Hello good folks. This is a fic my good friend Picklez and I(Being Cheez) decided to write. It's HikaruXOC and KaoruXOC, as for other pairings, we are unsure at the moment.

The Japanese school year starts in april so pretend that we came after like fall break or something. Also pretend that we are speaing Japanese throughout this.

Also, this story switches POV'S(Point of view's) from Sabrina to Kimber every chapter

Now that you know these things, read on


"I married a pimp" Kimber said, grinning like that was a normal thing to say in an airplane.

I shifted my position to face my friend.

It appeared she had been working on the story of how we got the money to go to Japan. I hadn't really been listening.

"What?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"You weren't listening, were you Sabrina?" she asked, speaking my name like it was a challenge.

I shook my head, grinning slightly

"I married a pimp" She explained. "I then stole his money and killed him."

I rolled my eyes. "Just don't tell the police that."

I could see why she was changing the story; the real one was really boring.

You see, her grandpa died and left her a huge sum of money. See that?

A period?

Yeah, end of story.

"Hey, how much money did your grandpa have anyway?" I asked, hoping to steer the topic away from killing pimps.

Kimber shrugged, "More than enough."

"Um, ok." I paused for a moment, "Where are we staying?"

Kimber grinned, "The people who were supposed to be hosting us backed out at the last minute, so I bought a house."

"You bought a house?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah, a small one, and the neighbors agreed to keep us from doing anything rash" Kimber said.

She lurched forward in her seat, one hand clutching her stomach the other covering her mouth.

I attempted to raise an eyebrow but ended up raising both.

"What's with you?" I asked.

"Motion sick" she explained, still bending forward.

I scoffed in disbelief. "How can you be motion sick when the plane hasn't even taken off yet?"

I stepped out of the plane, enjoying the fresh polluted air.

Kimber ballerina jumped past me, her short, brown hair blowing behind her. She landed in a cat-like fashion.

"We're free!" she screamed, dancing around on the pavement.

She kissed the ground before starting to dance again.

"You've always wanted to do that, haven't you?" I asked, walking up to her slowly.

She ceased her movements.

"No" She said quietly, "I'm just glad to be out of that hell-hole."

"It's an airplane" I stated calmly.

I really hated being the sane one. Well, not like I was really sane, I just happen to act calmer when it comes to transportation.

Kimber is forever getting motion sick; Ferris Wheels make her sick some days.

She muttered something that sounded like, "It's the same thing" before turning on her heel and walking into the airport.

We had to go through a metal detector on the way in, which made me roll my eyes.

These things always took forever.

I was right, seeing as how some old lady forgot her earrings the first time, a button on the inside of her jacket, and then her coin purse with a metal clasp.

"Oh, yeah, take your time, it's not like there's a line of people standing behind you" Kimber muttered sarcastically.

She was standing behind the old lady, who huffed in anger and finally made it through that metal detector.

We made it through just fine.

"So many people" Kimber gasped.

"Yuh-huh" I agreed.

"Hey, look!" I cried out, attracting an odd look from someone other people.

"What?" Kimber asked.

"LUGGAGE!" I screamed.

I burst out into a run for the luggage cart thing. We managed to get our luggage without to much of a problem.

We figured out the address to our new place and found a taxi to take us there.

"I still can't believe you bought us a house" I said in disbelief, staring at our new home.

That sounds weird 'new home', she and I have lived in the same place our entire lives, so being someplace completely different was unnerving.

Ihad a feeling Kimber felt the same, but she was too busy freaking out over the house.

I had to admit, it was a lovely house. It was a typical Japanese home, it was a little on the small side, but for two tenth grade kids it wouldn't be too bad.

There was a small deck on the front; the door was, well, a door, nothing special about it.

On one side of the door was a square window.

Once again, nothing special.

"Here's to a new year" She said, raising a fist into the air.

I smiled sadly feeling homesick.

"Yeah" I agreed weakly.

I grabbed my bags, which was hard; there was a lot of stuff to carry.

"I'll race you in" I challenged, determined to not let my homesickness distract me from enjoying this.

"You. Are. On" Kimber said, grinning. She picked up her bags and we ran towards the house.

We tied because we both tripped on the front step and fell face first into the deck.

I rolled myself over and sat up.

"Well, let's get unpacking" I said, sighing as I realized work would be involved.

"I shall handle the kitchen and bathroom stuff!" She exclaimed loudly.

I glanced at all of the bags, some had fallen out in there race, while others where right near us.

"Okay, I think that's the kitchen stuff" I said, pointing to a polka-dotted bag.

Kimber nodded and grabbed it.

"You bring in the rest" she commanded.

I looked at the stuff and heaved a sigh.

There were like five other bags. I figured I could carry two at a time, three if I felt like breaking my pinky finger. Don't ask how that works.

So, I did it like that; two at a time.

It only took three trips, but then we had to unpack.

I dropped the last bag down on the floor.

"I'm done!" I called out to Kimber.

"Okey-dokey" she said from the kitchen.

Before I unpacked I decided to explore the house a bit.

It was small, there was a entry way and then a rise in the floor. After the rise there was the living room, and, to the left, a rice paper door that led to the kitchen.

On the right there was a bathroom and a small reading room.

The reading room was really small; it could fit two people max. Or so I figured, if you were abnormally skinny, maybe more, but, for normal sized people there would be two.

The room had a bay window and a comfy chair facing it.

I couldn't figure out why it was on the side of the house, but I shrugged it off.

Directly across from the reading room there were two doors, both leading too bedrooms.

Before Kimber could claim a room I grabbed my bag and ran into the first door.

The room was an emerald green color with a dark green trim.

The bed was of the queen sized variety and looked really comfortable.

I dropped my bag onto the bed and left. I was going to unpack the stuff we brought along for the living room.

There was already a nice sized television, loveseat, and a couch. In the center of the three things was a coffee table.

I took out the Nintendo Gamecube and Playstation 2 we had brought along.

I sat them on either side of the television. It only had one place to connect them so we were going to have to switch whenever we wanted to play a different system.

"Young Blood!" A voice called.

I cringed at my nickname. Not like I minded it, it's just I responded to so many names now it was sad.

"Yeah!" I called back.

"Nothing" the voice responded, "It's just- awww mittens."

I stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

I instantly reached out for a doorknob and accidentally punched the rice paper.

I glared at it before I slid the door open.

"If you broke something" I began.

Kimber laughed, "No, no, we just need to go grocery shopping."

"We must unpack first" I pointed out. She nodded.

I left the room, not closing the door on the way out.

I stacked the video games next to the appropriate system. Then I left for my room.

I pulled out my laptop and placed it on a mahogany desk by the closet.

I didn't unpack my clothes, figuring I'd do it later.

I played Super Mario Sunshine while Kimber unpacked.

I had no idea what Kimber's room looked like, I just kinda picked the first one I saw.

Kimber emerged from her room waving her wallet. "Food shopping!" She exclaimed.

"Alright" I said cheerfully.

"What does your room look like" I asked, walking down the sidewalk.

"It's blue and pink and a few other colors. They're not bright enough to be cheerful; they're closer to emo colors" she explained, using completely pointless hand gestures. "Oh" she added, "And there's a rainbow."

I laughed. "Okay, I am so jealous" I teased.

"You better be" Kimber said.

I didn't get it, but I didn't feel the need to comment on it.

"Hey, do you know where a store is or are we just walking around till we find one?" I asked.

"You have a better idea?" Kimber asked. I shook my head. "

Thought so" she remarked. We walked past a small apartment building.

"We could've gotten an apartment" Kimber said thoughtfully.

"Well, no duh" I retorted.

A young brunette with boyish hair walked out of a door.

I would've guessed she was a boy if it weren't for the fact that she was wearing a pink dress over a white shirt and jeans. She headed down the stairway.

"Oi!" I called, making Kimber cringe.

She had first impression issues. I, on the other hand, could care less.

She glanced at me in surprise.

Her brown eyes studied us for a moment before responding. "May I help you?" She asked politely.

She sounded rather impatient.

"We don't now where the store is" I explained.

"And we were wondering if you knew where it was" Kimber asked, finishing the question.

The girl's face twisted in amusement for a moment before her expression became somewhat blank.

"I'm heading there now" she offered.

"That'll be great" I said cheerfully.

"I'm Kimber" Kimber said, looking uncomfortable.

"I'm Sabrina" I explained.

"No" Kimber snapped, "You're Sabby D."

I scoffed, "Says you."

I turned back to the girl.

"You don't sound like you're from around here" she said slowly.

Kimber shook her head. "Nope, we're from Canada!"

"Interesting" she said.

It was then I realized she hadn't introduced herself.

"And you areā€¦." I left the question hanging.

"Haruhi" she said, nodding curtly. "Follow me" she said, turning away and walking off.

Kimber and I nodded and began following like obedient puppies.

I made a mental note of the way to the store, praying I wouldn't forget it.

"Alright, here we are" Haruhi said, nodded towards the store.

"Thanks" I said, nodding before running at the store screaming "FOOD!"

Kimber laughed manically before following me inside.

I stopped almost instantly, admiring a stand of gummi bears and gummi worms.

"Oh my God" I said, "This is heaven."

"There are better things than fat dipped in flavoring" Kimber pointed out.

I whipped around to face her, my blonde whipping against my face painfully.

"There's better?" I asked, daring her to prove me wrong.

"Chicken" was all she said before walking past me to see what else there was.

Grocery shopping proved to be a hard task, seeing as how Kimber and I disagreed with what we wanted.

"Hey look" I said, "Ramen."

"Ramen?" Kimber inquired, sounding interested.

"Yeup, Premium brand Ramen" I said.

Kimber scoffed. "Premium is just a way of saying 'I suck but if I say premium people will buy me" she stated.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh-kay then."

"O-M-G" Kimber screamed, attracting odd looks for screaming and using computer lingo.

"What is it" I asked, leaning towards her slightly. She wheeled back around to face me.

She slapped my forehead.

"Hah, I am a better ninja than you!" She cried.

I pouted childishly. "No fair, we're shopping, for food" I whined.

"Whining isn't ninja-like dear child" she pointed out.

I sighed, and then shoved her out of the way as I ran to a refrigerator.

"No way! Chocolate milk!" I said, pressing my face against the glass.

I loved chocolate milk; it was of my favorite things to drink.

I loved it more than pepsi, but in no way more than orange crush.

If someone even hinted me liking chocolate milk more I'd probably punch them.

"Well, we can't not have chocolate milk" she agreed.

Shopping, as I said before, was a difficult task. I believe we spent like a hundred dollars of food.

We waited for Haruhi to pay, because, oddly enough, we had made it payed before her.

I realized something on the way back.

"Haruhi?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She responded, turning her head slightly to face me.

"Do you perchance know where Ouran High School is?" I asked.

I wish we had gotten directions, but, alas, I'm a forgetful person.

"You're going to Ouran?" she asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but we don't know where it is!" Kimber said, hinting towards the question.

"Well, uhh, I know where it is" Haruhi said thoughtfully.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

She smiled slightly. "I'll draw you a map!" Haruhi said.

Kimber nodded thankfully. "Good, now we won't get lost."

Haruhi stopped at her house (Well, no duh) and quickly scribbled down a map.

She waved goodbye before turning back into the apartment.

"Good kid" I said, nodding in approval.

"First day here and we've already made a friend!" Kimber exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.

I swung the bag of groceries in my hand with increasing momentum.

Eventually I swung it with such force the plastic handle snapped.

Kimber's eyes widened as she dove to catch it.

Sadly, Kimber has a habit of moving in slow-mo during moments such as this, so she merely fell to the ground, her arms spread out a few feet away from the bag.

"Graceful" I commented sarcastically before going to gather up the bags.

We made it to the house without falling, thankfully.

"Wait here" Kimber said as we were standing in front of our house.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Are you going do to something stupid?" I asked in a teasing tone.

Kimber grinned like a drunken dolphin before running into the house.

I frowned as I contemplated what exactly she was planning.

Living here was certainly going to be interesting.

And there we go! Kyukkyukkyuk. I hope you enjoy it and i love you all! R& R - Picklez