Hey, everyone! I know I haven't updated this in AGES, but I promise to start working on it again. I'm actually not sure when, yet, due to FINALS. AUGH THE DREADED HORROR… But anyways…
I'm using this Intermission chapter to say thank you to everyone who reviewed and to say a few things to the anon. reviewers!
So… to all the registered users:
All the reviews and favs/alerts are much appreciated. :)
Whoever put this on a C2 community is also very much thanked.
Now for the anons!
hitsufangirl yeah whatever: Hi thar! (Continued because of YOU!!)
Mao: Thank you very much for your nice comment! Yes, Sasuke is EVIL… He's a secret matchmaker in disguise! GASP
charm: LOLZ. P Me is being loving bad grammar…
Miss Wheeze: Yes, isn't it?? Good for your mom! Best birthday presents books/gift cards for… books. I'm such a nerd.
Fiddleferneatsfish: Ah yes… Karin can be VERY dangerous when angry… By the way, (no offense or anything) are you sure you've got the right anime? Kazune is in Kamichama Karin, not Naruto. Unless there's a Kazune in Naruto that I was not aware of. Which is completely possible. :)
Awful Pizza Sauce: Thank you! Um… Suigetsu is the shark guy with the white hair and purple shirt and gigantic beheading sword that was once Zabuza's and he turns into water and likes resting a lot and gets dehydrated easily and… uh… yeah. That's about it. And he's on Sasuke's team with Karin and Juugo.
Fried Octopus Tentacles: Thank you! (Wow I'm so creative with opening sentences…) Oh "him?" Well… he's a very stubborn guy who won't post any fanfiction no matter how much I bug him!! DX That's all.