Disclaimer: I own nothing in the FF universe... sadly. TT

Zell Dincht was in love. It wasn't stomach-ache this time he was sure!

He felt those cool aqua eyes seek him out across the classroom and blushed as he remembered those eyes roaming across his naked body the night before. Last night the awkward kisses they had shared had turned into something else and a new warm feeling permeated Zell's consciousness. He grinned back at that arrogant and knowing smirk, wondering briefly what his lover thought of the whole experience. He wandered across the room towards his one time tormentor. "S'up."

"The sky, chicken."

"Don't call me that!"

"Just because I gave it to ya up the ass last night doesn't mean I'm gonna stop teasin, Chicken wuss." His smirk widening.

Zell scowled. Maybe it was stomach-ache after all…