Author's comments: Well, this is the first chapter of a longer story. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or any of it's characters.

Looking out of the window, Marluxia sighed. His plan to take over Organization XIII was going well in general, though there were some details that bothered him. Those details were some of the other Organization members.

First of them was Axel. Although he seemed to be on Marluxia's side, still some part of Marluxia didn't trust him. As long as Axel kept on doing what was good for the plan though, there was no need to worry much. There were better ways to invest one's energy than to bother thinking about Axel.

Second was Saix. If Marluxia were to take out the superior's most trusted ones and become the most trusted himself, Saix would have to be the first target. But how is a Nobody supposed to kill someone who is always in the presence of another, that other being the Superior himself? Marluxia still couldn't figure out how to separate Saix from the Superior, and take him out before he got back to Xemnas and ruined everything. But even about that he could think later.

His most important bother was Vexen. If Vexen were to reveal the plan to the keyblade wielder, Sora, all would be lost. But Vexen.. was different. Marluxia somehow couldn't just go down and kill him, even when he had the advantage and the perfect opportunity, even if Vexen wasn't much of a fighter, he couldn't.

He'd tried countless times to take Vexen out. By himself, but also by giving orders to Larxene, or any other Nobody he could find, only to come running after them half a minute later, telling them he'd changed his mind. It was almost as if Vexen had control over him, instead of Marluxia being in charge, and Marluxia did not like it.

- x -

When twilight came, Larxene decided to show up. She found Marluxia sitting in a chair in his room, slowly fidgeting with a rose in his hands.

'What's up with you?' she asked him, making it sound like a greeting.

Marluxia only looked up to her, and shook his head. He remained silent.

'Who is it this time?' Laxene sighed. She knew what kind of story would come, a long story about the details of the plan and how to overthrow the Organization and all those other things she'd heard from him a thousand times before. But..

'How to kill Vexen.' Marluxia simply stated.

There was an awkward silence. Marluxia probably expected Larxene to say something, but Larxene didn't know what to say. She didn't want to make the pink haired man angry by saying something like 'with your scyte', or asking him why he hadn't just let it happen all those times he'd tried. But her thinking took Marluxia too long; he'd already said 'you're dismissed' before she realized it.

- x -

Marluxia lay in his bed. It was comfortable, warm, soft. There were petals all over the sheets and the floor around the bed. They made it all look relatively messy, but Marluxia didn't mind. He had other things on his mind, and didn't fall asleep because of that. His headache increasing from lack of sleep and stress, he came to a decision. He got up and summoned his scyte; Vexen was too dangerous, and thus Vexen had to be eliminated. Simple as that.

His gracious footsteps were hardly audible, and so Marluxia decided to walk the last few metres to Vexen's room instead of portaling inside. He opened the door softly, stepped inside, and locked it from inside. A sleepy voice from around a corner whispered

'Who's there? Oh.. oh wait, maybe it's the replica.. I should go check on i-' He was cut off by Marluxia's deep voice, which broke through the silence as if it were a gunshot.

'This is definitely not the replica. Vexen, your existence ends here.'

The two men stood facing each other, one confused and frightened, the other stoïc, his weapon in his hand. Marluxia raised his scyte, meaning to make the first blow the final, when suddenly he stopped in his tracks. Vexen had fallen to his knees, defenselessly showing his back, his hands covering his face.

'What are you doing? Cowering away for death?' Marluxia growled. He couldn't slaughter the man while he was on his knees, Vexen should've faced his death bravely, this wasn't how Marluxia anticipated it.. He had to pull himself together, he had a mission-

Vexen took this small delay to summon his shield, the same moment Marluxia swung his scyte down. A moment later there was a sound of two hard materials clashing into each other.

Neither of them moved. Marluxia held his scyte with both hands, while Vexen was hiding away under the large shield. The scyte had made a deep cut into the upper part of the shield and was sticking through it. Frightened, Vexen waited for the next blow.

It never came.

When Vexen looked over the rim of his shield, he saw his opponent. The pink haired man was staring with wide eyes at the point where the scyte and the shield had met. Then it struck him; the scyte was stuck, the blonde only had to trust his shield forward to pierce one of it's spikes through Marluxia.

He shifted, bent, and threw himself at his confused opponent.

Is that a cliffhanger? I like cliffhangers. :)I'll update as soon as possible! Please review, I would appreciate it a lot!