking out over a ledge by the castle.

"Art," a voice said.

"Who is it," Art asked.

"It is just me," Hazuki said.

"Oh," Art replied, "What do you want?"

"Just to check up on you."

"I am doing fine."

"That is good."

"I am going to miss him."

"I am too."

"Not like me."

"Why not?"

"Because he was the only person who actually spent time with me."

"Don't worry we will all be here for you."

"Come on," Hazuki said, "It is time to go."

The group left while the sun was setting. Before she got into the car art turned around and gave Motoko's grave one last look as she got into the car and rose away.

The End