Authors Note: This fic is rated M, for obvious reasons. There are mature themes, and a racy lemon so if you don't like smut, turn back now. If your a sicko like myself, read on - only kidding! Enjoy.

Caught Up

Chapter One; Problem Pants

Pan touched two fingers to the bridge of her nose and pinched lightly. She was beginning to lose her patience. And fast. Her head was throbbing from the first signs of a migraine and her hands had begun to cramp and shake from hours of work. "Bra if you move one more time I swear this pin.." She said holding said object up before Bra's surprised face. "May find itself lodged permanently up your ass-"

"Oh dear Pan you aren't losing your patience are you?" Pan wheeled around and glared at the new arrival. He stood with his back against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest coolly, sporting a wide mischievous smirk. She clenched her fists tightly and swallowed hard, resisting the urge to storm over and wedge her foot down his throat. He, of course was right on time for her daily dose of goading, she wondered if he enjoyed anything more in this world more than he did pissing her off.

Brushing him off with a wave of her hand she turned back to her friend and continued to make the necessary adjustments on her wedding dress. Tacking the last pin in place she stood up and admired her work with a proud smile, bar a few pins and unfinished edges here and there the dress looked amazing. She was very thankful because as soon as she was finished here she could make the adjustments then the whole horrible nightmare would finally be over.

Being a designer, and a damn good one at that. Pan had been coaxed by Bra into designing her dress for her wedding where she was to marry Pan's uncle Goten. That, Bra had said would be more than enough of a wedding present for the two and Pan had agreed avidly. It couldn't be that hard right? Plus she was getting paid for it.

Well. The wedding dress had turned into that and the bridesmaid's dresses, then on top of all of that she had also requested Pan help make the alterations for the men's Tux's as well. So on top of her own work load she'd also spent the majority of her free time poking, prodding, lifting and sewing to make sure everybody's outfits for the wedding were perfect.

"Just turn around for me a second?" Pan asked slinging her tape measure around her neck. Bra did so and Pan stood back, her trained eye's scanning over everything a final time. Just as she reached out to pull in another inch from the waist a hand planted itself on the small of her back.

"When your done here can you come and help me? I think you need to do my measurements again my pants aren't quite right, you don't mind do you?"

Pan cringed as she remembered the first time she'd taken his measurements. The moment she'd came to do his inside leg was when the crude jokes had began. As well as goading her Trunks seemed to revel in being a complete sleaze towards her, every situation turned into an opportunity to bed her.

"I think my measurements were right Trunks, I'm sure your pants are fine," She muttered rolling her eye's. His hand left her back and he poked his face round to look at her, then Bra.

"Hm I don't know, are you sure you couldn't just come and take a look at them for me?" She could hear the hint of a tease in his voice and once again had to resist the urge to hurt him. She concluded a good knock to the head might kick start his brain into gear so he could, for once in his life, not think with his penis. "I promise I'll be good this time, scout's honour," He joked giving her a little salute.

Pan sighed. "Excuse me for a second would you Bra?"

The blue haired girl had to cover her mouth with her hand to suppress her giggles as she nodded. She of course was used to these little 'Moments' between Pan and Trunks and found them extremely amusing.

"Sure, no problem."

Pan turned to Trunks. She stood on her tip-toes and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Her eye's narrowed. "You and me. Outside, now.." She hissed shoving him harshly.

Trunks smirked and walked backwards towards the door as she followed him arms crossed tightly over her chest, her onyx eye's blazing into his own.

"With pleasure Panno," He replied turning full circle as he approached the door, he opened it and stood aside gesturing for her to go first.

"Don't kill him please?" Bra called. "Goten needs a best man!"

Pan turned her head to look at her best friend and snorted. "I promise nothing."

On her way through the door she harshly stamped on one of Trunks' feet then smirked proudly as he yelped and hopped out after her, clutching his foot.

"Now is there any need for vio-"

Pan appeared inches before his face and jabbed a finger into his nose. "Do you have to practice being a complete asshole or does it just come naturally?" Her words dripped like venom and Trunks swallowed hard, he fought back the urge to tell her how hot she looked when she was angry and instead just shrugged lightly.

"If you think for one second I'd unessacarily put my hands on you again you've got another thing coming Trunks Brief's, because let me tell you. If you and I were the last twopeople alive on planet earth and the fate of the population depended on us having sex.." She screwed her face up in disgust at the concept. "Then I guess I'd have only one choice. To find a very very large and very powerful gun and blow out my fucking brains, does that not tell you exactly how I feel about you?"

She took a step back from him and raised her eyebrow in wait for his answer.

Trunks blinked a few times. "I just wanted you to fix my pants Pan.."

She let out a cry of frustration and grabbed handfuls of her hair. "You have to be the most infuriating person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting, is this a game to you?" She was on her last nerve, she could feel her hands shaking. "Because I know this is not about your damn pants at all is it?"

He frowned and scratched the back of his neck. As uncomfortable as he felt at that moment he wanted nothing more than to take a hold of her and kiss her until there was no breath left in her body. He didn't mean to make her hate him, not at all. He wanted quite the opposite in fact.

Pan noticed his hesitation and decided to cut the awkward silence, the air was thick with tension and a black cloud of anger seemed to loom above her head. "It's funny how your mouth forgets how to work the moment someone calls you out."

Trunks located his brain and engaged his tongue. "I just want to know how hard it is for you to admit that part of you, as small as it may be, want's me."

She snorted and broke out into a fit of mock giggles, clutching her stomach for added effect.

"You are completely delusional Trunks, like I said, last two people, blow my head off, get it?" She made her fingers into a gun, brought them to her temple, and pulled the imaginary trigger. "Now if your quite finished talking out of your ass, I have a wedding dress to finish," She added walking away from him, not before turning back and laughing in his face once more.

Trunks pulled a sour face and sighed. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't bring himself to stop treating Pan the way he did. The angrier she got, the more turned on he got, it was a vicious cycle.

It had all started two or three years back, he couldn't remember exactly. Him, Pan, Bra and Goten had been over at Capsule for one of their many 'Movie Fests' when Bra had suddenly had the idea of the boys going to the liquor store and spicing up the party. Pan of course at first had refused but after a bit of coaxing had agreed and waited behind with Bra as both him and Goten had set off to buy the alcohol.

When they'd arrived back the drinks were dispensed and shortly after everybody had begun to loosen up and it had turned into an all out session, drinking games included. Goten had taken to slurring out every cheesy joke he had within memory, Bra had suggested a game of twister, which of course had ended very painfully, and for the rest of the night Trunks had been locked in a entrancing staring contest with Pan. It had started with fleeting glances every few minutes, a blush here and there and had ended in them both fixated on one another.

That was when Bra had instigated it all, with her suggestion of Truth of Dare. Four intoxicated adults sat around in a circle, an empty Vodka bottle in the centre. Goten had spun first, the bottle neck stopped before Trunks, he picked dare and Goten through giggles had dared Trunks to run the length of Capsules public car-park completely naked. Disgusted, Bra had intervened just as Trunks was clumsily pulling off his shirt.

"Dear Dende no! Put your shirt back on Trunks…I have a better idea.."

Goten voiced a disappointed 'Aww..' and folded his arms. Bra continued eye's gleaming mischievously. "I dare Trunks to," She looked around for a second then the proverbial light bulb seemed to appear. " Kiss Pan.." She finished smartly.

Said participants both raised an eyebrow and shrugged nonchalantly as though them kissing was a regular occurrence and not at all a big deal. Bra frowned. "And I don't mean your ordinary kiss on the cheek, peck on lips sort of kiss I mean full on French kiss for.." She racked her brains. "Five minutes," She finished outstretching her hand with all five fingers lifted.

Trunks looked to Pan momentarily for confirmation and she nodded slowly before getting to her feet. Bra's eyes widened and she elbowed Goten in the ribs to get his attention. "There actually going to do it!" She said exasperated as they neared each other, Trunks arm linked around Pan's waist and his face lowered towards hers. He could still picture the faint blush on her cheeks moments before there lips met.

From then on it was an excited flurry of tongues meeting and lips mashing together. The kiss was heated and sent sparks of electricity through Trunks' body, of the like he'd never experienced through any other kiss, with any other girl before. Drunk or sober.

Unfortunately for him it had not lasted the obligatory five minutes. After about one Pan had pulled away harshly. Goten and Bra looked on slack jawed. Trunks had to blink a few times to make sure his eye's weren't deceiving him, it was definitely Pan that he'd been kissing. He couldn't believe it.

From that day on she was on his mind constantly. Of course it didn't explain his attitude, that he guessed, had come over a long period of jumping between women but it explained his desperate want for her. It just puzzled him as to why she didn't appear to feel the same way, he didn't think he was mistaken for noticing Pan had put as much into that kiss as he had. He'd concluded she was just scared.

If he'd been raised by anybody but his father Trunks thought his determination would have died out by now and he would have given up on her long ago, but as it was Vegeta had always taught Trunks to strive for what he wanted and he didn't plan on giving up just yet.

Pan let out a frustrated sigh and banged her back against the closed door. "Your brother is unbelievable," She stated shaking her head in disbelief. "I think he has a screw loose."

Bra laughed as Pan made her way back over to her, clutching a half inch around each side of her waist and pinning it back so that it fitted to her curves better. "I think your being a little harsh Pan, he's not always like that, he's a nice guy really, even you know that."

Pan snorted. "Correction; He used to be a nice guy. Ever since your mom made him CEO of the company he's evolved into some sort of egotistic megalomaniac, not only that he's a complete pervert."

"Don't say that Pan. He's only playing with you. And you know deep down he hates the company. Mom practically bullied him into taking it over," She defended.

Pan stood straight, hand on hip. "Okay so I forgot to mention he's a coward and a momma's boy to?"

Bra narrowed her eye's. "I wish you'd stop bashing him like that, he is my brother don't forget."

Pan sighed and held her hands up in defeat. "Okay fine, I'll lay off, I just don't want to be his object of lust anymore, doesn't he have enough girls to amuse himself with, why does he have to bug me?" She asked.

"He genuinely likes you Pan, he just has a funny way of showing it," Bra explained. In all honesty she didn't really know herself why Trunks acted around Pan the way he did. To her he was just the same old, shy little boy she'd grown up with. She guessed it was just a front, he put up around her.

"But that's just it Bra. I don't want him to like me, I never did. I always imagined he'd still be an older brother figure, or a second uncle or something. I don't get it."

Bra shrugged her shoulders. "I think that status flew out of the window the second you two played tonsil tennis at my house, remember?" She teased, prompting Pan to mock heave at the thought.

"I'd like very much not to, if you don't mind," She laughed. That had been one drunken mistake she was sure would never repeat itself. "Now, if your finished boring me with facts about your brother I'd like you to take off that dress carefully so that I can finish the alterations and have it ready before next week, god knows I have enough other stuff to do on top of it."

Bra nodded and pulled Pan into a small hug. "I really do appreciate this Pan, thank you."

"Yeah sure," She assured giving Bra an awkward pat on the back. "Now go on before something falls out or moves and I have to start over," She moaned giving her a little shove towards the screen on the other side of he room. Bra smiled brightly and proceeded to change out of the dress.


Pan let herself into her apartment and set her keys down onto a hook which stood behind the door. She was very relieved after such a long day to finally be home and have sometime to herself. She'd always thought being a self-employed designer would make for a less hectic life, she designed she made, then sold her creations to various retailers and such.

And the job was, until Bra had requested that she dress nearly the entire wedding party, and with just over a month to do so. For the last seven weeks of her life she'd spent shopping for fabrics, taking measurements, designing gowns, making gowns, doing alterations and array of other things that had kept her completely occupied. It was a good thing Bra was helping towards the costs as with being so busy she'd not sold a single thing in well over two months, her income was dwindling.

Flitting through her mail which consisted of a bank statement, a letter from aridiculous company from which she'd apparently won thousands of pounds from, and two past due warnings she sighed and tossed them aside. Damn her independence. Ever since she'd decided to move out on her own life had been a constant struggle. She worked her fingers to the bone, designing and making outfits to sell just to make ends meet. And as talented as she was, it was a hard industry to crack and more often than not her designs would be turned down.

Sometimes she wished she'd not been so eager to break free and stayed at home with her parents.

Shaking the thoughts from her head she headed into the living room just in time to hear the phone start to ring. She instantly perked up and made a mad dash to grab the handset from it's cradle.

"Hello?" She asked expectantly. Phone calls meant only one of two things, either Bra wanted something, which was highly unlikely at that moment as she only left her moments ago, or her parents were calling.

"Hey Pan, it's Dad, how are you?"

She grinned from ear to ear and plopped down on her favourite armchair. "Hm well Bra's working me to the max with this wedding, I have a mile high pile of past due bills I'm yet to pay, and I had another fun run in with Trunks today, so in a word. Great," She replied sarcastically. If it had been her mother on the phone or her Grandma Chi-chi She didn't think she would have been so bluntly honest.

Both women were still hankering for her to move back home, whereas, her father being the soft sod he respected her independence and had not uttered a word of protest since the day she'd left. In fact on more than one occasion Pan had phoned Gohan just to talk or for advice and he'd helped her out of a few tough situations regarding money and such on the sly. She had specifically requested that the women not know.

She heard him sigh down the phone and could just picture him sliding his glasses from his eye's slightly as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you need some help Pan?" He asked quietly.

"No I'm fine Dad, honest. Bulma's check clears tomorrow and that's more than enough to keep me going, but thanks," She replied.

She hadn't lied. Only slighted bended the truth. Bulma had in fact handed Pan a check, but whether or not it would keep her going after she payed off the hefty bills was yet to be seen.

"Okay but you know I'm here if you need me right? I think your mother's on to me though. She check's our statements," He joked.

Pan laughed. "Dad you are seriously whipped, why don't you put your foot down once in a while?"

Being as shy as he was Gohan had spent the most of his life being dominated by women. His mother when he was young and now by her mother, Videl. It was no doubt that he loved her, and she loved him back just as much, but Pan often would have liked to see him have a little backbone sometimes, especially as most of the time he was challenging them on behalf of her.

"Would you like to go against your mother or your grandmother?"

"Good point. No."

Gohan chuckled. "Thought not..oh..speak of the devil.." He muttered quickly into the phone, there was a bit of fumbling and some line disturbance on his end before another voice spoke up.

"Pan is that you? How are you? Are you eating ok? Do you have enough money..are you-"

"-Mom I'm fine!" She exclaimed holding the phone away from her ear slightly. "I'm still eating five meals a day, I have money coming tomorrow, and no, I don't plan on moving back home anytime soon," She let out all in one breath, answering every one of Videl's frantic questions, including the one she'd not quite finished but Pan knew exactly what she was about to say.

Videl paused for a moment and Pan could tell she was biting her lip, not wanting to prod further, but all the same not wanting to let the subject completley slip.

"Would you like to come over for dinner at least? You grandmother's cooking. Bra and Goten are going to be here to," She suggested instead. Pan thought about saying no but her stomach grumbled it's protest. She was hungry, and it was no doubt that her grandmother was the best cook. Dinner couldn't hurt could it?

"Sure mom I'll just grab a quick shower and I'll fly right over, okay?"

"That's great, see you soon honey," Pan smiled and replaced the phone back in it's holder. Her initial plan was to take a long soak in the bath an order take out but dinner at home seemed a much better prospect. She'd hadn't had a good home cooked meal in what seemed like forever.


"Bra are you ready yet? I'm hungry!" Goten whined, dancing around on the spot impatiently as he checked his watch. As much as he loved his fiancé he would never understand why it took her all the time in the world to get ready simply to go to dinner with his family.

No answer came, sighing he headed towards the bathroom and knocked lightly before opening the door and peeking his headaround. Bra stood before the mirror clad only in a pair of fitted black trousers and her bra.

Goten smirked and wolf whistled. "Hey you could go like that, I don't mind," He purred stepping into the room and taking a hold of her by the waist, he placed his chin on her shoulder and she smiled at him through the mirror as she applied a thin coat of clear gloss onto her lips.

"You have a dirty dirty mind Goten Son. I don't think your mother would appreciate it, would she?" Bra teased.

Goten shrugged and began trailing kisses down her neck, then along her collarbone. She shivered and tried to pry his hands away from her.

"Oi! You're the one moaning that were going to be late and now your starting?"

Goten laughed deep in his throat and moved his face up to kiss along her jaw line.

"Can I help that your so damn sexy?" He growled. Bra felt as though he knee's were about to buckle. She wanted nothing more than to rip every last shred of clothing from his body and have him right there on the bathroom floor. But she couldn't. She had very strictly told Goten that sex would be void from there relationship until he'd taken her down the isle and plus she had made a promise to Chi-chi that they would both be there for dinner.

Goten hadn't been spending enough time with his family lately and Bra felt bad. What kind of daughter-in-law would she be if they didn't show up?

"Goten..come on..get off" She laughed pushing him away. He moaned and pulled the most adorable sad face she thought she'd ever seen. "Don't give me that. We've been down this road before remember? You promised to keep Mr. Happy locked away until our wedding night."

Goten let out a loud groan. "But it's so hard!" He whined. Bra choked back a laugh. Goten looked up at her wide eyed, a deep blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I guess I could have worded that a bit better, right?"

She nodded.

"Yes you filthy boy," She teased with a wink.

"If only you knew.."


"What?" He asked innocently.

"It doesn't even matter.." She replied waving the subject off. "Anyway is Pan coming tonight?"

Goten shrugged. "I don't know, why?"

"I was just wondering is all. Your mom called earlier to say she'd invited my family, I'm just thinking Pan and Trunks, in the same room, was enough."

Goten's faced paled. "In that case as much as I love my niece I hope for Trunks' sake she doesn't turn up."

Bra nodded in agreement and pulled on her top. "Yeah I don't know how much longer she can take it before she kills him," She laughed.