Title: Coming Undone

Summary: He will do just about anything for her. Why are they not together again? Trevor/Corrie fic.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Not ever.

A/N: This story is dedicated to Holden and my Twinny, because if it wasn't for them talking about it at the Corrie thread on FF, then I wouldn't be hit with the inspiration stick and write this.

Chapter 1

"You're lookin' at me
I'm lookin' at you
What more do you want
Show me some positivity

"Corrie can you please stop with your production number." Maddie said with a frustrated sigh to her brunette friend. Corrie didn't listen, nor did she hear Maddie's request. She was still dancing and humming the song.

Maddie looked over at Mary-Margaret who was walking with them as well. The two shared an eye roll. Then Mary-Margaret pulled out one of the earphones attached to Corrie's ear. "Corrina!" she yelled into her ear.

"Ah, no need to yell." Corrie pouted, placing a hand over her ear. She had stopped her dancing, and the three now stood in the middle of the hallway.

"Can you please stop with your performance for a second at least until we get this over with?" Maddie asked.

"I'm sorry, but I just love Ashley Tisdale!" Corrie said giddily, bouncing up and down slightly.

"We know." Mary-Margaret and Maddie said simultaneously in a dull tone.

"And I love her songs."

"We know."

"She's my idol!" Corrie ended with a squeak.

"We know!"

Then Mary-Margaret had smirk on her face with a raised brow. "Well…do you love her more than…" she shared a look with Maddie, then to Corrie. "London?"

Corrie's bouncing came to a halt, her eyes becoming wide, then she panicked. "No!" she immediately said. "I never said that! I love London!"

The two girls laughed at Corrie's reaction. "Corrie relax." Maddie said, calming the girl down. "We're just playing."

"But you wont tell London, right?" she asked, still with a worried look.

"We promise we wont." Maddie rolled her eyes. Corrie visibly relaxed at the assurance. She took out the other end of her earphone and rolled it up on her iPod which she had already turned off. Then placed the device in her jean pocket.

"Speaking of the heir-head herself," Mary-Margaret spoke. "Do you know why she asked us to come over to her place?"

"No idea. She just rang me up, and asked for us to come over." Maddie replied.

"I can't believe we're gonna be in London Tipton's suite!" Corrie squealed, jumping up and down again, bordering the line to hyperventilation, though it was just her excitement speaking.

Maddie and Mary-Margaret groaned. They finally arrived at London's suite. Maddie knocked on the door, a minute later, the door opened to reveal London in her usual flashy clothed self.

"Yay! You guys are here!" she squealed upon seeing them. She quickly ushered the three in her suite, closing the door afterwards.

"I can't believe I'm in London Tipton's suite!" Corrie squealed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"It's not like it's any different from all of the other penthouse suites here." Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Oh but it is." London interjected. "It's customized for my exact liking. Daddy let me claim this entire room mine."

"It's really beautiful London!" Corrie complimented.

"I know."

Maddie rolled her eyes again. "Mind telling us why we're here."

"Well…I will once we get to my closet." London said cheekily, then led them to her closet.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Mary-Margaret rhetorically asked. Then she and Maddie followed Corrie, who was bouncing as she followed London.

"Why are the lights off?" Maddie asked once they entered the dark closet.

"Just take a seat on the couch." instructed London, as her footsteps became distant.

"But we don't know where the couch is!" Maddie said in an aggravated voice. "London? London!"

"I think she left." came Mary-Margaret's voice.

"Ugh! Leave it to her to leave us at a situation like this!"

"I'm scared." Corrie's shaken voice said. She immediately clung on to the person closest to her which was Mary-Margaret, who placed a comforting arm around her.

"How does that girl expect us to know where the cou-Ooof!" a thud was soon heard followed by Maddie's groaning. "Found it." she grunted as she stood up, keeping her hand on the couch. "Just follow my voice."

Mary-Margaret and Corrie carefully walked towards the couch. Fortunately they made it without any bumps or stumbles. The two sat down alongside Maddie and waited.

"What do you think this is all for?" Mary-Margaret asked.

"Maybe we'll be watching a movie?"

"In her closet?" Maddie deadpanned.

Corrie's tone became sheepish. "It's possible."

A second later, small, consecutive floor lights all turned on in front of them, startling the girls. Then, a gush of smoke blew from out of nowhere, covering the floor. The three girls all looked at each other startled and slightly scared.

"Ladies with bad sense of style." echoed London's voice. "I present to you the solution to your problem, London Tipton's Fashion Line!"

Another gush of smoke exploded near the opening in front of them, then a spotlight stopped at the opening as London entered the room. Music started blaring as London strutted towards the girls, who were coughing slightly. When she was a few feet away from them, she did a small pose, then she turned back around and strutted back again and stopped, then turned to face them and did another pose. She then raised her arm and snapped her fingers. The floor lights suddenly became brighter, illuminating the three mannequins on each side of London, all sporting flashy and elegant clothes that London would wear.

The three girls jumped slightly at the sudden change of lighting. Corrie looked on with an excited look on her face. The music then died down, and the smoke started to clear off. The floor lights turned off and the main light turned on in its position, lighting up the entire room.

"So? What do you guys think?" London asked with a cheeky smile.

Mary-Margaret and Maddie both looked at her with a raised brow.

"Wow London! That was amazing!" Corrie squeaked, jumping up from the couch and walking towards her. "And those are beautiful clothes. What are they-"

"No touching." London immediately said, holding up her hand, stopping Corrie from coming any closer. Corrie sheepishly stepped back as Maddie and Mary-Margaret stood next to her.

"Your own fashion line?" Maddie asked. "What's next? Your own store?"

"Uh-huh. Daddy's already working on that for me." London nodded with a wide smile.

"Should have known." Mary-Margaret muttered.

"So is this why you wanted us here for?" Maddie asked. "Gloat about your new fashion line? You do know I will get in trouble with Mr. Moseby by not being at the counter."

"Psh, I already called him and told him you have better things to do." London waved it off. "And no, you're not here just to hear me gloat. I need a favor from you guys."

"Anything for you London!" Corrie gushed.

"Good." London said perkily. The three girls sat back down on the couch as London spoke. "Next month I'm going to have a fashion show here to launch my new Fashion Line. And daddy already got me a few models for my line. But I still need three more. And since daddy couldn't find anymore agency that has available models, I was thinking you three could model some of my clothes."

"I'd love to!" Corrie jumped up excitedly.

"Wait!" Maddie said, standing up as well and walking closer to London. "You mean be in the fashion show?"

"Isn't that what I just said?"

"We'll do it!"

London grinned and clapped her hands.


"I definitely need to shape up some more if I'm going to be in this fashion show." Mary-Margaret said once they arrived in the lobby.

"Mary-Margaret!" Maddie gasped taking her place behind the counter. "You are in no way to go on a brutal diet. Do you know how dangerous those are?"

"Relax Dr. Drew." the girl rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying keeping in moderation. And going to the gym here and there. I'm happy with my figure, I just want to stay in it for the fashion show."

"Oh. Well I'll join you in that ban wagon too. My last experience in a fashion show didn't go so smoothly, and this time without one of London's snobby, insulting rich friend, I can do this the right and honest way."

"I still can't believe I'm going to be in London Tipton's fashion show!" Corrie squeaked, bouncing next to Mary-Margaret. "I'll be wearing London Tipton's clothes!"

"You don't seem excited at all." Mary-Margaret said sarcastically.

"I can't wait. I'll be in a fashion show. I'll be in London Tipton's Fashion Show." she squealed, making the girls groan again.

At the front door, Trevor entered, giving a quick hello to the doorman, then made his way towards the candy counter where he saw the girls. "Hey."

"Hey Trevor." they chorused.

"Trevor guess what!" Corrie squealed in excitement.

"Um, you saw London Tipton?" he said in mock excitement.

"No, well yes. But that's not it. I'm gonna be in a fashion show!"

"A fashion show?" he said with a smile and a raised brow. "A lingerie fashion show?"

"No!" then she smacked him on his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For being a perv!" she giggled. "We all are gonna be in London's fashion show."

"London's gonna have a fashion show?"

"Mh-hm. For her fashion line."

"London has a fashion line?"

"I just said that. We're you not listening."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't understand what you were saying without you going, 'Oh my god, London Tipton!'" he imitated her excited scene whenever London Tipton was concerned. Corrie pouted and hit him again. "Ow! That seriously hurts Cor. For a small girl, you can really throw a punch." she hit him again. "Hey! What was that for!"

"For calling me small."

"Well you are." he pouted, rubbing his arm. "Seriously, this is gonna bruise."

"Insult me more and I'll make that bruise even bigger."

"Ok, jeez. No need to get violent." he said, backing away slightly. "So what's this about London's fashion show?"

"Right, well, Mary-Margaret, Maddie and I are going to be in London's fashion show to launch her new clothing line!"

"And what's gonna be her clothing line? Shirts in different colors with a picture of her face on it?"

"For your information, Mr. Know-It-All, not all of them!" Trevor had to snort at her response. "I'm just excited to be in a fashion show. And most specially since its gonna be Lo-"

"London Tipton's fashion show." the three said simultaneously in a dull tone.

"Why don't you finish your gushing in the car, so we wont miss our movie?" Trevor suggested.

"Ok." Corrie giggled.

She looped her arms through his and the two started to walk away when Maddie called out to them. "Wait? You guys are gonna watch a movie? How come we weren't invited." she and Mary-Margaret looked at the two.

Trevor and Corry, their arms still linked, turned to look at them. "Well you're working aren't you?" Trevor pointed out. "Plus Mary-Margaret has a shift today at the Children Center. So that just leaves us. Besides, we've both been dying to see Jumper."

"No, you've been dying to see Jumper. I want to go see Definitely, Maybe." Corrie corrected.

"But that's a chick flick though."

"It's not a chick flick. It's a romantic comedy about a guy and his daughter."

"Telling her stories about his past relationships and how they failed, it's a chick flick."

"But it has Abigail Breslin. You saw her in Little Miss Sunshine. You thought it was funny." she started tugging on his arm like a five year old.

"Yes, but that was when she's in a movie with Steve Carell." he pointed out. "Come on Cor, I already watched 27 Dresses with you. That was agony enough. It's my turn to choose the movie."

"But we watched Cloverfield last time. That was definitely your pick."

"But you wanted to watch it too!"

"Yes, but I also wanted to see Over Her Dead Body."

"Yeah, but you agreed to watch Cloverfield instead."

"Just a question." Maddie interrupted their little spat, making them turn their attention to her. "Where were we when you guys watched these movies?" she pointed to herself and Mary-Margaret.

Corrie, out of words to say, turned and looked at Trevor. "Um…well…" Trevor started to stutter, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "You guys were probably busy at the time. You both have work to do."

"And so does Corrie." Mary-Margaret pointed out.

"Well she probably didn't have work at that time. Look, we really have to go if we want to make it in time for the previews." he said, quickly changing the subject.

"Fine, we'll let you guys go on your little date." Maddie smirked.

The two blushed furiously and headed towards the door.

"You've been quiet." Trevor noted to Corrie.

"Sorry, still basking in the fact that I'll be in London's fashion show. I'm so excited. I hope there'll be celebrities there."

"You get excited to see just about anyone who's been on TV." he chuckled. "You got excited when you saw the news anchor from Good Morning Boston. You got excited when you saw the guy that looked like that dude in the Chili's commercial. You even got excited when you saw that guy from that E! show."

"Ben Lyons!" Corrie giggled in excitement. "I love him on the D10! And he's not just any celebrity, he's a well known film critic!"

"Well I don't know him."

"But he's awesome! Oh, and he and Rachel Bilson named his camcorder Herman."

He then gave her a confused look. "Ok?"

"Well I just thought you'd like to know considering you've had a crush on her since we watched all of my The O.C. DVD's."

"I do not have a crush on her." he blushed slightly.

"You so do. That's why you want to watch Jumper."

"It is not!" he said defensively. "I am just interested on how they play out the whole time traveling thing."

Corrie let out a snort. "Right."

"I'm serious."

"I believe you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"You so don't!" their voices faded as they exited the hotel.

"Wow." Mary-Margaret said once the two had gone, she and Maddie still looking at the door they exited at.

"I know."

"And yet they're still not going out."

"It's a shame really." Maddie shook her head. "Those two are just so oblivious."


"Go left! Go left! Go left! Now go right! Behind you! Your right! Up ahead! Oooohh!"

"YES!" Corrie jumped from the couch, dropping the joystick in the process and started doing a little victory dance. "I won. I won. I won."

Zack groaned in defeat, looking at the screen, his side with his player laying on the ground and the words Game Over flashing at him.

"That was the second time she's beaten you." Cody chuckled at his brother.

Zack glared at him in return. "I would have won if somebody hadn't been talking through the entire game."

"Hey, I was just trying to help."

"Yeah, some help you are." he pouted, then glanced at the still dancing Corrie. "Are you finished dancing yet?"

"Why, is it annoying you?"


"Then no!" she giggled. Zack growled and sank further on the couch. He crossed his arms with a pout. "Aw, is little Zacky mad that he got beaten by a girl…again?" she ended with a snort, which turned into laughter, joined in by Cody. Zack narrowed his eyes at Corrie, then threw a throw pillow at her. "Hey!" she shrieked, but continued to laugh. Zack threw another pillow at her, and one at Cody.

"Hey! I wasn't the one who beat you!" Cody yelped.

"Yeah, but you were the reason I lost and you were laughing with!" he threw more pillows at him.

In no time, the three were engaged in a pillow fight. Corrie had the advantage though of being taller, therefore she could run faster. Corrie and Zack were the only ones who seemed to be at battle with each other while Cody hid under the dining table. As the two threw pillows at each other, Corrie's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Time out!" she said to Zack, walking towards the couch where her phone was buried.

"That's fine." Zack shrugged, then started throwing pillows at Cody, who ran out of his hiding spot.

Corrie finally found her phone, buried under the pile of pillows. She looked at the screen and smiled when Trevor's face flashed. She quickly answered. "Hello?"…"Ok, I'll see you." she then hang up, feeling better than before. She looked around and saw that Zack was still chasing Cody around, throwing pillows.

"Oh boys." she called, making the boys stop and look at her. "That was Trevor, he's on his way up. You know what that means."

The boys groaned. "But it's only ten." Zack complained.

"On a school night." she reminded them.

"Why do we have to go to bed whenever Trevor comes?" Cody added.

"Duh, so they can make-out." Zack rolled his eyes.

"That is not what we do!" Corrie shrieked, her cheeks turning red.

"Right." the boys scoffed.

"Is not! Look, Trevor and I have test coming up, so we're studying."

"Sure. 'Studying'." Zack smirked, putting air quotes on the studying.

"We are!"

"Come on Cody. Corrie wants to be left alone with her boyfriend." Zack continued to tease as he and his brother headed to their room.

"He is not my boyfriend!" Corrie protested, throwing a pillow at them, which hit the door after they had entered the room. Soon after, there was a knock on the door. Corrie's mood lifted and skipped her way to the door. She opened the door and was met with a smiling Trevor holding his backpack.

"Hey, ready to study?" he asked.

"You bet!" she opened the door wider for him to enter. Once he did, he scanned the room with a raised brow.

"What happened here?" he chuckled. "It looks like a storm passed by."

"Haha." Corrie rolled her eyes making their way to the couch, picking up the pillows on the floor on their way. "No, Zack got kind of defensive after I beat him at video games."

"That boy never learns." Trevor shook his head as they sat down on the couch.

"I know!" Corrie giggled. Trevor took out his textbook and notebook from his backpack and placed it on the coffee table next to Corrie's. "By the way, Carey's gonna be working late. They have a gala downstairs."

"That's fine. More time for us to work."

"You're still going to drop me off right?"

"Don't I always?" he grinned. "So, ready to study about the Periodic Table of Elements?" he was only met with her groan.


"Tungsten. Atomic number 74. Neutrons 110. A Transition Metal. In group 6." Corrie sighed, placing the book down on her lap and sinking further into the couch with a deep groan and frown. It was past 11 at night and the twins were fast asleep already, after constant interruptions from them. They cleaned up as they studied, they also turned off the X-Box and turned it back to cable, they were now watching a TV show on Disney Channel, which they weren't really paying attention to. They had gone through at least half of the items on the Periodic Table of Elements, and Corrie was beat.

"Oh come on." Trevor coaxed, standing up from the floor and sitting down next to her. He nudged the her arm with his, which she just returned with a small whimper and a pout. "It's not that difficult."

"Well not difficult for you Mr. Merit-Scholar."

"You were doing really good back there."

"Can we take a break?" she asked, finally lifting her back away from the couch and looked at him with her pleading puppy dog eyes. "I don't think my head can handle all these information all at the same time."


"Please Trevor. I've already been studying enough. And you said so yourself that I was doing good so far."

"So far. You still have to study the rest of them."

"Well what are the chances that they're gonna ask me how many electrons and neutrons there are about each and every one of them?" Trevor just responded by giving her a look. "Ok fine. Sister Dominick probably will ask for all them. But I just need a little study break. Come on Trevor. Hannah Montana is on!"

Trevor looked at her with an amused face. "You know, sometimes I seriously doubt that fact that you're 17, and think you're five or something."

"Trevor." she drew out his name in a whine.

"Fine." he sighed in defeat. Though he had to grin seeing her bounce on the couch in excitement. "We'll watch Hannah Montana then it's back to the books missy."

"Yay." she clapped her hands ala London.

She settled on the couch, subconsciously snuggling up next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and curled up to him. Trevor noticed this and couldn't help but smile at her. He glanced slightly at her, subtly so she wouldn't notice. He saw her smile on her face, her eyes lighting up as she watched Miley getting into another argument with Jackson and Robbie Ray breaking them off. That was one thing he loves about Corrie, the fact that just the tiniest thing can make her excited. Whether it's watching a movie she's seen over a million times, or getting her dog to sit, she'll light up the room with her smile and uplift everyone's mood with her bounce. He never could have imagine someone being so alive if he hadn't met Corrie. And he was thankful he had met and befriend this lively person.

With a smile, he turned his attention back to the television. Commercials were showing at the moment. After showing a diaper commercial, Ashley Tisdale's face flashed on the screen, her song, He Said She Said, played on the background. Trevor immediately noticed Corrie's eyes widening in delight, her smile widening as well. Trevor loved it whenever Corrie was excited like this. Seeing her eyes lit up, her smile gracing her face, it made his heart soar with adoration. With her bouncing around, he couldn't help but feel happy as well. There was not a second that he didn't feel happy whenever he was with her.

He was just so engrossed at her excitement that he had missed out on what the commercial was for. It wasn't until Corrie bounced up and down and squealed with excitement that his trance was broken. He looked back at the TV to see what he missed.

"What?" he asked, slightly alarmed.

Corrie looked at him. "Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Ashley Tisdale's going to have a show here! In Boston!" she started to do a little dance again as she squealed. "I want to go watch it!" then her mood changed from happy to gloomy in just an instant.

"What? What's wrong?" Trevor suddenly became concern and the sudden change of mood.

"I can't go." her bottom lip sticking out, slumping her shoulders.

Trevor tried not to smile at how adorable she looked. "Why can't you go?"

"Besides the fact that I probably have to work that day, I wont have enough money for tickets."

"What about the money you have from babysitting the twins? Or from the restaurant?"

"That all goes to my little sister's birthday. She's had her eye on this motor scooter for forever, which is why I've been babysitting a lot and asking for more shifts at the restaurant."

Trevor nodded, understanding just how important Mila was to Corrie. Mila was only four years younger than Corrie, and yet her demeanor made her look like the older sister between the two. Corrie's relationship with her sister is the strongest he has ever seen any sibling relationship. They were best friends, inseparable, and he knew that Corrie would do anything for Mila and vice versa. That was another thing he loves about Corrie, her adoration and love for her little sister. He knew that if you asked Corrie to choose between her favorite celebrities such as London Tipton and Ashley Tisdale or Mila, Corrie would choose Mila in a heartbeat.

"Hey, don't worry about it." he said softly, placing a comforting arm around her shoulder. "There are other chances out there for you to see your idol."

"I guess." Corrie pouted, snuggling further into his embrace, making him smile even more.

Trevor looked down at her as her eyes glued on the TV screen. Only this time, the glint in her eyes is gone and the smile on her face is replaced with a small frown. It wasn't often Trevor saw Corrie like this. In fact, in the 8 months that he has known her, he's only seen Corrie with a frown twice unless she was frustrated or scared or worried. The first time was when she had gotten a low grade on a quiz she had studied so hard on, and the other time was when her dog had ran away, but soon turned up at her front door steps later in the day, making Corrie elated as ever.

Trevor would do anything to get that smile back on her face. And knew a way he can.