HIIIIII!! Here is the next chapter. I wont keep you long, because i know you are all dying to read it. I wonder how many of you actually read this...hmmm... you know what? I'm going to put a random statement in the middle of the fic, just to get the attention of those who don't read this. SO HA!! R&R!!
Disclaimer: I still do not own Avatar, and i didn't in the previous chapters. If I did, there would be a book four,With the gaang rebuiling the planet.
"What exactly are we looking for, Zuko?" Sokka stood in the middle of Katara's room; questioning the Fire Nation Prince that stood before him.
"I saw Katara writing in a diary. It has to be around here someplace..." Zuko continued to ransack Katara's room, searching for that little blue beacon of hope. Sokka continued to search without question. Minutes had gone by without any luck. Zuko paused his scrutiny to think. After a few moments of pondering, Zuko disappeared from the room without a word. Sokka was taken aback, but he tailed behind Zuko.
Zuko and Sokka approached Apa, who was deep in slumber. Zuko climbed his way onto the bison's back without waking him. Perplexed, Sokka raised his eyebrow, but still did not say anything. After a few silent moments, Zuko blurted, "Aha," waking Apa from his rest. He held up a small, light blue book, with a turquoise and white ribbon wrapping around it. Zuko jumped from the saddle and examined the book. Upon examining the book, they found much more detail that was obscure before. The ribbon that wrapped around the diary had a pattern made up of triangles and dots and had a chocolate brown lining. The opening side of the diary held a curious lock. The lock was circular, and there was a small, clear tube the diameter of the lock that appeared to hold water. When this tube was lifted, the diary opened. Zuko pryed on the tube, but it would not budge. "I think it can only be opened with waterbending," Zuko speculated.
Sokka took the book from Zuko's hands and tried to push the tube up as well, but again, it did not budge. Sokka contemplated, then sparked an Idea. "Zuko, you can open this," Sokka held out the book to him.
Zuko glared, "Sokka, are you crazy? I'm not a waterbender." He pushed the book away.
Sokka explained, "You don't have to be. Water rises and turns to gas when it's heated. The water in the tube will search for the closest exit, which would be the top of the lock, thus opening the diary. If you are careful, I think you can open this without breaking the glass tube." Zuko raised an eyebrow at Sokka, and reluctantly took the diary from Sokka's extended arms. Zuko extended his index finger and held it to the bottom of the tube. He let out a little heat, and after a few uneasy moments, the lock opened.
Zuko opened the diary and began to flip through the pages. "Now we just need to find the right diary entry," Zuko skimed the pages.
Anxious, Sokka stole the book from Zuko's hands, "Let me see." He flipped through a couple pages, and finally came to something interesting. "Hey, the cave of two lovers," Sokka examined. He read the entry, and a vex look crossed his face. "HE DID WHAT TO MY BABY SISTER?"
Zuko laughed, "I assume you just found out about the kiss," he smirked and crossed his arms.
Sokka was shocked, "How did YOU find out about this?" He pointed his finger at Zuko, "And why didn't you tell me?" This time he sounded more disappointed than angry.
"Aang told me. Oh, they also kissed on the sub during the invasion." Zuko's smirk grew wider.
Sokka glared, "Why must you do that?"
Zuko shrugged, "For kicks. Back to the point, does the diary say anything about how she feels about Aang?" Sokka flipped through more pages until he reached the invasion entry. He read, then speculated.
"I got one," Sokka exclaimed.
"Read it to me," Zuko commanded.
Sokka cleared his throat, " 'Before the sub went down, we all had an inspirational talk with Aang' ," Sokka spoke in a higher pitched woman voice, " 'When I had my chance to talk to Aang, I told him how much he has changed. He wasn't the goofy little boy he was when we found him in the iceberg. He had to really mature fast, and I am really proud of him. I left out my feelings for him, in fear of him changing his mind in the last minute. I need Aang, but the world needs him more. Then when it was Aangs turn to speak, he simply asked me what would happen if he never came back. I didn't want to think about it, though it was possible, but before I could finish comforting him, he kissed me. I looked away and tried to hide my blush, in an attempt not to make it obvious how I feel; and then he just flew off on his glider without a word.' " Sokka licked his finger then turned the page, " 'I know Aang likes me, I heard him say it when Aunt Wu was giving the cloud fortunes,' " A saddened look came accross Sokka's face," 'but for both of our sake, I had to pretend not to hear him. I can't allow myself to get too attached, because, although it's hard to think about, If he dies, I can't allow myself to get too attached.' "
"She says that like he's a pet," Zuko interrupted.
"Hey! Don't interrupt! This is story time!" Sokka continued, " 'And Aang can't afford any distractions, And that includes me.' " Sokka closed the book and sighed. "So what now?"
"Well, the entry was fine before you turned the page, so maybe we should stick the pages together so Aang won't read that part," Zuko suggested.
"You still want to go through with it?" Sokka inquired.
Zuko sighed, "Look, if I go on trying to teach Aang firebending, he won't be brave enough to give the fire a little more juice, and his chances of defeating the fire lord are slimmer. But, If we go on with the plan, Aang will be aware of Katara's feelings, and he will be a little more courageous, and his firebending will improve. The worst that can happen is that Katara will tell him what we just read."
Sokka sighed, "I guess you're right. But this better work, Zuko."
"It will." Zuko assured him.
"So now what?" Sokka asked.
"We move on to part 'B'." Zuko replied. Then the two ran off, Diary in hand, to move on to the next stage of the devised plan.
Okie Dokie. That's all.I decided not to put a random note in the middle of the chapter, it'll ruin the illusion. Oh, I know you are disappointed, But I'll be back. Maybe sooner than you think...hmmm... R&R!!