Imagination? 2

A/N: Yes! She allowed me to post Imagination (as you've read) Isn't it bril? Okay here is my story on what happened after her first chappie!

No matter what Ron did, his over stimulated mind would leave him alone, so he decided to do what he hadn't done in those fits of imagery, take control.

He went on thinking about it, but never really doing, it really wasn't until he got home for christmas break to try it.

It was dinner, as they were eating, he felt Bills' hand creeping between his legs, and Ron held his hand, and with his free hand slipping a hand between Bill's thighs, fingers brushing lightly, and running his fingers along Bill's privets. He heard Bill's sharp intake on breath. Ron suddenly stood up and claimed he wasn't hungry and feeling a bit tired and retreated to his bedroom.

That night he imagined Bill comming into his bedroom, and well you can use your imagination.

The next morning Bill wasn't there, as he expected, he was just imagining it. He smiled, maybe it will put a stop to all this. Ron, went to the kitchen bench, detirmined to make toast. He heard someone comming downstairs, it was Charlie. They both said their greetings and Charlie pressed against Ron, to reach the cupboards above them, Ron felt the hardness against his bottom and decided to wriggle a bit, he swore he heard a groan, Ron feined innocence, and got his toast and went to table. The look that Imaginary Charile gave was quite funny.

Charlie took his leave, well more like a mad dash somewhere, and he bumped into someone, Percy.

Percy went to ron and hugged him from above and behind, slipping his hand into Ron's shirt, and piniching Ron's nipples and as he retrackted his hand Ron held him by his wrist and took Imaginary Percy's index finger into his mouth and swirled it aroung with his tongue and slowly pulled Percy's finger away from his mouth and then taking his leave. In his wake, he left a shocked Percy, trying to calculate what had just happened.

Ron got a few towels and decided for a shower.

He found someone was already in there, it must've been one of his brothers, his parents had their own shower joining their bed room.

He opened the door, drew back the curtain and there was Fred, he could tell, by the mole Fred has on his backside. Ron said sorry, but kept his eyes, firmly on Fred's body, and after a while he walked away, like nothing had happened.

With nothing else he decided to read A Book On All Things Quidditch on his bed, when George appeared, and licked from the crook of his neck up to his jaw, and kissing the corner of his mouth, whispering, about the shower being free, Ron took Imaginary George's jaw and kissed him firmly on the mouth, and in the end going for a snog. As ron was leaning down, he pushed George off him and thanking him for the heads up on the shower. He left a confused, and disheaveled Imaginary George.

When he got there, his brother's were there, and jumped him, like starving animals on meat, someone whispering about how, he was feeling playful today, he heard the door opening and closing, ah Imaginary George had arrived, and it seemed like he had decided to join in the fun.

As hard as it was Ron, pulled away from their grasp, in mid-strip, and simply told them that the bathroom was too small and for all of them and once they were done to call him in, that he would be waiting in his room. Ron walked away from his Imaginary brothers, not even looking behind, it felt great to know what sorts of looks he must have caused.

When he reached his room, he couldn't help but think, maybe he didn't mind being this imaginative, and as soon as he thought that, his brothers decided to join him in the bedroom.

A/N: As you all should know, this is a second part to Imagination? By DarkElixier66, found in her fic, Weasleycest, chapter 20. Without her this fic would have never been born! So thanks so much to her, and read her fanfictions too, she writes great things!