AN: Mgirl13 here with a special announcement! You guys get a mega chapter! WOOT!! And guess what's even better? These songfics were written by one of my own readers, Robyn-Enjolras!! So, when you review, make sure you're talking to her! She did all of the writing! I only read, gave advice, and posted them! Here's to you, Robyn!

Disclaimer: Robyn-Enjolras and mgirl13 don't own the Twilight Saga, The Civil War, or Rent. Shiznits!!

Trivia: Did you know that a reader much like yourselves wrote these songfics? Wait, I already said that. Um... Robyn-Enjolras is John Wilkes Booth!! Onto the songfics!!

From now on, this is all Robyn-Enjolras!!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own "Rent". Or "Twilight". Le sad. :(

SONG: "Another Day" from Rent

A/N: Takes place in "New Moon" when Jacob was being all mean and stupid to Bella because he was a werewolf and stuff. Mhm.

Jacob sat in the small living room in his house at La Push. He began playing "Musetta's Waltz" from La Boheme on his new guitar because he was, indeed, a cool kid. All of a sudden, there was a knock on his door. Carrying the guitar with him, he strode to the door and answered it.

Great. Bella.

"Who do you think you are? Barging in on me and my guitar!" Jacob shouted.

"Well, hello to you, too…" Bella smiled as she sat down on Jacob's couch, knocking over a candle on the end-table.

"I told you not to come. Don't bother me," Jake sighed.


"Little girl – hey! The door is that way. You better go you know the fire's out anyway. Take your powder -- take your candle—" Jake gestured toward the door.

"Jake… please. I need to talk…" Bella whispered.

Jacob groaned, "Your sweet whisper I just can't handle! Well take your hair in the moonlight. Your brown eyes -- goodbye, goodnight!"

"What's wrong? I know you're hiding something from me…" Bella frowned, crossing her arms. She refused to leave.

Jacob looked to the floor, avoiding her glare. "I should tell you… I should tell you…I should tell you… I should -- no!"


"Another time -- another place! Our temperature would climb; there'd be a long embrace. We'd do another dance. It'd be another play—"

"Jaaake…" Bella massaged his shoulders.

He shrugged her off, "Looking for romance? Come back another day. Another day!"

He shoved her out of the house and set his guitar down. Just before he slammed it shut, Bella pushed against it:

"The heart may freeze or it can burn. The pain will ease if I can learn. There is no future… There is no past. I live this moment as my last…"

"Bella, I am most def not in the mood right now. I have a lot on my mind right now."

"That's okay, Jake!" Bella turned off all the lights except one, "There's only us, 
there's only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today…" She leaned into kiss him, but he pushed her away.

"Excuse me if I'm off track, but if you're so wise then tell me -- why do you need smack?" Jacob accused.

"Smack?" Bella questioned.

"Um… yeah, I guess…"

"Looks like you need smack… As in a big smack on the lips!" Bella leaned forward and puckered up.

Jacob pushed her away… again:

Take your needle, take your fancy prayer. And don't forget; get the moonlight out of your hair!"

He began to walk over to the door again.

"Jacob Black! About two days ago you were all over me!" Bella exclaimed.

"All. Over. You? …Okay, Bells…" Jacob smiled, "Long ago -- you might've lit up my heart, but the fire's dead -- ain't never ever gonna start! Another time -- another place. The words would only rhyme, we'd be in outer space…"

Bella snatched his guitar and sloppily played the beginning to "Musetta's Waltz".

Jacob snatched his guitar right back, "It'd be another song, we'd sing another way. You wanna prove me wrong? Come back another day. Another day!"

"What's gotten into you, Jake? I was jus—" Bella tried.

Jacob held the door open for her, "Out."

"There's only yes! Only tonight. We must let go to know what's right. No other course. No other way. No day but today…" Bella reluctantly left. She had arranged Angela to pick her up anyway because her car was in the shop.

Angela walked over to Bella, who was on the verge of tears.

"I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul my only goal is just to be."
Jacob stood in the doorway, watching her leave. He said in time:

"Control your temper… She doesn't see… Who says that there's a soul? Just let me be..."

Angela was not slow to understand things. She and Bella said in unison, "There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love, or live in fear. No other path. No other way. No day but today..."

Jacob shook his head, "Who do you think you are? Barging in on me and my guitar… Little girl, hey! The door is that way."

"No day but today…" Bella whined.

"The fire's out anyway…" Jacob began to shut the door slowly.

"No day but today…" Bella and Angela said together.

"Take your powder; take your candle!" Jacob snapped, remembering the broken candle mess he had to clean up now.

"No day but today…"

"Take your brown eyes, your pretty smile, your silhouette!" Jacob frowned.

"No day but today…"

"Another time, another place. Another rhyme, a warm embrace…" he began to feel a pang of sadness.

"No day but today…"

"Another dance, another way. Another chance, another day…" Jacob finally shut the door and retreated back into his house.

"No day but today." Bella whispered before climbing into Angela's car. The car remained in park for a few minutes as the two girls sat inside, wondering.

mgirl13 busting in here to say WOOT!! That was great! Onto the next amazing songfic!!

DISCLAIMER: Don't own "The Civil War"… as in the musical. By Frank Wildhorn. Not the actual war… J-word!

And I don't "Twilight"… mhm…

SONG: "By The Sword/Sons of Dixie" from "The Civil War"

A/N: I don't think too many people know of the musical, but it's really good. And history-tastic! And good. So please listen to it.

And if you won't listen to it, which makes you a meanie-face, you are getting a great Twilight-ified history lesson! Yay!


Dr. Carlisle Cullen had just been called in to work overtime at the Union battlefield hospital where he was currently working.

"H-h-hello… D-d-doctor—" stammered a nearby nurse.

"Hello," Carlisle smiled, wishing he would find a wife someday, "What's wrong with this one?"

"This is Private Charlie Collins. Got shot. Badly infected wound. Y-y-you should ch-check it out?"

"I should check it out. That is not a question," Carlisle was sick of these nurses. Stupid dazzled humans.

"Yes! Most definitely. … Bye." The nurse scampered away, leaving Carlisle with the wounded soldier and what appeared to be said soldier's friend.

"I remember the first day well fell in for drill…" smiled the soldier's friend.

"We were as green as a new dollar bill…" whispered the wounded soldier, Pvt. Collins. He groaned, clutching his stomach. Carlisle noticed the huge, gaping hole.

"How bad does it hurt?" asked Collins's friend.

"Oooohh…" he groaned again, "You'll never know, Roger, you'll never know. Oooh…"

"I'll be right back with some morphine, son," Carlisle said, then went to go get some. He stood a moment while he was waiting, watching the two friends.

"I remember your mamma just cried through the night when her Charlie-boy left for the fight," reminisced Roger.

"Now the battle is near," murmured Pvt. Collins.

"And the moment is here!" grinned Roger.

"It's the Union forever!" exclaimed the two men in unison.

"When the Blue meets the Gray—Oooh!" moaned Pvt. Collins.

Carlisle got back just in time.

"Every rebel will pay!" he grinned.

"By the sword!" shouted Roger.

"By the sword!" whispered Collins.

"By the sword!" cheered Carlisle.


Major Jasper Whitlock sat around the campfire with his friends after a long day's work of drills, drills, and more drills. They passed around hot black coffee and talked about how they quickly this war would end.

"I can shoot a mounted horseman from half a mile away!" bragged Jasper's good friend, Colonel Andrew Taylor.

"Oh really?" challenged Jasper.

"You bet! Wanna see?"

"Er… no. Not now!" Jasper put a restraining grip on Taylor's arm.

"You think that's good, Andrew? I can take a hill until we meet on judgment day!" quipped Jasper's other friend, Col. Jeff Orwell.

"Oh come on! Do you really think that's all what this war is about?" Jasper gasped in fake shock.

"Uh… yeah… Is there anything else?" said Andrew and Jeff at the same time.

"Whoa, that was weird," squeaked Jeff.

"Mhm," answered Andrew.

"I will cut a dashing figure. I will make the ladies swoon!" Jasper explained, "I'll be back by fall to kiss 'em all—"

"If the war don't end too soon!" laughed Jeff.

"We'll make 'em all skedaddle, long before the cotton's high!" retorted Jasper.

"We can whoop 'em in a battle. Sure 'nough whoop 'em do or die!" smiled Jeff.

"When the sons of Dixie take to the field, then the battle is won, for we never will yield. When the sons of Dixie fire their guns, then we'll all see how fast that a scared Yankee runs!" shouted Andrew.

Jasper and Jeff laughed uncontrollably, dousing the campfire in coffee.


"OW!" screeched Pvt. Collins.

"When we lick 'em , we'll get home before the first snow…" encouraged the injured soldier's friend, Roger.

"With a chest full of medals to show!" eased Dr. Cullen.

"When we lick 'em they'll be one hellatious parade…" said Roger.

Collins smiled, "Yeah, and maybe by then we'll get paid!"

Carlisle laughed. He was still cleaning the wound. That stupid dazzled nurse was right after all…

This was pretty bad.

"All for one, one for all. So let's open the ball," grinned Roger.

"It's the Union forever…" sighed Carlisle.

" OWWW! Doc, what're you doing down there? By the angels above, by all that we love!" moaned Pvt. Collins again.

"I'm terribly sorry, private. I can't help it. Do you need more—?" Carlisle apologized.

Collins nodded.

"I'll be right back."

"By the sword…" Collins rubbed his wound carefully.

"By the sword…" agreed Roger.

"By the sword…" Carlisle gave Collins more morphine.

Back to the… Confederate Campgrounds, 1861.

"I won't let no damn Yankee tell me how I'm gonna live!" exclaimed Jasper.

"I will not forget, and you can bet I ain't tendin' to forgive," announced Col. Taylor.

"Forgive them for what?" asked Jasper.

"For getting' us in this darn war in the first place. For makin' us—"

"Okay, we got it. Calm down…" Jasper wished that he really could make his friend stop.

"—I mean, do they really think that they can change a way of life that Southerners have been enjoying for centuries. They can't just—"

"All right, Andy! We got it. Cheezus…" snapped Col. Orwell.

"Well, what do you suggest we do? I mean, besides—" began Taylor.

"We'll polish up our muskets and give a rebel yell! Like this, WOOO!" grinned Orwell.

"We'll chase 'em back to Washington, or send 'em all to hell. We'll send them all a-runnin' from the warm Virginia sun…" Jasper further explained.

"So let 'em come a-gunnin', and we'll show 'em how it's done!" finished Orwell.

"Got it! When the sons of Dixie take to the field, then the battle is won for we never will yield. When the sons of Dixie fire their guns, then we'll all see how fast that a scared Yankee runs…" Taylor smiled.

CROSSOVER-SING-A-LONG TIME! (for lack of better transition phrase…)

(Note: this is where there's the crossover singing part in the song. And I don't know how to do it. So I'm gonna try. Just remember that these guys are nowhere near each other. Okay!)

"Now the battle is near, and the moment is here. It's—" said Col. Taylor.

"The Union!" managed Union soldier Pvt. Collins.

"Old Dixie!" cheered Jasper.

"Forever!" finished Taylor.

"When the Blue meets the Gray every—" began Carlisle.

"Rebel!" smiled Roger.

"Yankee!" hollered Col. Orwell.

"Will pay!" Carlisle ended.

"When the sons of Dixie take to the field…" cried the three Confederate soldiers.

"By the sword!" reminded Roger.

"Then the battle is won, for we never will yield…"

"By the sword!"

"When the sons of Dixie fire their guns…"

"By the sword!"

"…then we'll all see how fast that a scared Yankee runs!"

"With our flag flying high, we will live or we'll die…" said all the soldiers, unbeknownst to each of them, in unison.

"By the sword…" Jasper and Carlisle unknowingly said together.

AN: This is mgirl13 saying congratulations Robyn-Enjolras!! I absolutely love RENT, and although I've just been introduced to The Civil War, I love it already. By The Sword/ Sons of Dixie is now one of my favorites, and I highly recommend that all of you Broadway lovers out there listen to it! If you guys have your own Broadway songifcs, go ahead and send them to me or Robyn-Enjolras! I would love to put them up here! But I'll keep writing! The next songifc will be out before you know it! See ya!