

A smooth, gentle breeze caressed the golden leaves carpeting the grass. The small hill was not only covered in grass, but also tall stones with deep meaning. These statues stood on the mound for memory. Each one labeled with a hero's name. They spanned the wide field, a harsh reminder of those who had fallen.

On this day, all attention was drawn to a single tombstone. A crowd of thousands stood, circling the one stone placed in the center of the memorial. The sea of black all looked on at the gravesite of the world most beloved hero.

Lonely friends stood next to the grave, each one filled with grief. Dr. Kleiner, Barney Calhoun, D0g, and Alyx watched with sorrow as the last shovel of dirt was thrown on the fresh mound.

Alyx felt the fresh tears streaming down her face. Looking down at the bushel of roses in her hand, she stepped forward. She knelled and rested the red flowers on the grave. She then looked at the name engraved in stone.

"Goodbye," she whispered, resting her hand on the carvings, "Dad."

The name of Eli Vance was chiseled into the marble. Below his name, it inscribed "Leader of the people. Strong against our enemies. Hero of earth."

Alyx stepped back and wiped the moisture from her eyes.

"You are my hero." She said, smiling.

Out of the crowd, one rebel shouted "Eli!". Then a few more started to say the same. Suddenly the entire mass began to chant his name.

"Eli! Eli! Eli! Eli!"

Fists were raised in honor of their most beloved leader. The shouting grew. It became a roar of triumph.

They were now free.


After the destruction of the Borealis and winning the battle outside the facility, the rebels traveled back to City 17. A few miles outside of the destroyed city, the last large rebel outpost dubbed "Green Base" became their new home. It was similar to White Forest, containing long, concrete passageways, but this facility was deep within the mountains, embedded in the rocks. Here, the memorial is built to honor the fallen rebels. Here, every rebel abides in peace. Here, is where a new life begins for Alyx Vance.


As her footsteps echoed through the passageway, Alyx made her way through the base, towards the medical wing. She Approached the room named "the Life Hub" by the rebels. A small keypad stuck out of the wall next to the door. Alyx keyed the speaker.

"Dr. Forest?" She called out, her voice bouncing off the walls.

A small crackled emitted from the speaker. "Come on in Alyx."

The door then slid apart, allowing Alyx to enter. The medical room was circular, containing a flatbed in the center and various tools spread around the walls. Dr. Kathryn Forest sat in the corner, hunched over some paper work. She looked up at Alyx and smiled.

"You here for your daily check up?"

Alyx nodded, her feet shuffling nervously. She was always nervous . . . and hopeful.

"Um," Alyx's voice wavered. "How is he?"

Dr. Forest shrugged. "He is stabilized. But, It will take him over two months to actually get on his feet." The good doctor pointed her pen at the direction of the patient's door. "You may go in now if you want."

Alyx hesitated. She had been doing this every day since the battle with the G-Man. But, forcing herself to move forward, she opened the door.

Inside was a fairly small room, only containing one chair, a side table and a bed.

The bed was occupied by Gordon Freeman.

He was covered in white bandages, which wrapped around his entire body. A plethora of tubes entered his arms, trying to keep Gordon alive. He was, for now, in a coma after the entire ordeal. After a week of drifting between reality and death, there was no sign of life within this savior of earth.

Luckily, after sustaining substantial wounds, Gordon's suit managed to give one last gift. It quickly clogged his major wounds, buying some time to get help. A group of rebels assigned to clearing the Dry Dock came upon Alyx heartbroken over a near death Gordon. They quickly evacuated him out of the facility.

Dr. Forest was able to pull bullets and debris from his wounds, but Gordon had lost so much blood, that she did no like the outcome of the surgery. All they could do was wait and see if a miracle could save Gordon.


Alyx took her place at the chair, the same position she took every day. Pulling the chair forward, she moved closer to her love. She then slipped her fingers into his hand and carefully resting her chin on his shoulder.

"C'mon. You've got to wake up sometime."

As usual, no response came. She then rested her ear against his ribs. The weak but steady beat of his heart still remained.

Alyx gave a slight sigh. In her mind, it was frustrating to go through everything with this man and then have him taken away . . . just like her father. Inside, she winced, thinking about the thought.

"Oh, God. Please. Not again. I don't wan . . ."

A small breath shook through Gordon. Alyx jumped back. She watched Gordon's chest closely. It rose, taking in large breaths.

"Oh, my God."

Gordon's lids started to flutter. Seconds later, his eyes blinked at the bright light. He lifted his head, looking around the room, groaning at the feat. He found Alyx. A small grin appeared. "Hi."

"Oh, my God!" Alyx screamed. She jumped forward, squeezing him in her arms. Gordon groaned as pain shot through his limbs. Alyx ignored the warning and held tight, emotions engulfing her. Gordon pushed the pain away and embraced her with the same force. He was just as glad to see her safe, as she was to see him alive.

The show of affection felt way overdue.

After minutes of being held in Gordon's arms, Alyx pulled back, cupping his face in her hands. Bringing her eyes close, joy overtook her.

"Am I glad to see you." She whispered.

A smile spread across his mouth. "Ditto."

Alyx drew closer, pressing her lips against his. First surprised, Gordon relaxed and deepened the kiss. Alyx felt warmth caress her body, a feeling she had wanted to experience since she met this man.

Their lips parted, now beaming with excitement. Suddenly, Alyx frowned and put her hands on her hips.

"Hey," She called out in fake frustration. "How are you talking now, huh?"

Gordon smiled. "I'll tell you later."

He moved in, stealing one more kiss. Alyx forgot about her question.

A slight knock tapped against the door. Seconds later, the door slid open, allowing some old friends to enter. Barney stepped in, surprised at the sight before him. Gordon and Alyx parted quickly, each one sporting a sheepish smile.

"Um," Barney chuckled. "Should we come back at a better time?"

The pair exchanged loving glances before shaking their heads.

Barney stepped forward, grabbing Gordon's bandaged hand. "Good to see you in one piece, buddy."

Alyx scoffed. "One piece? He barely has half his life."

Barney simply laughed at the last quip. He moved aside for the next guest to arrive. Dr. Kleiner walked through the door, smiling while pushing his wide brimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Gordon Freeman. Well, it looks like you have saved us again. Good work."

The wounded hero raised his hand into the air, complying with the compliment.

Out side of the door, a small "whoop" drew everyone's attention to D0g, Alyx's pet robot. D0g whined at not being able to fit through the door. He caught sight of Gordon and started to jump, shaking the room. Excited mechanical noises filled the room as D0g praised Gordon for his achievement.

D0g moved away from the door, allowing the next guest to enter. She rolled forward to the bed with her wheelchair. Gordon gasped in amazement.

Dr. Judith Mossman wheeled in with a big grin on her face.

She brought herself next to Gordon. He noticed that a multitude of bandages covered her arms and legs. Splints and pins stuck out of her legs, keeping them from shattering. Bruises and cuts joined the wounds. But Judith went on without thinking about her crippled state.

Judith cupped Gordon's face in her hands. Smiling, a small tear fell down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered.

Feeling emotional, Gordon leaned forward, despite his wounds. He rested his forehead on the brim of her nose.

"There is nothing to be sorry about."

Judith pulled back, sporting a big grin past the tears. "Thank you."


Two months later.


Gordon and Alyx stood side by side, watching the spectacle before them. Barney, Kleiner and the rest of their friend stood near. Gordon was back to his old self, his wounds healed and now working in the labs. He was now living his life with Alyx.

But, proceeding ceremony had to be done. The room they were standing in was rectangular and empty. The black tile and walls gave the room a dark feeling. At the far end was a glass tube, containing the only light in the room.

Inside the tube was the old H.E.V. suit. It's tattered armor gave Gordon the memories of his long battle. It was now time to put it into the archives.

Alyx wrapped her arm around Gordon elbow, resting her chin on his shoulder. Gordon smiled. It was now time to move on from his memories. He pressed the activation button next to him.

The tube started to fall back into the wall. It was carried deep into the darkness. Finally, two metal doors slid shut, hiding the suit forever.

Gordon felt his arm being squeezed. Looking down, he gazed at Alyx. She stood up on her tippy toes and grabbed a small kiss.

"What should we do now?"


:D sooooo, what did you think? I really like this story! And I hope you did to. But, I have an announcement to make. This will be my last story for a long time. I am going to Texas for 14 months, and I don't know if I'll have the resources to create stories. If I do, then I'll keep gracing you guys with my fiction. But, I've had a great time doing it. Thank you guys for keeping up with me. I hope this was a good going away present. Miss you guys.